McGentrix wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:i know that christian doctorine explains it, but that is the writings of man.
and if the ten commandments are the true words of god, and he says essentially, "don't go around praying to anybody but me.."
well, doesn't that kinda leave christians playing on the wrong team ?
just wonderin' 'bout that...
Learn to tell the difference between the old testament and the new testament and how each plays with Christianity. If you can't at least do that, stop trying to bash a religion you don't seem to know anything about.
damn, yer mean today...

since when is asking a question for discussion, on a discussion site, bashing anything? jeezzzzz...
i know the difference between the two. and i suspect that cyclo, who by the way actually offered something as opposed to being a snarkster, is on the right direction.
so, mcg, perhaps you can reconcile this for me; you being the authority and all..
"how do christians reconcile the worship of jesus, against direct word from god to not do so". and with the interjecting of the trinity, which is nowhere to be found in the ten commandments" ?