cjhsa wrote:Ask any cop in any major U.S. city who the biggest, most problematic gangs are. If any of those you posted are mentioned, I'd be floored.
Then you had better talk wth my step dad and learn the truth. He worked undercover for ATF and the Secret Service infiltrating white supremacists in the north west.
he was the first law enforcement agent to interview the white supremicists who murdered allen berg.
street gangs are not even close to what has been done by white separatists
while a Crip member might sport a mac 10 and terrorize a couple of blocks in the hood, those in the Order robbed banks in a dozen states murdering for millions and had 50 caliber machine guns, bazookas and enough small arms to start a war in Africa.
snood, the problem is "whitie" setting black against brown to keep the coloreds down. its not actually racial based because it stems from economics.
a century ago the robber barons in the coal fields of pennsylvania used italians as scabs to break the irish unions, and in the meat packing plants in chicago pitted poles against hungarians.
watch "matwan" the best movie i know of about labor strife.
just like in baghdad, give people economic opportunities and they will lay down their guns