Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 07:11 am
Tryagain wrote:

This kind of practice is ancient, if not honorable. For all time, liars have run fabrications up the flagpole to see what their targets will buy into and then take what they can get.

This takes on whole new meaning in light of the obvious lie of yours I revealed in my previous post.

What was they guy selling that whose words you stole?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 11:13 am
Who said:

"I dont think these discussions will ever amount to either side convincing the other."

Parados said it was me and he quotes me as saying it:

Tryagain wrote:
"I dont think these discussions will ever amount to either side convincing the other."

He then proceeds to kick me when I'm down…

"I realize you will always believe the world is flat Try. I am not trying to convince you. I am showing others how wrong your arguments are in light of facts that can be checked by anyone."

I made no such statement!

I am showing others how wrong your arguments are in light of facts that can be checked by anyone. ( See: Post: 2615659 -)

I acknowledge posting diatribes from tax supporters such as Parados. Most of the words aren't his, he uses ones from a dictionary. All he does is to change the order in which they appear.

"You are so blinded by your own ignorance you can't see that others have realized you are too ignorant to listen to reason."

What may I ask is keeping you?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 01:24 pm
You did say it Try. Your failure to attribute it to anyone else makes it your statement. Your habit of taking other people's words and using them without giving them any attribution would have us believe they are your words. If you want to argue you didn't say it then credit the person you stole those words from when you post by either using the quote function or an attribution of who said it.


"You are so blinded by your own ignorance you can't see that others have realized you are too ignorant to listen to reason."

What may I ask is keeping you?

I answered this already.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 03:26 pm
parados wrote:
Richard Saunders wrote:
I dont think these discussions will ever amount to either side convincing the other.

Just because you believe the world is flat doesn't make your argument valid or reasonable.

"You did say it Try."

"If you want to argue you didn't say it then credit the person you stole those words from when you post by either using the quote function or an attribution of who said it."

You see, they were from your quote!

Your apologies are naturally accepted, to err is human.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 03:36 pm
Wow, I quoted the person that said it originally making it easy to see where it came from. Something you fail to do repeatedly.

Do you really want to talk about this instead of your claim that the law doesn't impose a tax on incomes? I can understand why you would.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 03:39 pm
I'm curious to know if the anti-income tax jokers in this thread did nor did not pay their income tax assessment this week.
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 05:41 pm
parados wrote:
Richard Saunders wrote:
I dont think these discussions will ever amount to either side convincing the other.

For just as much as Parados believes the income tax and federal reserve are legal, and done for the good of the country, I believe just as strongly in the opposite viewpoint that they are not legal and harm the country.

Just because you believe the world is flat doesn't make your argument valid or reasonable.

"The good of the country?" What a moronic thing to say while demanding that you shouldn't have to pay taxes. How would it be "good for the country" if our government had no revenues? I see someone confusing their simplistic greed with what is "good for the country." Taxes are the lifeblood of our country. Without taxes our country would wither and die. The founders said pretty much the same thing 220 some years ago.

Yes, we need taxes, but we dont need Income Taxes. Just like we dont need a private central bank sucking this country dry.

But like I said earlier our different beliefs are simply that - different. You are entitled to your opinion and Im entitle to mine, its the reason why I find trying to continue any argument on this thread pointless.
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 05:50 pm
parados wrote:
Tryagain wrote:
"I dont think these discussions will ever amount to either side convincing the other."
I realize you will always believe the world is flat Try. I am not trying to convince you. I am showing others how silly your arguments are in light of facts that can be checked by anyone.

It is clear all the others have either seen the light or given up, only Parados clings to the IRS banner, and even he cannot bring himself to admit he has never been given the opportunity to vote for personal taxes, or any taxes for that matter…
Nothing is clear to you. You are so blinded by your own ignorance you can't see that others have realized you are too ignorant to listen to reason.

Tryagain wrote:

The other 2.3 million words are devoted to cunningly suggesting that the code imposes a tax on all receipts of all Americans, while never actually saying that anywhere, (since, of course, it can't).

There it is, another bald faced lie that has been refuted widely but some people in spite of being told again and again can't figure out the simplest thing.

The code DOES impose a tax on incomes. Let me cite it for you.


TITLE 26 > Subtitle A > CHAPTER 1 > Subchapter A > PART I > § 1
§ 1. Tax imposed

(a) Married individuals filing joint returns and surviving spouses
There is hereby imposed imposed on the taxable income of every head of a household (as defined in section 2 (b)) a tax determined in accordance with the following table:


(c) Unmarried individuals (other than surviving spouses and heads of households)
There is hereby imposed on the taxable income of every individual (other than a surviving spouse as defined in section 2 (a) or the head of a household as defined in section 2 (b)) who is not a married individual (as defined in section 7703) a tax determined in accordance with the following table:
(d) Married individuals filing separate returns
There is hereby imposed on the taxable income of every married individual (as defined in section 7703) who does not make a single return jointly with his spouse under section 6013, a tax determined in accordance with the following table:

Not only does the tax code impose a tax on incomes it uses the word impose that you claimed it doesn't. Your words are so obviously false they are worth repeating here.

Tryagain wrote:

The other 2.3 million words are devoted to cunningly suggesting that the code imposes a tax on all receipts of all Americans, while never actually saying that anywhere, (since, of course, it can't).

Anyone can google Title 26 and look up the chapter I just quoted. There is nothing cunningly suggestive about it. It is pretty clearly what you said isn't there is actually there using the same exact words you said it couldn't use.

This is a conversation that will continue to go in circles.

The govt can impose any tax it wants on income. But the law cannot be collected like a direct UNapportioned tax the way it currently is.

Your income is your property; and any tax on your property must be apportioned...

Again keep in mind people that none of the money collected on personal income tax goes for any services for the country.. It doesnt go for the military, nor to education, nor for road construction, etc... It goes to pay a bunch of private bankers.

And as Edmund Burke said, "All it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing."

I choose to do something.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 06:50 pm
You're close on your Burke quote. I'm curious... just what are you doing?
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 07:13 pm
You're close on your Burke quote. I'm curious... just what are you doing?

I always like when you post Bill. I can tell from your posts you're a true American concerned about the country...

Well one of the things I do is hold regular public viewings of America: From Freedom to Fascism... and coming up ill be participating in the great American Truck Out to protest the North American Union....

But the thing I enjoy best is educating people on the ill-effects of our Federal Reserve... I like to educate at least 1 person a week on it; And how the Federal Reserve is financed by the personal Income Tax.

Ive found a very simply way to do it that lets people understand clearly.. I keep 2 different $2 Bills in my wallet at all times.. one is a green seal federal reserve note, and the other is a 1963 red seal United States note.
When they see the 2 different notes the lightbulb goes off in their heads.

I know its not like having stadiums of people, but I feel im doing my little bit.. I have a friend who does the same thing.. We spread the message, so over time people become educated and learn whats really going on.

And of course I spend a good $100 worth of dollar coins every week. When people ask me 'WHY' It gives me a reason to pull out the $2 bills and show them in red and white.

For anybody who thinks im a freak, they should look up Andrew Jackson's 1832 Veto Message to Congress on the 2nd Bank of the US.. In that treatise you will educate yourself on the real dangers that such a system does to the country, and what is happening today because our Federal Reserve is the same type of institution...
Andrew Jacksons Veto message
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 07:23 pm
Interesting, thanks. I agree with many of your positions… but not the North American Union. I like that idea.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2007 02:34 pm
Setanta wrote:
I'm curious to know if the anti-income tax jokers in this thread did nor did not pay their income tax assessment this week.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 03:17 am
Tryagain wrote:

Per the IRS:

"B. The Meaning of Income: Taxable Income and Gross Income

1. Contention: Wages, tips, and other compensation received for personal services are not income.

This argument asserts that wages, tips, and other compensation received for personal services are not income, because there is allegedly no taxable gain when a person "exchanges" labor for money. Under this theory, wages are not taxable income because people have basis in their labor equal to the fair market value of the wages they receive; thus, there is no gain to be taxed. A variation of this argument misconstrues section 1341, which deals with computations of tax where a taxpayer restores a substantial amount held under claim of right, to somehow allow a deduction claim for personal services rendered.

Another similar argument asserts that wages are not subject to taxation where a person has obtained funds in exchange for their time. Under this theory, wages are not taxable because the Code does not specifically tax these so-called "time reimbursement transactions." Some take a different approach and argue that the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution did not authorize a tax on wages and salaries, but only on gain or profit.


I am NOT employed by the IRS nor do I endorse what is presented.
It is the list of arguments and court cases, tc rulings, memos etc.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 03:39 am
Tryagain wrote:
1. There is NO LAW that requires most Americans to file a tax return, pay the federal income tax nor have the tax withheld from their earnings.

2. In 1913, the 16th Amendment (the "income tax" Amendment) was fraudulently
and illegally declared to be ratified by a lame-duck Secretary of State
just days before leaving office.

3. Also in 1913, Congress created the Federal Reserve System, a banking cartel organized by the largest private banks in the country. By 1933, the FRS had been granted the power to:

• • Fabricate money out of thin air.
• • Charge interest to the Government for the use of the Fed's currency.
• • Receive taxes to pay the interest on the debt created, to be paid with the American People's gold and silver.

This is all in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.

NOTE: Most people do not know that the "Fed" is a privately owned
corporation functioning as a central bank. Nor do they know that the monetary policies of the FRS (i.e., its foreign exchange and domestic open market operations) have never been fully audited.

4. Those who file a Form 1040 "voluntarily" waive their 5th Amendment (Miranda) right not to bear witness against themselves.

5. The IRS routinely violates citizens' 4th Amendment rights against illegal search and seizure without a warrant issued by a court upon probable cause and supported by oath and affirmation. IRS levies and seizures are unenforceable because the IRS is UNABLE AND UNWILLING to swear under oath that a law has been broken or that there is probable cause of a violation.

6. The IRS, as standard operating procedure, routinely violates citizens' due process rights in its administrative procedures and operates far outside the law. The courts cannot be relied upon to strike down such actions.


The IRS link listed above deals with these.
I rather not pay personal income tax. Try, can I join you? :wink: Cool
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 05:37 am
TTH wrote:
Tryagain wrote:

Per the IRS:

"B. The Meaning of Income: Taxable Income and Gross Income

1. Contention: Wages, tips, and other compensation received for personal services are not income.

This argument asserts that wages, tips, and other compensation received for personal services are not income, because there is allegedly no taxable gain when a person "exchanges" labor for money. Under this theory, wages are not taxable income because people have basis in their labor equal to the fair market value of the wages they receive; thus, there is no gain to be taxed. A variation of this argument misconstrues section 1341, which deals with computations of tax where a taxpayer restores a substantial amount held under claim of right, to somehow allow a deduction claim for personal services rendered.

Another similar argument asserts that wages are not subject to taxation where a person has obtained funds in exchange for their time. Under this theory, wages are not taxable because the Code does not specifically tax these so-called "time reimbursement transactions." Some take a different approach and argue that the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution did not authorize a tax on wages and salaries, but only on gain or profit.


I am NOT employed by the IRS nor do I endorse what is presented.
It is the list of arguments and court cases, tc rulings, memos etc.

"Per the IRS" Thats your first mistake.. You cant trust anything they tell you because theyre a bunch of liars.

Think about this:
How can the IRS define 'Gross Income' as 'all income from whatever source derived ' without actually defining the word 'income'

Its like saying 'Gross widgets' are 'all widgets from whatever source derived'... Would anyone know what a widget was?

I find it odd.. In their law they will define practically everything you can imagine EXCEPT 'Income'... YOud think THAT would be something they would define after all it is was they purportedly tax.
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 05:38 am
TTH wrote:
Tryagain wrote:
1. There is NO LAW that requires most Americans to file a tax return, pay the federal income tax nor have the tax withheld from their earnings.

2. In 1913, the 16th Amendment (the "income tax" Amendment) was fraudulently
and illegally declared to be ratified by a lame-duck Secretary of State
just days before leaving office.

3. Also in 1913, Congress created the Federal Reserve System, a banking cartel organized by the largest private banks in the country. By 1933, the FRS had been granted the power to:

• • Fabricate money out of thin air.
• • Charge interest to the Government for the use of the Fed's currency.
• • Receive taxes to pay the interest on the debt created, to be paid with the American People's gold and silver.

This is all in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.

NOTE: Most people do not know that the "Fed" is a privately owned
corporation functioning as a central bank. Nor do they know that the monetary policies of the FRS (i.e., its foreign exchange and domestic open market operations) have never been fully audited.

4. Those who file a Form 1040 "voluntarily" waive their 5th Amendment (Miranda) right not to bear witness against themselves.

5. The IRS routinely violates citizens' 4th Amendment rights against illegal search and seizure without a warrant issued by a court upon probable cause and supported by oath and affirmation. IRS levies and seizures are unenforceable because the IRS is UNABLE AND UNWILLING to swear under oath that a law has been broken or that there is probable cause of a violation.

6. The IRS, as standard operating procedure, routinely violates citizens' due process rights in its administrative procedures and operates far outside the law. The courts cannot be relied upon to strike down such actions.


The IRS link listed above deals with these.
I rather not pay personal income tax. Try, can I join you? :wink: Cool

I guess you'd be joining all 67 million people who dont file each year.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 08:45 am
Richard Saunders wrote:

"Per the IRS" Thats your first mistake.. You cant trust anything they tell you because theyre a bunch of liars.

Think about this:
How can the IRS define 'Gross Income' as 'all income from whatever source derived ' without actually defining the word 'income'

Its like saying 'Gross widgets' are 'all widgets from whatever source derived'... Would anyone know what a widget was?

I find it odd.. In their law they will define practically everything you can imagine EXCEPT 'Income'... YOud think THAT would be something they would define after all it is was they purportedly tax.

Well there you go "the first mistake" is not reading the whole article.

Who better to define the word in the "rule-law" than the rulemaker themself.

Better yet, that is where the courts come in to interpret what is meant.
There are plenty of courts cases listed and you can also read the link and all the ones to follow. Then looky there you might even see the Supreme Court. Now we are talking a head honcho considering they are the top. They have the final say meaning that is where it all ends.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 09:09 am
Richard Saunders wrote:
I guess you'd be joining all 67 million people who dont file each year.

I didn't say whether I filed or not. I just asked a question.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 03:48 pm
Interesting post TTH, Parados could not have produced better.


The shocking truth the IRS wanted to conceal….

This report is intended purely as a communication of information in accordance with the right of free speech. It does not constitute legal or tax advice. Anyone seeking legal or tax advice should consult a competent professional. Readers are specifically advised to obey all laws to the letter.


The following article is reprinted from the December 1993 edition of Free Enterprise Society News, 300 W. Shaw Ave. #205, Clovis, Calif. 93612:
"A not guilty verdict came in the Eastern District of Tennessee in the case of U.S. v. Lloyd R. Long, #CR-1-93-91. The verdict came on October 15th, 1993.

This was an amazing case involving the income tax. A Chattanooga jury agreed with the argument by Long that the income tax is actually an excise tax and only applies to certain classes of people.

Nationally prominent attorney Lowell Becraft, of Huntsville Alabama, assisted by attorney Russell J. Leonard of Sewanee, Tennessee, defended Lloyd R. Long of Decherd, Tennessee. Long was charged with willful failure to file income tax returns for 1989 and 1990.

In presenting the case for the IRS, the government, represented by assistant US attorney Curtis Collier assisted by special agent Michael Geasley of the IRS, declared that Long had grossed income in excess of $49,000.00 for each year, and that he willfully failed to file income tax returns.

The defense admitted that Long had an income in excess of $49,000.00 for each year in question, and that he did not file a return. He then proceeded to prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that he was not liable for an income tax, nor was he required by law to file.

Defense testimony showed a case titled Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad wherein it was the unanimous decision of the US Supreme Court that the 16th amendment did not give Congress any new power to tax any new subjects; it merely tried to simplify the way in which the tax was imposed. It also showed that the income tax was in fact an excise tax on corporate privileges and privileged occupations. The defense then brought out a case entitled Flint v. Stone Tracy wherein an excise tax was defined as a tax being laid upon the manufacture, sale and consumption of commodities within the country; upon licenses to pursue certain occupations; and upon corporate privileges.

Mr. Long's attorneys also brought out a case entitled Simms v. Arehns, wherein the court ruled that the income tax was neither a property tax nor a tax upon occupations of common right, but was an excise tax.
The defense then brought out a case entitled Redfield v. Fisher, wherein the court ruled that the individual, unlike the corporation, cannot be taxed for the mere privilege of existing, but that the individual's right to live and own property was a natural right upon which an excise cannot be imposed. Defense also pointed to a couple of studies done by the Congressional Research Service that shows the income tax is an excise.
Next, defense pointed out that in Tennessee Supreme Court case Jack Cole v. Commissioner the court ruled that citizens are entitled by right to income or earnings and that right could not be taxed as a privilege. In another Tennessee Supreme Court case Corn v. Fort the court ruled that individuals have the right to combine their activities as partnerships; and that this is a natural right independent and antecedent of government.
The prosecution did not challenge or attempt to refute any of these cases cited, or the conclusions of the courts.

Defense brought out in testimony the fact that nowhere in the entire IRS Code was anyone actually made liable for the income tax. They showed that in the IRS's own privacy act notice only three sections were cited, and that none of these sections made anyone liable for the tax. They also proved that this was not an oversight by showing that the alcohol tax was worded so clearly that no one could misinterpret who was liable for the alcohol tax.

Prosecution did not challenge or attempt to refute this point, nor were they able to show a statute that made anyone liable for the income tax.
Defense then presented the mission statement of the IRS stating that the income tax relied upon voluntary compliance, and a statement from the head of the alcohol and tobacco tax division of the IRS which in essence showed that the income tax is 100% voluntary, as opposed to the alcohol tax, which is 100% mandatory.

Mr. Long stated that in 1989 he knew that the income tax was in fact an excise tax; and that he was not enjoying any corporation; and that income or earnings from the exercise of common right could not be taxed as an excise or otherwise; and that nowhere in the IRS Code was he made liable for the tax; and that the income tax was voluntary. Long then stated he was so intimidated by the IRS that he filed and paid his voluntary assessment.

He then began a series of letters to the IRS explaining that he had no licenses or privileges issued to him by the federal government. He asked for direct answers to simple questions, such as "Am I required to file federal income tax returns?"; and "Am I liable for federal income taxes?" The IRS never gave a direct answer to any questions. Instead they inferred and insinuated and extrapolated and beat around the bush, and generally avoided answering. So Mr. Long testified that he decided to stop volunteering.

The IRS brought in 2 expert witnesses. Both were actually IRS employees who had received training as professional witnesses. Upon cross-examination by Attorney Becraft, one witness, a Ms. Jeu, stated that a secret code known only to the IRS, and encoded on Mr. Long's permanent record, showed that the IRS knew that he was not required to mail or file a return. Ms. Jeu made every effort to avoid this admission to the point that she was beginning to frustrate the jury. The other witness, upon cross-examination by Becraft gave testimony that conflicted with the Privacy Act notice.

The government also attempted to institute "guilt by association" in that they claimed Mr. Long had known and relied upon persons of questionable character. They argued that the writers of some of the books he read and people he knew had been convicted of tax-related charges in the past and were in fact criminals.

Long responded that just because a person had been convicted of a crime by a court, did not invalidate everything said. To illustrate his point, he pointed out that apostle Paul was a murderer, but that by the grace of God he became the greatest of the Apostles. Mr. Long added that he did not rely on anything that he did not personally check out thoroughly.
In summation Attorney Larry Becraft reminded them that Galileo was imprisoned for holding a belief that conflicted with one which everyone else knew as a fact; and that Columbus, acting on a belief which conflicted with what everyone else knew as a fact, discovered something no one else thought existed.

The jury agreed with the defense. By finding Mr. Long "Not Guilty" on all counts they have ventured into history as preservers of freedom.
A Chattanooga TV Station quoted a government spokesman as saying that this case will change the way the IRS will handle such cases in the future. They indicated that they will be less likely to prosecute if a jury isn't going to decide in their favor.

Mr. Long's spirit was best expressed when he was asked for a final statement by a reporter as he was leaving the courtroom. His words: "To God be the glory!"
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2007 08:02 pm
Tryagain wrote:
Interesting post TTH, Parados could not have produced better.


The shocking truth the IRS wanted to conceal….

This report is intended purely as a communication of information in accordance with the right of free speech. It does not constitute legal or tax advice. Anyone seeking legal or tax advice should consult a competent professional. Readers are specifically advised to obey all laws to the letter.


The following article is reprinted from the December 1993 edition of Free Enterprise Society News, 300 W. Shaw Ave. #205, Clovis, Calif. 93612:
"A not guilty verdict came in the Eastern District of Tennessee in the case of U.S. v. Lloyd R. Long, #CR-1-93-91. The verdict came on October 15th, 1993.

This was an amazing case involving the income tax. A Chattanooga jury agreed with the argument by Long that the income tax is actually an excise tax and only applies to certain classes of people.

Nationally prominent attorney Lowell Becraft, of Huntsville Alabama, assisted by attorney Russell J. Leonard of Sewanee, Tennessee, defended Lloyd R. Long of Decherd, Tennessee. Long was charged with willful failure to file income tax returns for 1989 and 1990.

In presenting the case for the IRS, the government, represented by assistant US attorney Curtis Collier assisted by special agent Michael Geasley of the IRS, declared that Long had grossed income in excess of $49,000.00 for each year, and that he willfully failed to file income tax returns.

The defense admitted that Long had an income in excess of $49,000.00 for each year in question, and that he did not file a return. He then proceeded to prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that he was not liable for an income tax, nor was he required by law to file.

Defense testimony showed a case titled Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad wherein it was the unanimous decision of the US Supreme Court that the 16th amendment did not give Congress any new power to tax any new subjects; it merely tried to simplify the way in which the tax was imposed. It also showed that the income tax was in fact an excise tax on corporate privileges and privileged occupations. The defense then brought out a case entitled Flint v. Stone Tracy wherein an excise tax was defined as a tax being laid upon the manufacture, sale and consumption of commodities within the country; upon licenses to pursue certain occupations; and upon corporate privileges.

Mr. Long's attorneys also brought out a case entitled Simms v. Arehns, wherein the court ruled that the income tax was neither a property tax nor a tax upon occupations of common right, but was an excise tax.
The defense then brought out a case entitled Redfield v. Fisher, wherein the court ruled that the individual, unlike the corporation, cannot be taxed for the mere privilege of existing, but that the individual's right to live and own property was a natural right upon which an excise cannot be imposed. Defense also pointed to a couple of studies done by the Congressional Research Service that shows the income tax is an excise.
Next, defense pointed out that in Tennessee Supreme Court case Jack Cole v. Commissioner the court ruled that citizens are entitled by right to income or earnings and that right could not be taxed as a privilege. In another Tennessee Supreme Court case Corn v. Fort the court ruled that individuals have the right to combine their activities as partnerships; and that this is a natural right independent and antecedent of government.
The prosecution did not challenge or attempt to refute any of these cases cited, or the conclusions of the courts.

Defense brought out in testimony the fact that nowhere in the entire IRS Code was anyone actually made liable for the income tax. They showed that in the IRS's own privacy act notice only three sections were cited, and that none of these sections made anyone liable for the tax. They also proved that this was not an oversight by showing that the alcohol tax was worded so clearly that no one could misinterpret who was liable for the alcohol tax.

Prosecution did not challenge or attempt to refute this point, nor were they able to show a statute that made anyone liable for the income tax.
Defense then presented the mission statement of the IRS stating that the income tax relied upon voluntary compliance, and a statement from the head of the alcohol and tobacco tax division of the IRS which in essence showed that the income tax is 100% voluntary, as opposed to the alcohol tax, which is 100% mandatory.

Mr. Long stated that in 1989 he knew that the income tax was in fact an excise tax; and that he was not enjoying any corporation; and that income or earnings from the exercise of common right could not be taxed as an excise or otherwise; and that nowhere in the IRS Code was he made liable for the tax; and that the income tax was voluntary. Long then stated he was so intimidated by the IRS that he filed and paid his voluntary assessment.

He then began a series of letters to the IRS explaining that he had no licenses or privileges issued to him by the federal government. He asked for direct answers to simple questions, such as "Am I required to file federal income tax returns?"; and "Am I liable for federal income taxes?" The IRS never gave a direct answer to any questions. Instead they inferred and insinuated and extrapolated and beat around the bush, and generally avoided answering. So Mr. Long testified that he decided to stop volunteering.

The IRS brought in 2 expert witnesses. Both were actually IRS employees who had received training as professional witnesses. Upon cross-examination by Attorney Becraft, one witness, a Ms. Jeu, stated that a secret code known only to the IRS, and encoded on Mr. Long's permanent record, showed that the IRS knew that he was not required to mail or file a return. Ms. Jeu made every effort to avoid this admission to the point that she was beginning to frustrate the jury. The other witness, upon cross-examination by Becraft gave testimony that conflicted with the Privacy Act notice.

The government also attempted to institute "guilt by association" in that they claimed Mr. Long had known and relied upon persons of questionable character. They argued that the writers of some of the books he read and people he knew had been convicted of tax-related charges in the past and were in fact criminals.

Long responded that just because a person had been convicted of a crime by a court, did not invalidate everything said. To illustrate his point, he pointed out that apostle Paul was a murderer, but that by the grace of God he became the greatest of the Apostles. Mr. Long added that he did not rely on anything that he did not personally check out thoroughly.
In summation Attorney Larry Becraft reminded them that Galileo was imprisoned for holding a belief that conflicted with one which everyone else knew as a fact; and that Columbus, acting on a belief which conflicted with what everyone else knew as a fact, discovered something no one else thought existed.

The jury agreed with the defense. By finding Mr. Long "Not Guilty" on all counts they have ventured into history as preservers of freedom.
A Chattanooga TV Station quoted a government spokesman as saying that this case will change the way the IRS will handle such cases in the future. They indicated that they will be less likely to prosecute if a jury isn't going to decide in their favor.

Mr. Long's spirit was best expressed when he was asked for a final statement by a reporter as he was leaving the courtroom. His words: "To God be the glory!"

Gee, Im so shocked that that article wasnt ever shown on nationwide TV.

Great article! keep em coming,.
0 Replies

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