soul doctor--you do realize that your thread has been hijacked. Id call the administrator of hijacking and other crimes against humanity. Maybe he cares.
JK, you certainly have a gift .
acquiunk-yep, thats where it begins, kids are like sponges,
hobitbob-funny, you dont look gothic?
Well, by god, i've got my own personal axe to grind, and this looks like just the the wheel and stone to use.
Lessee . . . evolution vs. creationism, nope, that ain't it . . . fundamentalist proselytizing, nope, not that . . . Goths as crypto-conformists?!?!? -- how the hell did that get in here . . . well, i'm sure its around here somewhere . . .
Soul doctor needs some revisionist Civil War history set, so with your lead, perhaps we can take this thread deeper into obscurity than it already is.
Keep yer petty resentments to yerself, FM, there's nothing revisionist in my views about the insignificance of the Trans-Mississippi . . .
ahhhhh, just like a large mouth bass rising to a well placed rattle trap.
Obviously, we dont understand sarcasm set.
Now for our hosts(soul-man) benefit I think we should recount our differences regarding the Trans Miss.. This will make his head explode and brains spill out all over the place.
While on vacation set, I had the experience to see the remaining hulk of the USS Minnesota in Broad Cove near Eastport Me. It was towed there and burned in about 1920 . It survived a possible sinking in the first battle of the ironclads, and now it sits like a mackerel skeleton in a sheltered bay along with 3 other civil war era capital ships
In a different point JL, Im sorry I got your name wrong above, I m issed the L . i think that JK is your brother neh?
farmerman wrote:soul doctor--you do realize that your thread has been hijacked. Id call the administrator of hijacking and other crimes against humanity. Maybe he cares.
JK, you certainly have a gift .
acquiunk-yep, thats where it begins, kids are like sponges,
hobitbob-funny, you dont look gothic?
I have noticed. I'm bailing out. Adios.
Saddly, you likely will see him again . . .
acquiunk. Ive printed that out so I can read it with some chips and a moxie. Creation SCience Fair. Hmmm, thats like "jobless recovery"
Ive been reaDING THE cREATION sCIENCE fAIR. iT IS FUNNY AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME. iT APPEARS THAT THE RESEARCH THAT THEYVE BEEN RELYING upon and reported in the Ohio hearings , were these dinosaur digs and "search for the Manipogo" . Also the Twin Cities Creation Sciences Organization seems to be a big sponsor of much of this tripe. I wonder how the digging of dinosaur bones helps their cases? They all seem to say that the Noadic Flood caused the quick burial yet theyve dug their fossils in areas that were obviously quiet water and dune deposits. Hardly flood sediments
It is sad and funny but also sobering. This is how fundamentalist muslim clerics demand that science be taught in Saudi Arabia and related parts. It is a world wide not isolated phenomena.