I LOVE Dalmatians - I have one now, had two up to this summer when Bakker died.
Had one before that.
They are surely the most headstrong and stubborn dog around but once they love you..... they love you to the ends of the earth.
You just have to show them who is boss.
Well, every woman should have an all-consuming hobby.
You're right to an extent.
The poor Dal has a horrid reputation that is only partly (mostly) deserved.
They are bred for one purpose - to be companions to a few select beings; non-human beings for the most part.
But once they adore you -- they adore you and nothing can distract them from their adoration.
I really wasn't looking for another Dal but I came across this half-Dal and.....
I do know that it might not be the best mix for a kid. But man-o-man, if the kid won it over there would never be a better companion.
Most of the Dals you come across are older -- people have given up on them. It is unusual to find a baby -- even a half-Dal baby.
For Mo, it would have to be a baby.
boomer, I was not mocking you at all. I honestly find it terrifying that anyone would be a five year old on that bike.
5 mph is about the fastest I would want to imagine him going.
Whoops, meant to say "that anyone would put a five year old on that bike."
Boomer is a good woman. The Light of Her Life is going round and round the house putt-putt-putt-putt and up and down over bumps and she's smiling.
Can TX and PA triangulate a transmission of suitable horror to OR?
Ohhhhh my.
Thanks girls.
I'm glad to know that the rest of the country is suitably horrorified along with me.
Even with a top speed of, I think, 7 MPH, this outboys the tomboy in me.
Sometimes even hardcore tomboys have to rock back on their heels and admit that there are boy things that they won't ever understand.
I'll go 30 rounds with a half-Dal puppy before I'll have another good night's sleep.....
"I wanna ride my motorcycle."
"When's dad coming home?"
"When's dad coming home?"
"Can we call dad?"
"When are you coming home?"
Maybe Mr. B had a yen to become a stay-at-home dad?
Given my line of work, I know I'm more than normally biased against those little machines, but damn, that's a crazy gift for a little boy.
I'm right there with you eBeth.
Mr. B got his first dirt bike when he was five so he thinks Mo is behind on the dirt bike curve of life.
Mr. B rode his without any protective gear. (That right there might be the problem.) At least he made sure Mo had the latest in safety accessories.
I just thought I would report back....
The cake and ice cream party was a BLAST!
An absolute sugar feast!
Luckily it was a cold, clear day so we just opened the doors and turned everyone loose for a free-for-all scamper of bubble blowing and fire-crackering and tree climbing and running like mad in a huge disorganized mess.
There were a couple of neighborhood kids that we weren't sure could make it and they did. That made it really special.
Mo's grandma P had to manhandle the car repair guys to make it but she did make it. That made it really special.
Everyone had a manic good time. That made it really special.
I will certainly do this kind of non-party, party again!
I'm glad the unparty was a success, boomer.
Did all the kids ooh and aah over the bike?
Manic good time is fun!
Glad the weather co-operated.