Mon 1 Jan, 2007 04:01 pm
Sorry, but after reading
Lord Ellpus's post, I could just not let that gauntlet lie..
Although I choose to believe Saddam is dead, were I to learn the entire thing was a hoax it would not besurprised. I distrust our leaders and their motives that much.
I must admit, my personal favourites of the answers is, "The hanging was staged - Saddam was secretly already dead." :wink:
I haven't looked, but read a creepy description of it, forget where right this minute.
nimh wrote:apparently..
I havent clicked..
I clicked looks like it may be real, but the quality is really poor and the camera doesn't stay still. It almost looks like a cell phone camera that won't stop shaking. But the part where they are putting the noose on looks like the same scene shown on the news.
At your service, me lord.. :wink:
For anyone who may be feeling squeemish.. it is pretty tame.
They show little and it isnt actually "disturbing"
it looks questionable.. but I cant say that I dont believe it happened.
I just think it odd that he was so still so quick..
and why was he hung in a basement?
shewolfnm wrote:For anyone who may be feeling squeemish.. it is pretty tame.
They show little and it isnt actually "disturbing"
it looks questionable.. but I cant say that I dont believe it happened.
I just think it odd that he was so still so quick..
and why was he hung in a basement?
not so far to fall? :wink:
shewolfnm wrote:and why was he hung in a basement?
They didnt want the neighbours to complain..
I've often been told that I'm hung in the basement.
I think that being hung in that particular basement was meant to be some sort of peotic justice. I believe that I read that this particular basement was one of the places where Saddam dispatched his "enemies".
Ok. Maybe I am the sicko here, but I have not seen anyone hang, and stop moving so damn quickly before.
im no (ahem) expert.. just.. er..visually experienced.. yeah , thats it.
shewolfnm - How many hangings have you witnessed? (and I don't mean in the movies)
The video I read about had the execution group verbalizing a lot of taunting stuff (taunting at the least) with admonition from someone, perhaps the judge.... some of it as the hanging happened.
I'll look at the cell phone video one of these days, just not this evening.
Whatever review I read described it as a scene where the mass murdurer came off dignified and the victim group carrying out the procedure looked thuggish.
I have heard through reliable sources that Saddam was not not hanged. He was spirited out of Iraq, given a face lift and is now working at WalMart in Oxnard, CA. But remember -- you did not hear this from me!
Damn, I forgot that option..
It is my opinion that the video of the hanging will create hundreds of volunteer suicide bombers. I guess they wanted to show proof that he is gone. Little do they know that on TV almost anything can be faked.