I agree, nimh - I left my first husband and about two months later he confessed to an affair while we were together - I didn't actually care and didn't want to know with whom, but he told me anyway. I was flabbergasted
BUT, another friend of ours suggested it was happening (she didn't know the woman, she just picked this all up from my ex) - boy, she was good!
I haven't read all the responses here, but would you tell someone if you knew the spouse was cheating? Would it matter if you were friends with the cheating spouse or the aggrieved party? Do you think you're obligated to tell a friend?
I think I would begin like this:
So, would you want to know if your husband/wife were cheating on you?
Okay then, blah blah
Yeah, me either.
Personally, I woulod not like to be told. If I found out, that'd be another matter, but really, I'm a believer in what you don't know won't hurt you, and ignorance is bliss
So, if you guys ever suspect anything, just keep it to yourselves, ok?