cjhsa wrote:Having a liberal blowhard nutcase call me a racist is a compliment. Thanks.
Stock market begins to tank during the first week of Dem control. To be expected. Yesterday - down 82 points.
Which goes to show even a liberal blowhard nutcase recognizes the vicious racism, sexism, and moronic stupidity that spews from your ignorant mouth.
Like most fearful white guys with ED you just can't imagine living and more importantly, competing in a world where blacks and women are treated fairly. Unaccomplished white guys like you need all the advantages your fat asses can accrue and resist any leveling of the field, because you know in your own heart that in a fair race you'll fall down on your face.
btw, only a retard or yet another Republican moron points to the Dow on a single Friday (when it normally drops compared to the rest of the week), in attempt to make a political point. From January, 1993 to january 2001 until January, 2001 when he left office the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) rose from 3310.00 to 10,887.36, a total of 229%.
And under George Bush and the Republican Congress?
It started at 10,887.36 and on November 7 2006 when the idiots you supported in destroying this country were turned out to the streets the Dow was 12,156.77.
And reflecting the national mood of throwing off the yoke of an incompetent Republican Congress and electing a Democratic Congress, the Dow that day rose 52 points.
That reflects a 18.7% increase of the Dow under Bush and his congressional lackies, over Clinton's DJIA 229% increase.
Mission accomplished, there son?
For that you castigate Democrats and praise the GOP as the Second Coming? What's next, you'll smear dog $hit all over your forehead to protect you from Martians reading your mind?
So even using your mentally retarded scale George Bush and the Republican Congress are abject fails, even with their ballyhooed tax cuts.
btw: A 2005 study by four federal reverse board economists failed to find much, if any, imprint of the dividend tax cut on the value of the aggregate stock market. According to a Wall Street Journal article, the study concluded that QUOTE
"Bush's tax cuts were "a dud when it came to boosting the stock market."