eoe wrote:Lord Ellpus wrote:Boomer, just out of interest, do you know where the expression "What a gyp" comes from?
It may be a whole different thing in the USA, but over here, it originated from..........
I'll leave you in suspense for a short while......
I think I do. Is gyp short for Gypsy?
Like I say, you
might have a totally different meaning over there, but here, it originated from Butcher's/Market worker's backslang, ie speaking words backwards, basically to produce a "secret" language.
Here, it means "what a pig!".....gip sounding like the gyp of gypsy.
When I was first learning backslang (1972 ish?), the ancient Butcher who was teaching me, also told me that "Drat" came from and abbreviation of "B*stard" spelt backwards....Dratsab. It just got shortened over time.
I ended up having full, freeflowing conversations in backslang, and the customers had absolutely no idea what we were going on about.
Sorry for the digression.
You can carry on now.........