old europe wrote :
Quote:hamburger wrote:
"what youtube CONVENIENTLY forgot to mention "
oe wrote :
Well, to be fair, that wasn't youtube, that was the author, director and producer of that video clip, Stuart E. Browning. He's also behind the "Free Market Cure" series. "Free Market Cure" is purportedly "dedicated to correctly diagnosing the problems with the U.S. health care system" - but doesn't really offer any possible improvements to the system and limits itself instead to bashing mostly the Canadian system.
you are absolutely correct , old europe !
i should have probably said :
"what the SPEAKER on youtube forgot conveniently to mention" .
some points i might add :
imo what the report on youtube actually shows , is what happens when a conservative government almost succeeds in gutting a public health care system by trying to starve it to death .
unfortunately , they might still succeed because people often have a short memory and don't realize that consequences being suffered today are a result of that "common sense revolution" .
the federal (conservative) government however has stated that they are commited to a public health health care system .
i think an interesting point is that the ontario health care sytem was actually started under a CONSERVATIVE government !
those were the RED TORIES ! i think it's somewhat unique to canada that we have RED TORIES (officially called "progressive conservatives") and OTHER conservatives - they have a tendency to come together at times and go their separate ways at other times ! (WE ARE CANADIANS ; WE LIKE TO BE UNIQUE !

initial credit for starting a PROVINCIAL health care system goes to a firebrand BAPTIST PREACHER and provincial premier of saskatchewan - TOMMY DOUGLAS ! .
he had witnessed the devastion that the depression had brought to the peoples of the prairies and was determined to bring universal health care to them and reduce their suffering .
btw he was voted THE GREATEST CANADIAN in 2004 - even though he was rather small in stature !
getting back to the youtube report : imo it is almost criminal to shamelessly misuse the misfortune that befell this couple and present it as a failing of universal health care !
as i said : it was the deliberate gutting of the system by a conservative government that caused the crisis .
a premier comparing health-workers in our hospitals to workers in a hoola-hoop factory shows the crudeness and uncaring manner of (former) premier harris .
'nuff said ! (for now anyway :wink: )