Sturgis and I wear the same tin foil hat !!
OK. so let me clarify myself a bit , now that Im not typing with one eye closed.
I do think he is dead.
I dont truly think the video is faked. I was pointing out how someone else might argue that it was due to quality, shakiness and lighting.
I have seen people hang and they are usually more " active" then he appeared to be. But, that makes me no expert. He could have very well have broke his neck immediatly wich would have killed him right away.
I guess I was expecting to see a physical struggle, kicking, gasping for air, blah blah ..
But, I do have to say that I would not be surprised at ALL if it surfaced that he was already dead and the hanging was staged.
I would not be surprised at all if that hanging happened MONTHS ago and is just now getting to the public.
And, i would not be surprised if he was never hung, and is in hiding somewhere.
Do I think those things really happened?
Ehh... no.
Not yet.