Thu 21 Dec, 2006 04:52 pm
would you use a;
Hmm. That's a toughie. What sort of veg?
Whew. That's a call for deadly force if ever there was one.
I would shoot him with the Browning 45, same as I'd shoot a white guy, Asian Hispanic or other. I don't discriminate on firearms soley because of race.
Just what, I mean, exactly,......
See, shyt like this makes me feel like "Is you laughin', boy? Well yuh bettuh be - show you gotta gud sense a' All-American red-blooded humor!!!!"
It's a dig at those who think along those lines, snood.
Oh. Ok then. Well in that case, I change my answer to "No shooting until he steals some junk food. That shyt'll kill ya."
Bugger me! Snood has brown skin. This changes everyfink.
Man! Unobservant don't even start to cover that!
Is that some veg in the corner of his mouth that snood is trying to hide?
I gots to get me a bigger gun...
That ain't Snood, she smiles.
I'm not shooting anyone to keep them away from veggies. Ok, I'm not shooting anyone, no matter what you say about caliber.
I might whap people upside the head if I catch them stealing my hydrangeas.
That happened twice.
The peeps were pale.
So, Dys, I almost answered this earlier with a question mark.
You're doing Jude the Obscure again.
By "brown" do you mean black, Arab, Indian or Filipino?
Shoot nickfun, he has grey skin!!!
Where is chjsa when we need his expertise?
It can't be taken serious then since a cucumber is technically a fruit what with all those seeds inside it and all.
Now if was a tater I'd be forced to try all three weapons.