Mr Stillwater wrote:"Aussie" track suits, they vary from the ordinary kind, how exactly?
It's a brand, I believe. But I think the gabbers (in as far as they are still recognizable as such, coz their heyday was in the mid-90s) have already moved on other favourites - dont know which ...
I worked as a barman on a gabba rave one time, from 9 pm to 7 am, non-stop, w/just the one 10-min break when we got green-pea soup to keep us standing up. Everybody drank water, of course, but the crowd was radically different from @ a regular houseparty, and they came in massive numbers. At first, I hated the music (I'm more the club house type) - then it kicked in & helped us to keep on working hard. And then I just went numb. Cool night tho, all in all, earned good money, too.
(All that, again, in the "too much info" category. Just to contradict my earlier post on avatars and all
