The San Francisco meet was about four hours away for me, easy to do.
Chicago - that did take some tickets, and connection to my childhood. Great trip, including the a2k get together portions. Who else could live through looking at architecture with Walter and Cicerone? I got left in a museum.
Which sort of figures. We have our different ways. The group didn't miss me, two blocks away. I guess I figured they'd gather in spots. (The movie: lost in Chicago)
The Albuquerque meet, Dys and Diane, was mere blocks away.
New York, I'd not been there except for an abortive visit with my mother who I didn't get then was on her way into alzheimer's, in 1969. Painful short visit, as was Boston.
In 2003 I hadn't been to NYC since 1950, except for that two days with my mother, and was doing it ostensibly as a gallery trip, which it was, not only for tax reasons but to visit the gallery one of our artists showed at.
An excuse, but usable if he sold for xxxxx.
I had a2k/abuzz people interested in meeting me and very insistent, and I warded some of that off. I saw whom I cared about. But in the warding and trying to experience new york myself, I didn't reach out to JoeNation or Frank, or others that I'd long liked.
How to fix it? go back, but I can only do that online now.