inability to burp

Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 07:05 am
hi caribou!

you might not check this website anymore... hopefully you ll get an email and you will!

Thanks to your post here I now know that a guy named John knows a doctor who could bring a solution to the burping problem I am trying to fix... however, I went through the entore forum (the linked you sent is accurate) but have not been able to find this particular post... I was wondering if you could help me get in touch with this guy...

thanks a lot!
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Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2012 05:36 am
Hi there , my daughter suffers from this , the doctors are trying to find out the cause it is driving her mad , I thought she was the only 1 . I hope they hurry up and help her . Good luck to u to
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Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2012 10:06 am
I can't burp like other people so my burps are quiet and small but lately I been burping half of the air I feel it's coming up and the other half goes back down and then I get this bad pain on my right side of the chest like if it's in one of my blood artery and it won't go away after a while... I don't know if this happens to you guys but now I'm starting to worry and wonder why my right side of the chest hurts? I'm 26 years old and the pains started happening around a year ago... What should I do? Is anyone going through the same pain?
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Reply Thu 27 Sep, 2012 07:02 am
I experience the same pain as many here experienced. But I think I can burp normally in normal conditions. Only when I am under stress, I start to have large amount of gas build up (with or without eating large amount of food) and then I, sometimes, can't burp them out. I remember about 15 years ago, after drink a can of coke, I feel so many gas inside but can't burp. The situation last at least more than 30 minutes and getting worse and worse. I felt my chest was about to explode and I was about to have a heart attact. But eventually, I had a big burp and all gas were released and I was back to normal the next minute.

I have two observations: (1). gas seems like to build up if I am under stress or eat too much. (2). If I feel I will have hard time to burp, then I may indeed to have hard time to burp. Therefore, this gas/burp problem seems have a lot to do with my on fear in my mind. If I keep think about it, things are getting worse. But the problem is that if I have the gas/burp problem, my mind can't get away from it.

Thanks for all your sharing. Knowing that I am not the only person who suffer this certainly bring me many comforts. I don't understand why, but I believe gas build up inside is our body's re-action to stress.
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Reply Thu 4 Oct, 2012 03:36 am
Hi everyone,

I have this exact same problem and am a little relieved to know am not the only one. None of my friends or anyone else I know seems to have it. The symptom is exactly the same. On some days after lunch generally, the gas starts coming up my throat with a gurgling sound. This also happens to me after playing some games like basketball or swimming. There is no release for this gas. If it becomes too much, I end up vomitting and all the gas comes out. The doctor diagonosed me with Aerophagia - swallowing air into the digestive system. But he did not write any tablets. He thought it was because of anxiety and gave me sleeping tablets!!
The only solution which seems to work for me, is to lie down flat on my back for 20-30 minutes. Then the gas goes into the intestines and comes out the opposite end. Another doc I went to diaganosed me with GERD and wrote tablets for that. That never helped. I read the posts and saw that Rolaids multi symptom and Gas-X relieves these symptoms. Did these work for you? How long does it take to get relief from these symptoms after eating the tablet? Do you eat it before/after meals? I presume these are tablets in the USA. I live in India. So, can you give the chemical formula for this? I want a tablet which I can pop to alleviate these symptoms....
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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2012 11:09 pm
I had this same problem for many years. When I was 26, I could have counted the times I burped on one hand. I also never vomited. It was like my body didn't know how to burp. That all changed when I began to fly (for the USAF). It seems as though the pressure differences along with the yanking and banking of the aircraft forced my body to burp. Once it "learned how" to burp, my burping became normal, and I learned to finally enjoy beer.

Good luck all...you may want to try to get your pilot's license!
Robert Gentel
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2012 11:29 pm
Same here. Till a few years ago I just rarely if ever burped. Then on e day I "learned" to burp and haven't forgotten since.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2013 06:54 pm
I don't know if it's too late for any of you to see my post, but I had this exact same problem for the first 24 years of my life. I had gurgling after every meal, I hardly ever burped and when I did it was quiet, and always a surprise, and I would sometimes be incapacitated for 2 or 3 days without anything really able to help. Then about 2 years ago, I came up with this exercise and in about 5 weeks I was totally "cured", and have not had an issue with it since. I recently sent an email to someone describing this whole thing and I'll post it below. I hope this helps everyone! If anyone wants to contact me directly with any questions, my email is [email protected].


First I'll explain sort of how I came up with the exercise, and then I think it'll be easier for you to try. After an episode of the gurgling and what not, I began thinking that it was strange that my body was physically capable of making a "burp" sound, and yet I was not able to actually burp. So then I began thinking, maybe there is something about that "burp" sound, that even if I couldn't actually burp, maybe just "faking" it would provide some relief. That night after I ate dinner, I began getting mild gurgling, and so I decided to try out my theory. As I felt a gurgle moving up my throat, I began mocking the burp sound (which sounded a lot like the "red-rum" sound the kid makes in the Shining movie, if you've ever seen it-here's a link if you haven't: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iwK2jwqFfk - sorry if you don't like scary movies). Anyway, my fake burp sound was similar to that, and as I made it, I would try "following" the gurgle up while contracting my stomach muscles, as if to push the gurgle up. Initially, I was hopeful, because it seemed to provide a little bit of relief, and I figured, if I did it every time I had a gurgle, it would prevent severe discomfort in the long run, and unless someone was really paying attention, it would be hard to tell I wasn't actually burping. But then, around the 5th or 6th time I was doing it, the "red-rum" noise led right into a burp! And so I continued trying to lead the gurgles with the "redrum" noise while following it up my throat with a stomach contraction, every 6 or 7 tries, I'd get a small burp.

So I continued doing this every time I ate, or felt a gurgle, trying each time to open my throat more and more, and constantly trying to get it more relaxed. And as the days went by, I was consistently getting burps more and more often, until I could get a burp almost every time I did the "red-rum" followed by the muscle contraction. Then as I became more consistent, the lead in for the "red-rum" nose became shorter and shorter before I got the burp, until after about 5 weeks, I didn't need any lead in at all. And now, almost 2 years out, I burp totally normally, as if I never had an issue with it, even though it was a constant problem I dealt with almost every time I ate anything, for the first 24 years of my life. It's even to a point now, where sometimes people get annoyed by my burping, but I never apologize for doing it, because they don't know how terrible it is if you can't burp.

Anyway, if none of that makes any sense, maybe we could try skype or something and I could show you the exercise. I've since explained the exercise to a handful of friends that I discovered had the same problem, and every one of them is "cured." My theory is that our condition probably stemmed from a strong aversion to throwing up when we were little kids, and since burping feels very similar to throwing up, we got very good at holding everything down, and never developing the "burp reflex." I feel very bad for Julia, on youtube, for having to go through so many tests and taking so much medication, for something I believe can be fixed, very easily, naturally, and painlessly.

I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me. Let me know how everything goes. Remember, "redrum" as you feel a gurgle moving up, follow it with a stomach muscle contraction to "push it out", and focus on opening your throat as much as possible, while relaxing it as much as possible when making the "red-rum" sound; and it seems to take at least 5 weeks to become a natural reflex, so don't get impatient if you're not having a lot of success initially. Good luck!

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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 12:00 am
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 05:40 am
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 05:41 am
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 06:40 am
Please add me to the non-burpers club. I have the exact same problem and symptoms described by so many on this thread. I have had this problem for last 10 years now. I'm male and 36 now. I have seen so many doctors, and gone through all kinds of tests, but nothing ever helped. The doctor were not even patient enough to listen to my problem. Most diagnosed it as GERD or anxiety-induced acidity. Their usual treatment would be do hand me some kind of antacids, but antacids almost always made the symptoms worse.

I'm having this problem as I type this message. I Googled for "I cannot burp" and came across this thread. To say that I'm relieved or glad to discover this thread would be an understatement. I cannot quite describe how I feel to know that I'm not alone in this. God bless the person who started this thread. Even though there is not cure for this problem yet, at least there's some hope.

My technique to relieve the problem has also been described by many others. Basically, I go to the bathroom and try to cough loudly as if to "throw up". In that process, initially all that will come out is saliva, but eventually I'll get a loud burst of gas will also come out. After 2-3 such bursts, I'm back to normal. The process is really painful and my eyes start to water when I do this. I feel as if needles are being pierced all over my body. It saps me of all my energy for a while, but after about 5 minutes, I feel really relieved and get back to normal.

The problem happens when I take soft / carbonated drinks, or high-acidity drinks like lime or orange juice, or stomach full of food. Therefore, I usually take smaller meals and leave some room inside my stomach. The type of food also matters.


I read the technique that you described above, and found it very interesting. However, after 3-4 tries of "red rum", I start to cough up, and what I get is saliva, not a burp. My eyes also start to water in the process. Did you have the same symptoms initially? Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with others.

I hope the medical community takes notice of this problem. It's high time that they start to do more research into this area.

Thanks everyone. I hope we all will be relieved of this suffering some day.

- Harry
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Reply Fri 22 Mar, 2013 01:00 am
This is so weird, I'm 15 and I also can't burp, no matter how much I've tried.
Although I don't experience any of the problems as others have mentioned, I eat perfectly fine and I don't feel any discomfort or bloating, just the inability to burp like everyone else.........................
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Reply Mon 10 Jun, 2013 11:08 pm
AHH my people! I am 26 and can also count on one hand how many times I've burped in my life. The worst is when people don't believe you . I get the little throat gurgle, but more than that I get REALLY BLOATED, painfully bloated . I am 5'3 and 120 lbs (very fit and active) and the bloating I get makes me appear to be 7 months pregnant. Newcomers think its funny and cute, but I've been dealing with this since I was 19, and I will tell you, its not funny or cute. It's extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing. It seems the only relief for my bloating is to pass gas, which can take over an hour. I am miserable and desperate for a medical professional to diagnose this issue and present a solution. I have been to several western medicine doctors who scratch their heads. The only solution I have found is taking Standard Processing supplements from my natural path doctor. Basically a bunch of different herbs that he prescribes me for a "parasite" he believes I have. Sometimes I think he's full of it, but hey, when I'm on the supplements, I'm doing great. Only problem is I dont want to be on them the rest of my life ($$$) and it's hard to believe the "parasite" never goes away.
Best of luck to my fellow nonburpers, strength in numbers!!
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Reply Mon 10 Jun, 2013 11:20 pm
why would several random people waste their time googling and reporting such odd conditions that "don't exist" ? I'm curious as to how you found this minuscule little thread on the vast world wide web and felt inclined to comment if you are not one of us liars? I am a full time PhD candidate and educator, the "nothing better to do" remark is the farthest thing from the truth.
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Reply Tue 18 Jun, 2013 10:30 am
@amy may louise,
Hahahaaa I have just been trying to force myself to burp all night since my dinner, have been googling my symptoms in the meantime and found this amazing thread and it's now 2.20am and reading your post just cracked me up, I feel your pain I've been doing the same thing as you all night lol. Finally people who understand! Smile
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Reply Tue 23 Jul, 2013 04:04 am
How about taking simethicone? It is supposed to be helping the gas to lump together and then might be easier to belch. I tried it once and it took a while but it kinda worked, well for me at least.
the gas man73
Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 12:59 pm
I have the same problem....I just turned 40 years old this past April...I burp once or twice a year, by mistake...and it is only ever a tiny little burp...but as I've seen others post, IT IS LIKE "WINNING THE LOTTERY!"
I can remember being 5 years old and kids in my primary class laughing at the gurgling sound, at first....it would be right after lunch, and it would be silent reading time...and eventually the humor turned to annoyance...Even the teacher got upset...they thought I was in control of it and thoughtmI was just being defiant, and I ended up in detention and eventually suspended a few times...
My mother claims that I was easy to burp as a baby..but she also bragged about me eating solid food at a very early stage....could eating solid food too early be the cause of this problem?

I feel better knowing that I am not alone with this issue...but 40 years of having gas still sucks!
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the gas man73
Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 01:07 pm
Oval or gasx is just a temporary relief...not even sure if it actually does anything...I take it a lot, and the time it takes to be active, I've usually passed the gas the "other" way...
My father used to give me baking soda and warm water...which just made the gas that much worse....people that can burp don't really understand...its ridiculous that there are so many people living with the same problem, but nothing is done...
Sometimes I worry about "spontaneous combustion." It is, after all, a build up of methane gas, once it passes into your intestines...
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Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2013 07:19 pm
/it might have something to do with your gallbladder
My friend had the same symptoms and turns out they had gallballader slush
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