Yes I noticed the whisker thing a while back but didn't want to say anything. Didn't want to give Rocky a complex about his looks ....
He arrived here that way - could be, it was a reaction when being turned headwards down on the flight to Australia and shortly back again. :wink:
I'm getting a little concerned. Has anybody seen or heard from our world traveler lately?
I hear via the local grapevine that she mailed it Saturday. Should be here SOON.
Glad he's not lost, but it does kind of sound like he's reduced to traveling steerage.
I got a bit scared when I read
this yesterday, but it seems to have been someone else :wink:
Who's she?
The cat's Mother? (As my Mum used to say)
I can assure you that Rocky is on his way, I sent him 'AIRSURE' paid extra for it!
Sarah AKA smorgs
It takes about a week from Germany to USA - I don't suppose, it's much faster from the UK.
It's making me worried for Rock's welfare...
I don't want to be the broken link in the chain, and I have sent it 'Airsure' so I have the receipt. I'll see if I can track him on-line.
Trouble is, I will be off-line for at least two weeks due to the move, and I'm on holiday from work so won't have access to PC unless I manage to get to an Internet cafe, in between, moving, painting, papering, cleaning, unpacking, laying carpets... and all the lovely things associated with a house move.
I will leave my mobile number with a few UK/A2K'ers to text me when he arrives.
I'm not worried yet, give it more time...
Smorgs, you can send me the tracking thingamabobbie via PM if you'd like, and I'll follow up if need be and you don't have to think about it anymore. Seems to all be quite within the realm of normal to me, though, and I've noticed the mail seems a bit slower here with the weather we've had (lots of winter storms/ snow.)
I remember reading that hundreds of flights were cancelled or diverted because of the weather--and the air freight inside the planes is undoubtedly delayed.
Oh, too bad i didn't find this sooner. Could've shown Rocky some good time in India, Thailand and Cambodia. But I just came back. I have friends there though... Mail service is highly untrustable though, half the things never arrive. I hope Rocky is safe. Certified mail is usually fine anywhere though.
Hi there dagmaraka,
Once Rocky's seen safely home we'll be doing a part two for sozlet, with one of her stuffed animals, you're more than welcome to be part of that! When do you next go gallivanting off, and where to? (Note assumption that you will be...)
I've send a broschure by normal post to the USA the Monday after smorgs posted Rocky - it arrived this weekend.
Get a cd by normal post from the USA today - took three days longer, but came from snowed Iowa.
Hey Soz,
In May and June I should be going to India (various parts), Cambodia, Thailand and Amsterdam. Maybe even Slovakia if my boss lets me go for a few days. Wanna send some stuffed individual with me? I could even adopt one (well, buy it from a store) in Delhi or wherever, start it on a trip with me, and then send it to you when I'm back.
Walter, the bottleneck seems to be which distribution center the mail is routed throiugh. For example, Albuquerque is fast and Phoenix is very slow. Time involved in transiting the North Atlantic is probably the quickest part of the trip.
Wow, dag, that would be so great!
By the way, the stuffed individual will be... a hamster. I mean, small, rodenty, A2K? I realized there was only one choice.
Penny (sozlet's name for her) arrived a couple of weeks ago and has been making herself at home. She's pretty darn cute.
I'll plan on sending her your way before May. I'll be setting up a webpage to track her travels. Hope for her trip to be under a year total but part of the idea is to be more laid-back about deadlines, so while sozlet will miss her, Penny can take her time.
But first, want to get things finalized with Rocky. Still not worried by the way; it's been only a week, plus a Sunday and a holiday (today is President's Day in the U.S.)