oldandknew wrote:. . . hang on they've got these Dollars have got the Queen's head on 'em and something in French. Funny old world
Them there is Canajun dollars, worth about 75 cents U.S. per . . . but i'll give ya 76 cents . . . maybe . . .
Seems to me that over and over again the ones who have complained about personal attacks are those who most often dish them out. It's probably more effective to stand up and defend someone else who is being treated unfairly than it is to mewl about one's own hurt feelings. Sensitivity about others -- now there's a novel concept.
Best response of all is to stick to the issues and try to keep a sense of humor.
I'm all for humour, after all, I have to live with Canajun dollars...I mean, what kind of country suffers when their dollar goes UP? Funny place, this is...
Actually, the Canadian dollar has a nice loon on it, and the Queen's head, and some English and Latin. The only currency in this country to have French on it is the Quebec Tabernac.
I have never launched any personal attack on anyone here, but I often become a target of impolite treatment by some particular members (nomina sunt odiosa). It is possible to disagree, to provide convincing counter-argumentation to my statements, but insults can never be justified.
Sorry, Cav, but yer wrong:
Ce billet a cours légal.
Banque du Canada
Cinq dollars . . .
lotta froggy talk on them Canajun bills . . .
steissd wrote:I have never launched any personal attack on anyone here, but I often become a target of impolite treatment by some particular members (nomina sunt odiosa). It is possible to disagree, to provide convincing counter-argumentation to my statements, but insults can never be justified.
You are way too stiff, Steissd. Loosen up, for crissake. Take a jab at someone once in a while. It won't make you a bad guy -- it'll make you human.
Was that a personal attack?
I meant it as a joke!
The locked thread that Frank speaks of - I was the recipient of the personal attack - repeatedly, yet the moderator used my last post as an example to close the thread (admittedly a taunt, but not an attack).
Needless to say, I'm not very happy about it.
Oooh...Setanta, you are talking about when we used to have PAPER money...yeah that's true. The Quebec thingy was a joke...we are not too fond of the seperatists, and 'tabernac' is a very bad word in that province....Quebec is also the only province in Canada that does not sell Dr. Pepper, but you'll have to ask them about that one...
Hmm, is 'Interac' French?
Could be--as i recall, when i went to the caisse particulière in La Patrie summer before last, there was an Interac machine in the vestibule . . .
hmmmm . . . Interac . . . rhymes with Chirac . . .
I smell a conspiracy . . .
As fer Dr. Pepper, if you consult the label of a Dr. Pepper bottled in Canada, you'll find that it contains anti-freeze--polyethylene glycol. However, you won't find that on the label of a 'Merican bottle of Dr. Pepper. DP is the only soda i drink, however, i avoid it in Canadia . . .
I don't personally attack anyone.
Just as a group.
Easy Slap . . . come on . . . siddown . . . where's yer medication . . . come on, buddy, think . . .
Hmm, so Canajun DP is like good old fashioned Austrian wine....that's not the reason they don't sell it in Quebec though. They just seem to be oversensitive about the term 'Pepper'.
I'd like to take the opportunity here, to also point out that when liberal members make snide or insulting remarks about the Shrub, i have often seen conservatives go off, and make accusations about personal attacks, and flaming. It is incomprehensible to me that someone would so closely identify with someone who is essentially a stranger to them, that they will take personal offense at remarks directed at that person. One member whom i have not seen here in months was particularly bad for that.
If someone here starts slammin' Slick Willy, er his wife the Sen-ee-tor, it don't bother me none--in fact, it usually amuses me. I think that senses of perspective and proportion would help a great deal with this issue.
cjhsa wrote:The locked thread that Frank speaks of - I was the recipient of the personal attack - repeatedly, yet the moderator used my last post as an example to close the thread (admittedly a taunt, but not an attack).
Needless to say, I'm not very happy about it.
Actually, that was not the thread I was referencing.
The thread I was speaking of ended when someone called me an "asshole."
Now can anyone imagine someone calling me an asshole?
Easy, folks, easy!
Oooooooooooo . . . i can . . . i can . . .
ok, ok, i'll settle down . . .