Do We Have Free Will?

Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2003 08:22 pm
America: The land of freedumb.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2003 09:56 pm
in Canada it's taxed!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2003 11:30 pm
BGW, What is your tax rate in Canada including your province tax, if any? c.i.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2003 11:32 pm
Our federal is 25 percent, state tax is 9 percent, sales tax is 8.25 percent, and many other taxes added to fuel, telephone, auto registration, property tax, and many more hidden taxes. c.i.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2003 05:44 pm
Difficult question C.I.;
Canadian taxes differ by province and are progressive, so if you don't earn much, you don't pay much (income tax that is) there is a federal goods and services tax of 7%, and in Ontario an 8% sales tax. (These are of course compounded).

I would like to see only a hefty G&ST, with no income tax.
Then the consumers would pay for everything!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Jul, 2003 07:16 am
JLNobdy, your cute cat visage appears every time there is a thread about Nietzsche philosophy posted on this forum and Nietzsche seems also a pet subject for many in here. I am supposed to be one of you and want to say a bit about this free will stuff.

To my knowledge, the history of philosophy has been in great contention about whether we have free will and, if positive, to what extent mankind is able to execute his/her own will which is independent of the external world. As the literatures written on free will can fill up a whole huge room, and both metaphysical thinking and empirical psychological analysis have been performed, we don't need to add an extra reflective labor to the gigantic structure of this philosophy dispute. I tend to believe that time will tell whether we do have free will or not.
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Reply Mon 14 Jul, 2003 09:48 am
So little time;Confused
So many navels to gaze at (especially now with fashion favouring the bare midriff);Shocked
So much "free will" to exercise! Twisted Evil
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Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2003 11:38 am
Im new here so go easy on me. also I'm in a rush to go out so I have not read all of the replys in this thread.
Here Goes.
You could be a strong believer in cause and effect in which case we do not have free will and a soul, we are all just cybernetic Biological machines. This also is the beliefe in Darwins Theory. To be quite honest I do not like this theory because in effect It doesnt matter what I do really, I am not thinking I am just reacting to certain stimuli in my brain or what ever.
So being me I sat down and Thought of how it is logicaly possible for me to have a free will. Well any one that has any form of intelligence and believes that this dimension or reallity works souly on the laws of mathematics and physics will know that this is not logically possible so I started thinking of alternatives. This also brings God into play and yes I do believe in God and no I am not a christian. If God has been around since the beginning and created us then he must have really been around for ever if he is just there and all. How is this possible. Well. In a different dimension with different rules and without time he existed and is just there. It is not a logical assumption but, It isnt in our logical dimension so that doesnt really matter does it.
Ok that was a weird way to get started but moving on...
If this is so maybe we do not exist inside this dimension. We are really some where else that really has these Fuzzy logical laws. Our bodies and brains are really just hosts for us in this God created Dimension.

That was probably all very sketchy and hard to understand because of a bad explanation.

But... It explains alot of things. Like how it is Logically ilogically possible to have free will and a concience or self. What happens after death. Our soul doesnt have a host, Ie ghost or what ever.

Im sorry but I could have done a much better job of explaining all of this. but like I say im in a rush to see Bruce Allmighty Razz. hehe.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 15 Jul, 2003 02:53 pm
alter, WELCOME to A2K. I'll have to give some thought to your post before I comment on it. c.i.
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 02:12 am
alterreality wrote:
Im new here so go easy on me. also I'm in a rush to go out so I have not read all of the replys in this thread.
Here Goes.
You could be a strong believer in cause and effect in which case we do not have free will and a soul, we are all just cybernetic Biological machines. This also is the beliefe in Darwins Theory. To be quite honest I do not like this theory because in effect It doesnt matter what I do really, I am not thinking I am just reacting to certain stimuli in my brain or what ever.
So being me I sat down and Thought of how it is logicaly possible for me to have a free will. Well any one that has any form of intelligence and believes that this dimension or reallity works souly on the laws of mathematics and physics will know that this is not logically possible so I started thinking of alternatives. This also brings God into play and yes I do believe in God and no I am not a christian. If God has been around since the beginning and created us then he must have really been around for ever if he is just there and all. How is this possible. Well. In a different dimension with different rules and without time he existed and is just there. It is not a logical assumption but, It isnt in our logical dimension so that doesnt really matter does it.
Ok that was a weird way to get started but moving on...
If this is so maybe we do not exist inside this dimension. We are really some where else that really has these Fuzzy logical laws. Our bodies and brains are really just hosts for us in this God created Dimension.

That was probably all very sketchy and hard to understand because of a bad explanation.

But... It explains alot of things. Like how it is Logically ilogically possible to have free will and a concience or self. What happens after death. Our soul doesnt have a host, Ie ghost or what ever.

Im sorry but I could have done a much better job of explaining all of this. but like I say im in a rush to see Bruce Allmighty Razz. hehe.

A theist who believes in a god because it's easier for him to live that way.

If you look clearly everyone says god, y not goddess?, just another little proof of the baggage that the whole concept contains.

He also says that he sat down & thought about it, & use the concepe to create something he liked, that's one reason why there are so many religions.

Btw, acepoly, what do you mean with some people using Nietzsche's philosophy as a pet?
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 06:03 am
hmmmm. I can see this getting in to a full blown debate.

I do however class it as a religion. It's my religion, my take on life, most not religious people have one, however. I only chose to believe it not like a christian would, because god can offer me this that and the other, no. I choose to believe this because to me It makes alot more sence.

Oh yeah. And the point about god being male or female. WTF. that is rediculous, there is no argument. IT is neither. I mean if he is and has always been there then why should he be.

And.. I do not believe in a god because it is easier for me to live. That is just rediculous. I believe in a God because to me it makes more sence

So there


Razz hehe
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 06:32 am
alterreality wrote:
hmmmm. I can see this getting in to a full blown debate.

I do however class it as a religion. It's my religion, my take on life, most not religious people have one, however. I only chose to believe it not like a christian would, because god can offer me this that and the other, no. I choose to believe this because to me It makes alot more sence.

Oh yeah. And the point about god being male or female. WTF. that is rediculous, there is no argument. IT is neither. I mean if he is and has always been there then why should he be.

And.. I do not believe in a god because it is easier for me to live. That is just rediculous. I believe in a God because to me it makes more sence

So there


Razz hehe

If you really believed in the logical laws of this world you would logically know that the concept, languages & all the religions, art, science, among others were created by human, you'll know the reason of the why of the concept of god.

You want your assumption to make sense, cause it really lacks of it. It appears to be taken from a sci-fi program(no offense intended Rolling Eyes )

Have a nice day :wink:
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 07:54 am
Well to back up my assumptions, a multi dimensional existance is now being provend. Razz

Scientists giving a monatomic pltinum metal enough energy believe they have reached another dimension. Yes a Platinum metal in monatomic state is a super conductor. Believe it or not. I have spoken to a guy doing a lecture who worked with a team of scientists working on the stuff. It has some weird properties.

And yes I do believe that all religions were created by man/woman, But wasnt the theory of gravity and the theory that the earth goes round the sun created by man also. Every great scientific revalation was initially thought up by man/woman, apart from various accidents and stuff but still.

Oh yeah. 100 Years ago me arguing with some dude from mexico on a funny little box with lights on it appeard Science fiction.

I will have a nice day thank you very much Wink
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 07:57 am
this forum makes me happy. I love debate. thank you able2know team. Im sure I have lots and lots of fun here. Smile
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 08:31 am
Yeah it's fun but if we had free will or not, would it make a differnce to our lives? If the world is determined for us, that's great, we can just get on with our lives and do what we want. If we have free will, that's the same result,we can do what we want.

It's a good question as it gives us mental excersise but it makes little or no difference to the way we live our lives.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 08:53 am
All indications are that...

...none of us knows if there is a God

...none of us knows if there are no gods

...and none of us knows if we have free will.
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 09:52 am
alterreality, you seem to have picked up a lot of misinformation from the pseudo-science cults so prevalent these days.

1. Darwin's theory does NOT imply that we are cybernetic biological machines, or that we lack free will. It is a theory about biological evolution.

2. You can believe anything you like about God and science, but until you present some logical proof or other evidence to back up your assertions, don't expect anyone here to take them seriously.

3. How do you KNOW that there is only one genderless god, or that it has always been here? There may be billions of gods who reproduce and evolve as we do. They may have more genders than we can imagine. The creative force of the universe might not be sentient, and therefore could not be considered a god. We really don't know anything with certainty about any gods that may exist.

4. Please post your source for scientists reaching another dimension through monatomic platinum. That myth is part of the "Lost Ark" culture, but as far as I know it has no basis in reality.
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Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 11:49 am
Hi terry.

I just wrote summit really really big and stuff but I started to drivel on. So here it all is in short.

I might have picked up some miss information from some where but hey. Im 17, And I dont do any subjects physics, chemistry, bioligy or psychology related. Im just going by what I have heard or read.

Darwins theory implys that we evolved our selves following laws of physics and biology. there for every thing could be worked out mathematically. Cant be arsed to go into it and throught all the bits n pieces but if this is all the case then how can we have an idea of our own that is "Free Will" and does not just follow a response of something. I do not fully believe in darwinism.

I am not taking any one to take any of it seriously. as this is a topic on philosophical discussion I was giving my opinion and tryed to explain as logicaly as one could explain fuzzy logic. Which is not easy. lol. Its not like im recruiting for members of my religion. I just dont see how free will and human soul if they exist can exist in the logic of this universe/dimension. No one can explain how it can or cannot, well know one can even say wether or not it exists. As The question of this thread cannot be really explained by any one and there is no solid evidence and it is in a topic on philosophy I feel I can say what I think about it.

I dont know if there is one God or two or Two Hundred and sixteen Razz. I was meang, what does it matter if they are male or female. Plus A god is a supreme being of creation and power, So Im guessing that it cant really be human. So what is to say wether it should really have a sex or what ever. But like I say, whats it matter. I just find it odd and ilogical and almost sexist to argue about the sex of a god. How do we know a god exists any way.

My info on Monatomic Platinum is all to do with the "Lost Ark" Culture myth but there are alot of facts I have read up on. I did not just believe what I was read and told. I researched it futher. Some might be false but Im sure we will all find out sooner or later.[paranoid, conspiracy] Governments realise fossil fules will run out soon, need research into fule cells and super conductivity, Governments sells huge amounts of gold. hmm where did it all go [/paranoid, conspiracy]

I like what gareth said any way. It will not really matter any way, were living make the most of it. I mean it is exciting and adventurus to try n work out wether or not we have a free will but it doesnt matter. What would matter to me is to find out wether we had a nonmolecular soul. That to me would confirm the existance of a god
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 16 Jul, 2003 12:07 pm
Garath, It's a matter of degree - IMHO. There's not much we can do about who our parents are, nor in which country we are born. There are genetic and environmental constraints and/or benefits that are different for everybody. Some poor souls do not even live to see their first birthday, while others may live to be over 100. Much of it is a crapshoot, but we do the best we can under those contraints. c.i.
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Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2003 08:21 am
alterreality, do you think that your age or lack of education is somehow an excuse for posting drivel and guesses as truth? Please be more careful in your wording and try to distinguish between opinions and facts:

alterreality wrote:
Oh yeah. And the point about god being male or female. WTF. that is rediculous, there is no argument. IT is neither. I mean if he is and has always been there then why should he be.

alterreality wrote:
Scientists giving a monatomic pltinum metal enough energy believe they have reached another dimension. Yes a Platinum metal in monatomic state is a super conductor. Believe it or not. I have spoken to a guy doing a lecture who worked with a team of scientists working on the stuff. It has some weird properties.

You need to consider the reliability of your sources when researching pseudo-science. Believe it or not, a lot of what you read, hear, and find posted on the internet is misinformation, scientific findings distorted by people with an agenda, or even outright lies. Perhaps a few courses in the scientific disciplines would enable you to sort them out.
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