Hi Letty! Good to see you.
hi Swimpy- Great to read you
{{{{hugs and hugs Rae}}}} say Hi to misti
Happy Birthday Letty, I did not know it was your birthday, but I guess, like me- you are tired of counting them up.
My old flame?

Hey, theo. I can't even remember my own name.
Lou? Is that really you? How are you?
Yeh, Swimpy, it is really me. I often wonder how all you lovely ladies are. So, I talked to Sue, and began to read some of the conversation here. but I have to say, I have much less chatting time now... very busy with life.
But I want all of you to know I remember you with warm fondness!!
Lou, I'm glad to hear you're doing well. I think of you often.
in the end all this is just intellectual masturbation ...
instant gratification no end product
Oh but NIMH, without dreams, how can we have anything to look forward to? And, sometimes by dreaming, we find a way to make them happen.
I'm in a Thanksgiving mood--grateful for all my friends online and in 'real' life.

Gonna spend Thanksgiving with my grandson. What a switch. Love it!
and Di, you are soooooo right.
Human imagination- the final frontier
nimh, you dear man, and that's what it IS all about.
Yep. Y'all join in:
And dream when the day is through,
Dream and they might come true
Thing's never are as bad as they seem
So, Dream, Dream, Dream.
its 13 degrees, wind is blowing and its snowing, roads are bad and it's supposed to continue until tomorrow but I have to get the nun to the airport in the morning. DOH
how is this dreaming?
this is when you cant dream ...
well, I'm having fun and what else is there but gratification anyway?
Diane, I love your avatar........how appropriate.
never mind me, by the way ... i came across my old abuzz profile today, it made me so sad!
but but but - i finished my work for today after all - draft funding application went to my boss, he can finish it tomorrow ;-)
nimh, What's "draft funding application?"
Moonlight makes me dizzy
Sunlight makes me clean
Your light is the sweetest thing
That this boy has ever seen.
c.i. - we're filing another application for EU funding. Today I revised / extended the first draft he wrote last week (hence "draft funding application") - he'll go over it again tomorrow, next week we'll fill in the details, compile the annexes and get the partners to send in their agreement, all before the Friday deadline. Well, not me, not that last bit, I have to go to Greece on Thursday.
Funding applications are no fun, the verbal diarrhea you have to produce is awful, hence being glad i did my work for today ;-).