In a bad mood today........don't know why. Don't know why, don't know why, but feeling in danger of doing bad things. Maybe I better think about it and gain control of myself...........wouldn't want to be caught being rude. As if......
Anyway, what am I doing here? I'm supposed to be working.......maybe that's why I'm so irratable.
Oh Lola you poor thing you. how would like to come down the pub and get Brahms & Liszt and just tell the boss to take a long walk off a short pier
Well, it's quittin' time, the Boss ain't been here all day, an' i'm agoin' home to listen to Haydn piano sonatas, and slaughter unoffending peasants on my pc . . .
Gosh that Setanta is so MANLY. I bet that Mrs. H. Clinton has him eyed for her running (chase me) mate
Yes, it's true i'm a Manly Man . . .
I no longer take spiritous liquors, Boss . . . but i'm a manly man, nonetheless . . .
i love peanut butter and jam on mushy white bread.
well beth, whatever powers your V8 semi hemi
Setanta, you are one of life's veritable ( whatever that means) heroes
I prefers meatloaf sammiches . . .
if I weren't the boss, I'd love to tell myself to jump in the lake to the tune of lovely music. Unfortunately, self imposed punishment is not flattering and is generally those I consider to be my friends, at least. I do believe I'll take a break from my work and just find a soft shoulder to cry on. You see, I used to have a six pack, but I'm afraid it's quickly turning into a bog of potato chips on a rainy day. Must get myself to the gym.........someday.
i prefer a gyro to a hero, though sometimes it's just called a donair
a meatloaf sandwich sounds good.......I just wish I had someone to fix it for me. Oh well, later I'll go out. Reward myself for all this work (which I obviously am not doing, I'm playing on a2k instead.)
You're the shrink....what's smegging you today?
don't know.......I'm reflecting on it.......I'll soon find my way clear. The art of shrinking doesn't require a perpetual knowledge of internal processes. It's like being a lawyer or a doctor. Training involves learning where and how to look for possible answers. As Billy Crystal kept saying in that otherwise very unfunny movie, Analyze That, "it's a process."
Thanks for asking......
are they making words up again?
colectively making up words; slapping them between two slices of flax grain bread; a little mustard, lettuce, and mayonaise; and that nasty little edge of eleven o'clockishness it 'toast'.
Here you go, ehBeth:
tr.v. col·lec·tiv·ized, col·lec·tiv·iz·ing, col·lec·tiv·iz·es
To organize (an economy, industry, or enterprise) on the basis of collectivism.
col·lectiv·i·zation (-t-v-zshn) n.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition