Can I sign back up for a monthly contribution?
I would certainly be in. As I recall, my credit card would get hit once a quarter for a contribution via PayPal.
The 1st fund-raiser came after prolonged discussion about whether contributors would be perceived as being "more important" than those who didn't give. I thought we had resolved that but then we got, briefly, this "subscriber status" thing where you could, I believe, see who were in that class. And I think there was some sort of chat room available only to subscribers. I may be wrong about all of that.
Anyway, I think contributors should get nothing extra. I could use a new A2K cap, though.
I would suggest that A2K accept one time contributions and also regularly recurring donations such as Shewolfnm just suggested.
Be happy to contribute as before, Craven, but since I don't do business on the web, could I do the check thing again?
Glad a2k is back. Thanks, Craven, for the explanation. Wish I could contribute, but it's not possible.
I'm not fussed re subscribing again, or doing a one off donation, whatever suits.
Means I have to work out Pay Pal's damned new requirements is all.
I was ignoring them.
I'm totally up for monthly donations again. At 10 bucks per month, it wouldn't cost much and we wouldn't need many of us to pay for the extra RAM.
I'm in - just say the word.
I never wavered in my faith in Craven. Some members did (I won't list Kicky and the others, for fear of retaliation). I will seek to contribute in the near future.
I don't mind paying a little something ... after all, it wouldn't take long to reach Craven's goal if everyone kicked in a few bucks according to their individual means.
(Rather not add PayPal to the list of things I must learn about, though.)
At another site that I visit, the owner (? is that the right word?) simply provided an address for cheques -- banks will accept any currency -- and then told us when to stop sending them. The goal was met very quickly. No stigma attached to anyone who could not pay, no fuss. Then he provided a simple accounting of the total he received and how he was spending it. Operated on trust, and we were fine with that.
Although "each according to his/her means" may be a little socialistic to some on this site. :wink:
we would only need 20 people at 10.00 a month to cover the 200 extra he needs.
well 19 more people. Im absolutely in for 10.00 a month for a long time.
Wait a minute, new car? What kind? Just joking :wink: I want a whole bunch of benefits, I want it all. Joking again. Thanks for explaining things and could you give us some options on the payment (contribution) whatever you want to call it please. I would be happy to help.
Trying and others - those who've been around here, not by virtue of our virtue, but just by landing hear early and sticking around - know that cdk is quite loathe to want the site to be other than free, and we respect that.
Still, a bunch of us subscribed for a while and would again and it looks like you would too, all good (I'm guessing).
Yes, I would ossobuco. I think this site has a lot to offer.
Well, now the truth comes out. It's all kickycan's fault.
Craven should send the bill directly to kicky. :wink:
It would be very easy to contribute through paypal. IF Craven
has an account there, we just send whatever amount someone
feels comfortable with resp. is inclined to do so.
Count me in for a one-time donation (no can do monthly, though).
All I'm waiting for is directions. How do we contribute?
Please send all donations to:
Gustav Ratzenhofer
Rt. 2 Box 311
Koshkonong, Missouri 65692
I will then see that the money is directed towards Craven.
Thank you all in advance. Together.... we can do this.