Re: Lies
flushd wrote:The heart of it is that someone who I trusted and thought I knew turned out to be a scuz. The level of lies is staggering. Honestly I've been in shock these first few days. It feels like the world has been turned upside down.
I've been lied to so that this person could get what they wanted at my expense. And the expense has been putting my safety at risk, my heart through the grinder, and screwing with my reality. Black has been called white: and I believed it.
The lies go back years! I don't know what is what any more.
flushd, I can hear your pain, hurt & confusion & can relate to it.
This has happened to me.
It can be devastating when a loved & trusted person totally betrays one's trust so badly.
It can leave you feeling stupid, naive & gullible. How come you never
knew this person was like this? Was it obvious to everyone else? How could you ever have be so stupid, so trusting, as to assume you knew who they really
were all this time?
But you see, the "problem" is not with you at all. Why should you
not believe someone you've known & loved for a long time? Why should you not be the generous, trusting person that you are? The problem is with the
other & their secret agenda which they share with no one but themselves. It is a lonely, cold & desperate place, where this person really is.
You have had a huge misfortune in knowing & trusting this person for so long. And you will learn from this experience after you recover from the hurt & upset. But, trust me, you are a much more fortunate than they are. You, in the long track, will be able to look yourself in the face & know that you are a person of integrity & have
behaved with integrity. They won't. They could come to sorely regret their betrayal (& loss?) of your trust. Down the track it
matters how you've gone about living your life.