seems to me the "compassionate and forgiving god" has always demonstrated a desperate "anxiousness" about the subject of sex; ask virtually any worthy representative, of vitually any flavour........
and, while I'm nosing in here I would like to make an astute philosophical observation: the only difference between an elevator, and a pool, is the nature of the "piped in music"!
scotch and soda, mud in your eye
here's looking at you.....kid
why am i finding it so hard to tell him he's being a horse's patoot? smart people being deliberately obtuse is just soooooooooooooo annoying.
oh dear
remember the babies, rae. and the grand-babies you want to meet.
I remember that feeling, Rae. Sometimes a whiff of smoke is all you need to take the edge off.
this is not meant cynically (in spite of the source) but it must b a beautiful world where that which kills most people, can actually make other's days 'bearable'. :wink:
work work work work work work
What is it with this site and "Pirate-speak". Everywhere I look, people are talking llike pirates!
argh, the lily livered landlubbers . . .
I am thinking "what if?" It scares me and I am not a man who gets scared alot.
I thinking what if a mugger trys it on when I'm parking the car... I'm disabled, do I hit him with my walking stick. Very easy, right between the legs. Or do I say "sure pal" and give him my empty wallet and wave him thru.
I say hit him in the nuts as hard as possible lol
well safecracker, that should bring tears to his legs