NickFun wrote:Hmmmm...If he's had sex and he's never been married wouldn't that be premarital sex?
I would argue that it can only be pre
marital if he gets married somewhere down the line. Out of wedlock, maybe.
Ah! I had assumed premarital sex meant anyone who has had sex who is not married. Perhaps my definition is off.
Well, I guess mine too, Nick, as I define "premarital sex" as having
sex before ever getting married (or not). Okay, let's just call it plain
sex, shall we?
littlek, surely you've had sex, haven't you? Please don't tell me otherwise,
as I would not like for you to go through life without ever having experienced the bliss of a great orgasm.
If littek needs some assistance...
Don't worry, DrewDad. I getcha...
Jane, yep, but I haven't been married.....
Well, marriage is so overrated, littlek, you don't really miss out on it -
all you need is a loving man.