Well, by dog, effen they ain'ta gonna work, they don't need to be expectin' tax dollars from this child . . .
Normally I welcome newcomers.
I haven't quite figured out how to respond to misanthropic cretins.
I'm gonna have to get back to you.........
Hey. I happen to like croutons.
Why is it, Max, that you are always tossing the salad?
Re: Message to Christians
soul_doctor73 wrote:Do you know why the New Testament is in Greek and not Hebrew or Amharic like the Old?
Eh?? I hadn't realised the old testament was written by modern Ethiopians. I'm curious about where this statement came from.
Ethiopia's alphabets are one of a kind and unique to the country.
Soul_Doctor73, what exactly is your warning, in the original post?
Is your main point that the Bible is 1700 years old, and it's authors cannot be trusted? I've read your post a few times now, but (honestly) need help to identify the basic points of it.
Also, are you only trying to give us a message, or would you like to discuss things back and forth? With Christians only, or are all invited?
Interesting stuff.
I guess Dr Soul meant 'Aramaic' - the language of Jesus.
Although a Governor of the Great State of Texas (not with a middle initial of W) once uttered: "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ its good enough for me/Texas".
Actually, none of it is interesting....it is rambling, unfocused, and completely wacko.
But apart from that, it qualifies as theology as much as any other sample you could provide . . .
Oh, I have a sample for our doctor, and if I with everyone else am going to be accused of "scurrying" and being a coward, you can be sure my sample will be yellow.
With neither the style of a gap toothed staggering drunk whining beneath the cat house window, or the grace of an Ernest T. Bass, you have deigned to venture into this space and lay down a challenge to Christians.
OK, what up?
Why don't you try Abuzz for opponents of your calibre. Perhaps we should particularly recommend Hollis T. Mathis and Chaya.
In the meantime an elementary search yielded the following possible antitheses to your views.
Most people here are wise enough to steer clear the details of such theological squabbling which has historically revealed the basic pernicious nature of such pursuits.
Like a voice from the past. To think, some of us used to answer such posts. Soul, you stick around and get all the religious talk from your system.
Everything about what you speak is out of the closet, been examined. It's how we treat people that counts.
First class, Fresco, first class . . .
Actually there are a couple of threads worth investigating in the original post, although I am unable to raise any arguments re: the obvious differences between old and new testaments.
The mention of Marcus Garvey is significant. Garvey's legacy was one of a 'return to Africa' movement . Although it never achieved its aim of creating an African state to reunite the disapora of blacks from nations such as the US, West Indies and Sth America he did firmly create a link in the minds of his followers between the plight of the Israelites (old testament) and that of blacks in slavery. This is the genesis of Rastafarianism, a black figure (Haile Selassie) descended from the line of Solomon and Sheba, the implication being that the genuine chosen people were to be found in Africa, not Palestine. If you don't believe me, YOU try choking down some Jamiacan sinsemella and then considering theological arguments like that.
My body
Is walking in space
My soul is in orbit
With God face to face
Floating, flipping
Flying, tripping
On a rocket to
The Fourth Dimension
Total self awareness
The intention
I 'n I been a dreadie from a loooong way back, y'know?
I hate how aggressive the original post was. YOU don't know everyone on this forum that are christians and yet you want to preach to them. Don't stereotype them just because the majority are that way!
What the hell do you wish to accomplish by coming in on a pedastool looking down at the "obviously ignorant christians" DUDE NOT COOL.
You know what else I hate and this kind of reminds me of? The majority of Goths. They think that they are being individuals but they are really just conforming to the alienation of popular conformist. They are just as bad as the ones they hate. The Majority I've seen that is....
Im Atheist... Greek for without theos.
Im beginning to see a pattern here.
(I am Obvious Man-visitor from another dimension, Who, armed with his super power that enables him to understand your kvetch, fights a never ending battle against seconday plots that are never resolved.)
Know what I hate? When you fart in the bathtub and your mom gets out and puts on her clothes.
Know what I hate? People who barge into a crowd of strangers, set themselves as experts, without even knowing with whom they are interacting. Another thing that I hate is a "holier than thou" attitude.
Soul-doctor73- I have a book for YOU. It's called "How to Win Friends and Influence People". IMO the way you present your views indicates to me that you don't have the foggiest idea about how to interact with people!