You know, you could just get one of these to be the Alfa...

This is the kind of Dog (English Mastiff) that hunts smaller critters for fun... like Wolves.
After reading about them in the Vampire Lestat, I figured I should pick up a couple of them to watch the house. They only get to be around 350 lbs or so, so I figured what the heck.
I stopped at my Dad's house, and he introduced me to the one animal that I knew for sure could match the security prowess of 2 Mastiffs; a Tibetan Dragon.

Apparently in ancient paintings, two of these beasts were always depicted at the Tibetan God, Manzuri(?)'s feet. In the case of a death they would come together to form a two headed dragon that would act as steed for the God on his journey to take the lost soul to where he was to be reborn. Once the work was done, they would separate back into two mighty beasts and return to Manzuri's feet.
As the story goes, he was the 8th generation smuggled out of a Tibetan monastery where they had spent centuries recreating the powerful breed. Non shedding human like hair, a curved spine, pronounced under bite, almost completely silent and they even managed to breed into them a liking to hang out at your feet. He was a wonderful companion; though at $425 a pound he was a bit steep. I just couldn't get over how energetic, yet utterly silent he was (unless, of course, there was a knock on the door... or trouble in the air.

) Pity the fool who stepped in unannounced.

Now try not to be scared... it's only a picture... and he's not crushing me as bad as it looks...
Meet Drago...
3.5 pounds of pure pain.