Snood!!! My hero, thank you, thank you, thank you. Switching to Firefox right now. The only reason I don't use it for a2k is that I can't use all the tools available for posting such as quotes, fonts, etc. Small price to pay for the relief of removing all that negative, noxious energy.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:b'live I'll look into that.... thanks.
Meanwhile, in a number of offices far away, Firefox executives wonder about the causes for the sudden surge of Firefox downloads, search feverishly for the hidden miracle factor, and will never know that it is all down to one troll.
From what I could tell, that add-on only works with older versions of Firefox...
I downloaded greasemonkey, but can't get it to install x's on a2k. Help!
I did it. YAY!
So far, she is the only one I would choose not to read. This makes it lovely to be able to read a thread without the time-wasting, useless garbage.
Ok...I do I do it?
I need a plug-in that would automatically filter out the closet queers who post here. Is that possible?
I did it!!!!
I just wish I really knew how.
i have the wee monkey head at the bottom of my screen. What next?
Diane wrote:Snood!!! My hero, thank you, thank you, thank you. Switching to Firefox right now. The only reason I don't use it for a2k is that I can't use all the tools available for posting such as quotes, fonts, etc. Small price to pay for the relief of removing all that negative, noxious energy.
Snood thinks he's a hero too. lol
Diane wrote:Bush is brainlessly grasping. Gasping. Oh hell, acting as usual.
A little question for LSM: How many meth addicted, HIV positive babies and mentally ill, acting out older children have you adopted? Out of those billions, I'm sure your answer will be in the hundreds, at least.
Just as a reminder, or for those too lazy to read back, i offer this little gem of dianes.
I will also post my answer, the one that got her all in a dither.
LoneStarMadam wrote:Diane wrote:Bush is brainlessly grasping. Gasping. Oh hell, acting as usual.
A little question for LSM: How many meth addicted, HIV positive babies and mentally ill, acting out older children have you adopted? Out of those billions, I'm sure your answer will be in the hundreds, at least.
So, how many of the mothers of those babies have you offered to help? Hundreds I'm sure.
You blame the babies for the weaknesses of the adults? That is pretty disgusting.
This is my answer to the thinn skinned diane, she can insult or ask asinine questions but when it's thrown back at her, oh my, her knickers get all kinds of twisted out of shape.
Heh heh heh!!!!
Is a troll still a troll when nobody can see what it deposits?
Yeah. But a rumor of a rat is infinitely better than having to live with one.
Personal attacks - from whatever source they come - are generally more a reflection on the author than on the object of the attack itself. We all retain the right to disagree, even in the strongest of terms. One can justify calling an expressed opinion as wrong, unjustified, or even stupid.
However, considering the fact that, with few exceptions, none of us really knows the others, attacks on the person one happens to disagree with - or even suggestins that others ignore them on this entirely voluntary forum - are foolish, stupid and reflect badly on the authors.
Georgeob, you are right and I apologize; however, I do enjoy the option of having some posts ignored.
Wicked cool, Deb! And thanks to OE, if you're reading this! I haven't bothered with that particular script; but I just loaded Mozilla's Firefox for the first time, then the Grease Monkey and finally the Endless Forum Pages. Now it loads pages automatically when I near the bottom so I never have to change them and as I type this it appears to be catching typo's to boot!
It's almost like A2K used to be! Why wasn't I informed about this? Am I living in a cave with IE? I'm going back for the picture resizer so C.I.'s pics stop stretching pages on me!