Toronto gathering?

Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 03:23 pm
oh dear, taters.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 03:34 pm
hot pa'taters - watch out!!!

I knew Setanta was a meat and taters kind-a-guy.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 03:41 pm
Cleo and Bailey think that the practice meatloaves (meatloafs?) are verra verra good. I can already make killer taters. Pretty soon I'll have the whole Irish menu down.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 04:07 pm
A lil' spicy sausage in the meatloaf makes it real good . . . don't it, Husker?

Them poor doggies, subjected to yer experimentation . . . i'm sure they suffer mightily . . .
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 04:21 pm
Follow this meatloaf recipe, and all shall be well in the world:


3 slices white bread, crusts removed and cut into cubes.
4 tbsp. milk
1 Spanish onion, peeled and finely diced
2 tbsp. butter
1 lb. ground beef
1 lb. ground pork
2 eggs
2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsely
1/4 tsp. fresh-grated nutmeg
Salt and black pepper to taste
2 cups tomato sauce, pureed, if chunky.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Cook the tomato sauce over medium heat until reduced to a thick consistency, stirring frequently to avoid burning. Set aside to cool.

Put the bread in a mixing bowl and soak in the milk. Saute the onion in the butter until trasluscent and add to the bread mixture. Add the remaining meat loaf ingredients, except for the tomato sauce, mix well with your hands and transfer to a loaf pan.

Spread the reduced tomato sauce over the meatloaf and bake about 40 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 150 degrees.

At the restaurant, this was served with beef jus, sauteed potatoes and a colorful array of fancy vegetables.

This was one of the signature dishes when I was working there.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 04:27 pm
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 04:43 pm
hmm - the recipe's not toooooooooooooo different from what i made - no white bread round here - so it was oatmeal. no tomato sauce, so it was a chipotle sauce. and i had that sweet italian turkey sausage that i decided would be right in this.

i finally tried it - the dogs are right. It's very good.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 04:47 pm
ok - soz - didja look at the pix?

whaddya wanna know? everyone's divine. i love them all. BoGoWo has excellent taste in chocolate. (Belgian, hummmmm). BoGoWo was wearing red pants. I almost thought he was Irish or something.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 04:54 pm
I saw the pix I saw the pix thanks! You're all adorable.

I wanted to see wenchillina and Mrs. Cav too, but beggars can't be choosers.

I wanna know, what, anything and everything. What was the first thing you talked about? Did people look/ act the way you expected them to? In what way? Etc., etc.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 05:26 pm
Truthfully, Bo was the biggest surprise for me. Much as I thought BumbleBeeBoogie was in college before I saw the Albuquerque (sp?) pix, I thought Bo would be in his early 20's. Now, he has told us that he's either 28 or 29, but ... I'm not sure.

What I am sure of, is that Bo has a birthday this Friday. So he'll be either 27, 28 or 29, or maybe 30. I'm not sure how this Jack Benny thing works.

We already 'knew' mrs. cav through theCav's stories - and she was just as fabulous and well, mrs. cav, as I expected.

Cav was slightly less silly than I expected. But only verra verra verra slightly less silly.

I think we were, as a group, louder and more mature, than wenchilina expected. She'll have to tell you about that.

What did we talk about first? I don't know. It seemed that we just started talking as if we'd been interrupted in a previous conversation. That was very neat - and consistent with the other on-line groups I've met. Still a surprise when it happens.

I think you can tell from the smiles as we were leaving, that we enjoyed meeting.

Now - to schedule again, so we can get pix of mrs. cav and wenchilina as well.

Maybe another tranna lurker or two will surface?
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 07:08 pm
You are all darling. Darling, a word from my past, m'mother used to say it, and it crops up from time to time.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 07:42 pm
I tried to enlarge the photos, but the base memory on both photos are too small to enlarge.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 07:45 pm
Only slightly less silly, eh, Beth, well, I can be serious when I want, and listen as well, ha ha. However, you should meet my younger brother Rolling Eyes We are all hoping that marriage will knock the silliness out of his head.

To be honest, I was a 'tad' concerned about Mrs. cav, as she wasn't too well, and did indeed leave early. Next time, I promise the proper dose of silliness.

I thought it was great that wenchilina came, after only a short time here. I do hope she comes to the next gathering, which Bo wants to organize.

Setanta is just as I expected, calling everyone "boss" and spouting amazing historical stories, both from books and from life (or need I mention the name 'Sauza')...kept us entertained the whole night.

ehBeth also appeared to match her online persona, with her honest, educated conversation, and complete devotion to those sweet dogs. Wink We will have to set up a doggie date before the next gathering. Austin has never seen the Danforth.

I didn't think Bo was in his 20s, as I knew he has had a design business for some time, and I found him as quirky as his posts, and delightful. He can be 29 as long as he likes. Wink

I think the general consensus was that the food was decent, as well as the conversation, and we must return to Fionn's for the Saturday night ceili some time....
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:11 pm
Bo is very bright and warm while cool and funny, glad he was there. Wenchilina has a lovely horse face....
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:18 pm
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:20 pm
everyone special in their own special way
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:20 pm

Which one's you??
Razz Mr. Green
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:21 pm
twirl :wink:
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:22 pm
pictures!!!! Great to see you all!
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Reply Fri 5 Sep, 2003 05:10 pm
How wonderful to see my Canajun friends...

Dear..dear ehBeth..five foot two...eyes of blue...

Setanta suddenly made me think of the Godfather..wow..make me an offer. I will not refuse... Cool

And dear Bo...hey, buddy. Good to know you.. Smile

Cav, Where did you get all that beautiful hair?

One day, maybe. I can visit Canada. Hope so...

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