Hi terry.
I just wrote summit really really big and stuff but I started to drivel on. So here it all is in short.
I might have picked up some miss information from some where but hey. Im 17, And I dont do any subjects physics, chemistry, bioligy or psychology related. Im just going by what I have heard or read.
Darwins theory implys that we evolved our selves following laws of physics and biology. there for every thing could be worked out mathematically. Cant be arsed to go into it and throught all the bits n pieces but if this is all the case then how can we have an idea of our own that is "Free Will" and does not just follow a response of something. I do not fully believe in darwinism.
I am not taking any one to take any of it seriously. as this is a topic on philosophical discussion I was giving my opinion and tryed to explain as logicaly as one could explain fuzzy logic. Which is not easy. lol. Its not like im recruiting for members of my religion. I just dont see how free will and human soul if they exist can exist in the logic of this universe/dimension. No one can explain how it can or cannot, well know one can even say wether or not it exists. As The question of this thread cannot be really explained by any one and there is no solid evidence and it is in a topic on philosophy I feel I can say what I think about it.
I dont know if there is one God or two or Two Hundred and sixteen

. I was meang, what does it matter if they are male or female. Plus A god is a supreme being of creation and power, So Im guessing that it cant really be human. So what is to say wether it should really have a sex or what ever. But like I say, whats it matter. I just find it odd and ilogical and almost sexist to argue about the sex of a god. How do we know a god exists any way.
My info on Monatomic Platinum is all to do with the "Lost Ark" Culture myth but there are alot of facts I have read up on. I did not just believe what I was read and told. I researched it futher. Some might be false but Im sure we will all find out sooner or later.[paranoid, conspiracy] Governments realise fossil fules will run out soon, need research into fule cells and super conductivity, Governments sells huge amounts of gold. hmm where did it all go [/paranoid, conspiracy]
I like what gareth said any way. It will not really matter any way, were living make the most of it. I mean it is exciting and adventurus to try n work out wether or not we have a free will but it doesnt matter. What would matter to me is to find out wether we had a nonmolecular soul. That to me would confirm the existance of a god