Abid wrote:timberlandko wrote:
With champions given to the manner of presentation you so far have employed, the proposition you forward has little cause to complain of external enemies.
My word do you talk poo. Dressing up your words doesn't make
your argument any more convincing.
"My Argument" is that you present no valid argument. Demonstrate that to be not the case.
Quote:And I couldn't care less what your view is on what you think you know about me!
Try to imagine the depth and breadth of my indifference.
Quote:your favorite word 'Straw man' can be used to describe your entire argument
1) Demonstrate any argument I have characterized as a Strw Man be not so.
2) Demonstrate that any argument I have presented constitutes a Straw Man.
Quote:You have no evidence, just theory.
1) Nonsense - I, and many others, have presented in this and related discussions on these boards considerable evidence, as well as accepted, valid scientific theory.
2) You've provided no evidence whatsoever, but merely claim of authority, declaration of faith, and parroting of scripture.
3) Moreover, the manner by which you pose the particular specious objection here immediately at discussion unambiguously betrays profound ignorance of science, philosophy, and forensics on your part.
Quote:Come talk when you find out where DNA came from
Non sequitur - totally irrellevant. However, since you ask, here's a post discussing the current leading hypothesis:
[url=http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1787763#1787763]timber[/url] wrote:Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, which are stable as hell, are observable throughout the universe, from examples occurring naturally and through human intervention right here on earth, to comet dust, to the spectra of distant stars. They tend to form ordered, plate-like stacks of themselves, and in UV-irradiated aqueous solution have an affinity for amino acids, which stick to the stacks of plates. As they accrete, the space between these PAH layers is 0.34 billionths of a meter, which just happens to be precisely the distance between the ladder-like rungs of a DNA or RNA molecule. Given amino acids and long-chain polymers, protocellular membrane formation is no big deal, thats what
Lipids, particularly
Amphiphilic Lipids, are all about. As a simple, abiotic replicative mechanism, first at the molecular level, then, through accretion and chemical interaction, into ever more and more complex and diverse protobiotic compounds, that this phenomenon would be a logical precursor for the development both of RNA/DNA and prokaryotes is a notion which is a helluva strong candidate.
PAH's are stable as hell, and form stacks, which in the protobiotic environment of earth tend to attract amino acids, which like to make lipds. Lipids form membranes. Then there's that 0.34 billionths of a meter deal going on there ... lots more there to think about than "poof-goes-the-imaginary-freind" ... provided, of course, one is given to thinking, not to protesting pointlessly, mindlessly parroting, fervently preaching, and incessantly proselytizing.
Should one wish a proposition to be not considered absurd and invalid, that one would do well to not present and defend that proposition in absurd and invalid manner. Your interactions to this point in this discussion benefit neither yourself nor your proposition, rather, you persist in the errors, fallacies, and absurdities pointed out to you, thus validating the criticisms laid to your proposition and the manner whereby you present and defend that proposition.