snood wrote:I just want to say something here.
LSM is accusing me of lying about who I am and what I do. Now, please let's just look at what she's saying.
She's saying that I am so desperate to have you here at A2K admire me that I conjured up a whole persona of a military man to impress you. And look at the persona I chose to dazzle you with - an aging NCO in a non-combat MOS, waiting out the last years before retirement in an armpit of a town called Leesville, LA. Whoa - are you impressed?
I ask you - if I wanted to lie, haven't you seen enough of me and my (at least adequate) writing and thinking skills that I could have come up with something with a little more balls than a frikkin pharmacy NCO? I mean, wouldn't I have been a hard-as-nails SF guy, or an oh-so-confidential MI guy, or something macho or sexy?
(Dang, I think the biggest insult is to my sense of art and creativity!

& maybe I can clear something up for you about me. You, almost since day 1, have gone after me with snide & ignorant insults, you have made yourself out to be about
service & all knowing, the perfect GI gentleman. The you come up with how dangerous it is to say where you are, a week or so before that you willingly, without being asked, told not only where you were, the satus of your PCS, & what you do, plus where you had just been, Ft Sam Houston. When I said the
defunct Ft Polk, you said
It's home of the 10th Mt Div, it is not & if you're posted at Ft Polk, you should know that. Then you said it was a mistake to have said tha. a
mistake? It was a lie.
Now you might very well be an NCO, but you're dammed sure not a very informed one. As for the
consistencies in your posts, what are those consistencies? Snarling, insulting, & in general, nothing posts.
BTW-A pharmacists assistant would be one of the best places to hide if one is pretending.