OCCOM BILL you are soooo funny. All I can say is have you heard of paybacks?
You also forgot the darlin part.

Just think paybacks. It will haunt you. I would not be surprised if you did not have a nightmare tonight.
Well, ya gotchyerself a pup with a habit. Since its a habit, you gotta break the habit chain if you want the behavior to stop. That's the tricky part.
The licking behavior is natural - an instinct thing - which means a few different things to a dog, and which manifests differently in different dogs; some hardly do it at all past puppyhood, and some get downright obsessive about it. First, understand that licking of the sort you describe is an attention thing that mostly means "I'm here - feed me or play with me".
I'd say odds are good some behavior on your part encourages the licking - something like giggling or other high-pitched "happy noises", twisting about and presenting new licking surfaces, reasonably gentle pushing and tugging, grasping and cuddling, that sorta thing, all of which serves to reward and encourage the licking behavior; if that's what you're doing, you're doing exactly what the pup wants you to do. The pup is exerting dominance over you, imposing its terms, and that ain't cool, whether the pup weighs 16 pounds or 160 pounds.
A sidebar - many housepet pups are bored; they really don't have a lot to do. Plenty of excercize, like regular AM and PM walks with plenty of opportunity to sniff and explore, often does wonders for a pup with behavior issues. Not only does it burn off energy, the routine gives the pup something to anticipate, look forward to, and pups are real big on both routine and anticipation (provided the anticipation is met as expected - routine, remember).
So - to break the chain, remove the reward. Issue a sharp vocal reprimand (and use the same command every time - something like a stern "ENOUGH!" OR "STOP! usually works pretty well), immediately physically remove the pup from contact with you (put it on the floor, for instance), then give the pup something else to do - give it a toy to play with (roll a ball, toss it a scrap of cloth or some sorta chew thing), or take it for a walk, and follow through with a bit of non-licking play ... every time. Consistency is the key. Gotta do the same thing every time lots and lots of times over a fair amount of time ... days at least, more likely weeks, mebbe months. Be firm, be consistent, be the pack leader, set and enforce your terms. Time after time after time. Be firm, not angry, and above all else be consistent.
Now, licking some is OK, on YOUR terms, not the pup's and the pup hasta be made to understand that, too. A command like "Kisses" or"Gimme a kiss" or something of the sort can mean YOU want kisses. Make a game of that too - give the pup a few minutes of kissy play complete with squirming, physical play, and happy noises, that sorta stuff, but then, when you've had enough, less sternly, but firmly, use the "Enough" command and routine to bring the kissy session to a close - on your terms. Do that mebbe a couple times a few hours apart every other day or so. Again, be consistent, be the pack leader, set and enforce your terms.
The pup ain't likely to get it by next tuesday, but if you don't get on on it, the pup never will get it. Get on it, be diligent, and in a few weeks or so, the pup will have it down.
Deep lower voice works better than loud high voice....
timber wrote:Issue a sharp vocal reprimand (and use the same command every time - something like a stern "ENOUGH!" OR "STOP! usually works pretty well),
The public has alread said that, timber, as well as the majority of Congress, but Bush is still not willing to listen. He is- wait a minute... wrong thread.... I'll get back to you.
caribou wrote:Deep lower voice works better than loud high voice....
For reprimands, commands, and attention-getting, yeah. For play & reward, higher pitches/softer tones work better. Watch a mother dog with puppies, or watch a pack of several dogs playing among one another - gruff, low tones mean "Pay attention", softer, higher tones are "fun" sounds.
Uh you guys did you read from the beginning. She does it when I am sleeping. So your suggestions may be difficult. If I am awake she does not do it because I will not let her.
timberlandko that is exactly my word to her when I am awake "enough" then she will listen. Like I said she is smart.
I am sleeping though is the problem.
She's figured out that you're easy when you're asleep - break the chain. Tough on you for a while, yeah, but its the deal. Your other options are to cage the pup while you sleep, or put a door between you and the pup. Immediately effective, as long as you put the cage where the pup's complaining isn't gonna bother you, or the door is thick and a few rooms away.
timberlandko wrote:caribou wrote:Deep lower voice works better than loud high voice....
For reprimands, commands, and attention-getting, yeah. For play & reward, higher pitches/softer tones work better. Watch a mother dog with puppies, or watch a pack of several dogs playing among one another - gruff, low tones mean "Pay attention", softer, higher tones are "fun" sounds.
Yes, I agree with you. You say good things. I was only adding the deep voice bit, because I have seen too many people that get louder and higher pitched when giving commands, especially when the dog isn't responding.... Some people don't realize what their voice is saying...
timberlandko wrote:She's figured out that you're easy when you're asleep - break the chain. Tough on you for a while, yeah, but its the deal. Your other options are to cage the pup while you sleep, or put a door between you and the pup. Immediately effective, as long as you put the cage where the pup's complaining isn't gonna bother you, or the door is thick and a few rooms away.
At first I thought by saying break the chain you were going to say stop sleeping.
Oh great I am easy when asleep. I hope gus does not see this or OCCOM BILL.
Chances are they know already
Sounds like you speak dog pretty well, caribou - and as you mention, most humans don't. Good for you - any pups in your pack are lucky to have you for pack leader.
Anyhow, back to the licking thing -
Here's a pretty good article dealing with the issue.
Caribou I read what you said too so thank you. It sounds like I have to put her away when I sleep. I think that is the best solution. I still wonder what I taste like to an animal that could possibly be appealing. People do not lick me.
CalamityJane wrote:Chances are they know already

You did not tell them did you? Sshh maybe they do not.
Well, you should be lucky to not have another lickaholic in your
family, tth...
timberlandko wrote:Sounds like you speak dog pretty well, caribou - and as you mention, most humans don't. Good for you - any pups in your pack are lucky to have you for pack leader.
Anyhow, back to the licking thing -
Here's a pretty good article dealing with the issue.
Thanks to both of you. I really did research it but was not having luck. Maybe I need to work on my research skills. Thanks, another thing to add to my to do list.
Seriously, thank you all. This has helped a lot and I appreciate your help.
If one of you has the ability to consider the subject resolved and list that I would appreciate it. Last time I looked it said to do that but I cannot do that.
I gather a moderator has to do it. It did not say in the help section how to do it except to do it. So, if I am suppose to contact the support through a ticket I do not know.
tryingtohelp wrote: People do not lick me.
First no terms of endearment, now this?
