material girl wrote:My close friend still hasnt given me details of her weekend so my minds working overtime about the amount of fun that occured.
Why think about this? Why not make your own fun? I know you are tired of doing things by yourself, but you can choose to sit around and mope, or you can choose to be proactive. Why didn't you just call your friends that night, and say, "Hey, what's going on for tonight? I'd love to see you guys!"
I always invite myself along places If I want to go out, I call up my friends, and say exactly what I said above!
Are you in a city? I know by me (in DC) there are lots of social clubs, groups, where you get together with a bunch of people and do different activities, such as bowling, dinner, drinks, whatever- they sound fun, and they exist because there are so many people just trying to meet friends.
Get involved in something! I agree that volunteering is a GREAT way to meet people! I've met a lot of people the same way. And if you want to meet people, don't take a computer class! You won't talk to anyone! Take a cooking class, or an acting class- something that encourages social interaction.