Sun 28 Jan, 2007 06:41 pm
She Claims Clinic Didn't Ask for Identification of Proof of Age
The pros and cons of all this drive to birthing yourself interests me somewhat, but more immediately, can you not tell a 55 year old from a 66 year old? Perhaps the initial young person at the desk can't, but all the way along the line?
Some people do have a gift of looking younger than they are, especially with the added gifts of hair dyes, plastic surgery and liposuction. From what I can tell this woman is more concerned with her appearance and looking young than she is about anything else....and that includes the children she had. Proof of that was with her overriding concern about the C-Section scar and not wanting it to interfere with wearing a bikini.
I also adore her comment that she wants to find a younger husband now to help raise the boys. If she is too old and feeble to raise them on her own for the next several years then she shouldn't be having them. And isn't it interesting how she is looking for a younger husband...perhaps she will lie to him as well, except for him she will reduce her age even further and claim to be only 50.
Although not common, I think some people in their late 60's could pass for mid 50's. Especially, as Sturgis said, with the dyes, cosmetic surgery, etc.
Some people just have good genes also.
I'll bet she provided fake ID. Easy enough to come by.
I wonder if anyone has a picture of her?
I'd guess that it's just plausible deniability on the part of the doctor. (Even if it's rather implausible.) He wants the money without being accused of acting inethically. ("What? She TOLD me she was under the age limit...")