Fri 20 Jun, 2003 01:44 pm
Ok, so I'm in a really crappy situation(tcha' right).
Last night I go out club hopping with this girl I've been casually dating the last few months. She's always talked about how she likes girls, but she's never hooked up with one. She's always checking out girls,'s great.
So last night at a club, she gets drunk, and tries getting a couple girls to dance with her. They must have been straight, because she got no bites. While walking to my car, she says "I wanna get a girl, and take her home with us!!" Dammit! Clubs were closed, so my options were pretty much limited at that point.
So now, I've got this chick, and this appears like a fantasy could come true for me if I play my cards right.
My question, since there's alot of Boston people here...where's a good bar/club I could take her to, where we have a good shot of finding another chick? I've never been to any gay clubs, and don't want to go to a place where it's filled with dudes wearing assless leather chaps or whatever. I heard Manray might be good...what night though? Also, I did a google search for lesbian bars, and came up with "Circuit Girl" in the theatre district.
Any word? Advice? Hook me up DAMMIT!!!! Help someone's dream come true!!!!!!!!!
Waitwaitwait do you want to watch or participate? If the latter, I think you want to stay well away from a lesbian bar.
Soz, either one is fine!!! I'd obviously rather participate, but if all I can do is watch, or just play with my chick while the other two go at it....whatever. Damn, I can't let this opp. go, this chick is too hot!!!
Ha! I knew this married couple in the same boat. So they tried it out.
The divorce papers went through a few months ago, just after the female symbol got tattooed on the back...
Patio, if I stopped talking to this girl tomorrow, it really wouldn't bother me, I've got nothing to lose.
I mean, it would bother me that I lost this opportunity though!
Edit: Was just a mess!
sozobe's right. Real lesbians don't want to be with men. Bi women and straight women who would do it anyway hang out wherever.
I don't want to speak for lesbian women, mind you. I just know that family and friends that are lesbians hate it when men hang around in bars thinking they'll fill their fantasies. They won't want anything to do with her if you're there.
Manray might not be a bad place to check out. Filled to the brim with the sexually curious......
Ok, so I shouldn't hit a strictly lesbian're probably right. Manray is probably my best bet, just a bunch of freaks.
Something tells me for the 1st time ever you're actually being serious about something. Well Manray is one. I believe X night is what you're looking for but I've never been there. It's really a fetish night which is Friday night. BTW, don't go to a lesbian bar, most of the chicks at lesbian bars are lesbians, they want nothing to do with dudes. It's been years since I've been on the Boston club scene, but I also believe their is a club or 2 on Landsdowne street that has some freaky nights. Check out Axis or Avalon. Rave night or techno night might be a good night to pick up some chick on ecstasy too. The bottom line is lots of bi chicks hang at regular clubs on certain nights. And btw, if you can't hang in a room with gay dudes your limiting yourself.
Hey, if it's really that impersonal for y'all, there's always the pros. Just have some class and don't insist on going Dutch...
There's also the Midway Cafe in JP, right near Doyle's. They have a pretty high gay/lesbian population, but it's also a neighborhood bar.
Thursdays are Dyke Nights, but that might be pushing it a little. Not sure, never been there.
Brian, Avalon is filled with people on X, but I think it's hard to find out the bi-chicks. I'm not saying I can't handle being around gay guys being in a gay club, I just don't want to go somewhere where it's ALL guys. Kind of limits my target market. Looking for a good mix.
Patio, that is an option, but I don't know if I could do it. Funny you say that, because she already said she'd be up for it...
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Brian, Avalon is filled with people on X, but I think it's hard to find out the bi-chicks.
It's not that hard. Look for the chicks that don't look like dykes, but are dressed hot and are dancing with other girls. Then have your girl dance with them, next to them whatever. I kinda feel for ya Slappy. I was lucky. My wife already had bi friends. :wink:
Thanks for the sympathy! Bastard.
Only problem, is sooo many girls just dance with their friends, even if they're straight. I know what you're saying though, and I'm not discounting it. I go to those places pretty often. Looking for an easier crowd, if such a thing.
Boston's full of liberal colleges, ain't it? Where do the LUGs and BUGs hang out?
Good question....they're out there...out there somewhere....
Course, you might want to tell them you work for Amnesty International or something, not that you sell beamers. They won't be interested in that for a couple of years yet.
Somehow I don't think Slappy's looking for the unshaven, birkenstock-wearing, "you're a man ergo you're evil" LUGs. Then again, he might... (I note a certain desperation creeping into poor Slappy's posts...)
Slappy, I have a feeling you're looking for instant results. Try Manray on fetish night. Don't show up looking like a goober.
Desperation?'s just like...if you were a little kid, and someone handed you a gift certificate for a bunch of candy, but you didn't know where the candy stores were, you'd flip out. You know?
And you're right...I'm looking for the "lipstick" chick, not the kind with shorter hair than me, wearing a plaid shrt and baseball hat.