parados wrote:How do you know the students were Christians? They could have been Jewish, atheist or even Sunni Muslim for all you know. It only sounds like hate because you are making up facts that don't exist.
Tennessee hate laws require they be selected as a victim for belonging to a group. The confrontation prior to the attack pretty much negates any selection of the victimes based solely on religion.
Did you miss the part where I said I don't think this does fall under the definition of a hate crime? Because I really don't think it does. It matters little to me why the cab driver tried to run them over, or whether they were Christians, Jews, atheist or whatever. My point is that any hate law is an idiotic law for just the reason that this post was started. It is difficult to determine in most cases, what was going through the criminal's mind when he did what he did. When the people left his cab, did the driver think to himself, "Gosh, I hate them dang blasted (Christians, atheists, Jews, whatever). I think I'm gonna kill me a few." If he did, then an argument can be made for a hate crime. Or did he just say, "I'm so mad at them for questioning me that I'm gonna teach them a lesson." No hate crime there, just one idiot who deserves to be locked away.
With hate crime laws, in many cases, we are asking the courts to read a person's mind, and I don't like that at all. Murder is murder, beating someone is beating someone. Each should be equally punished, regardless of whether it was done out of "hate" or just because.