Don't tell me there's no proof for evolution

Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2011 10:07 pm
Watch Gomer the turd desperately plead for someone to be on his side... Very Happy

There are a few minor spikes where light is apparently travelling through a denser media, but these are easily reasoned. I dont claim to be an expert in everything
You only have the courage to think you are an expert in anything after getting all liquored up . So light travels at the same speed through everything ?

Have your magic lattices been around since the big bang ? Light during the big bang traveled at the same speed as now ? Any reference for your bullshit or are you waiting to finish the bottle first ?

So, what is the time at the other end of the galaxy right now ? Explain to us the shazam ! that impresses gomer's little mind .
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2011 10:21 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Have you stoned to death any family member or friend because they don't believe as you do about your god?
Have you followed the latest science trend of humuors and Astrology ? All the scientists are raving about it .

Only Silly Female Impersonator thinks the Bible is a science book .
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 04:45 am
You ceryainly are denser than lead ANUS. "Fine structure" as a velocity ratio has been measured from galaxies at variable distances and the ratios all fall on a line , thus indicating that (c) has been constant for at least the length of time that it took the light to reach us.
I admitted that light varies in speed by a minor amount as it is refracted through denser media.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 05:09 am
Ionus wrote:

Watch Gomer the turd desperately plead for someone to be on his side... Very Happy

There are a few minor spikes where light is apparently travelling through a denser media, but these are easily reasoned. I dont claim to be an expert in everything
You only have the courage to think you are an expert in anything after getting all liquored up . So light travels at the same speed through everything ?

Have your magic lattices been around since the big bang ? Light during the big bang traveled at the same speed as now ? Any reference for your bullshit or are you waiting to finish the bottle first ?

So, what is the time at the other end of the galaxy right now ? Explain to us the shazam ! that impresses gomer's little mind .

How cute, a christian who thinks he knows anything about science. Funny too how you can't even pick out your own hypocrisy. You assume that since we can't know if time is constant all over the universe then science is wrong in assuming that it is. Strange how you accuse science of making that error when you base a belief on absolutely NO evidence what so ever. At least science has something to back up it's claim with.

Just so you know, there have been experiments done to determine if light is restricted by space or as you want to imply "denser media" and we have come to discover that it is not effected by it. Taking two different size particles over long distances you would think that at some point they would enter different densities in space thus making the larger particle or smaller particle arrive at different intervals. Why though? Well we would have to assume if light is being effected by density then the larger the particle is the more it would be effected by the density of the medium it travels through.

However; when we tested for this we discovered that they arrive at exactly the same time. So if space was full of varying densities or if light were effected by these changes in densities then the particles of various sizes should arrive at different intervals, but they don't.

By the way it does not matter if time is different at any other point in the universe. You want to know why? Because matter itself effects the rate of time. We have known this for a long time, it is nothing new. We know that time is relative to the observer and not universal. So what? It doesn't change anything. It doesn't magically make the universe any older or younger and even if it did, it wouldn't say in which way. The universe could be far older than we currently think, so what's the point of your argument? You still believe something without anything to back it up. No math, no science, nothing, just absolute guess and wishful wanting.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 05:20 am
I imagine that you spend days sobering up before posting. You were arguing a relationship of )(C) and time. Thats hardly anything new. However such things as the Bohr-deBroglie constant, the Gravitational constant, spectral absorption v "light distance' and the presence of heavy isotoeps in several areas of the universe all argue for a constant c.

Id suggest you get a series of tapes of the Feynman lectures. He makes the best argument.
The argument that c has varied so much as to bend time is wholly an assumption for the comic book readers like you. Isotopes and the "Age of the earth" vary with the physical decay of long lived isotopes , which are measured in decay seconds, not "years" .

I can point to lunar mare samples,the Isua Formation, the Vishnu Schist and ophiolitic rocks from margins of continental shields. All have the same (G) constant and vary verry little from G's measured in rocks formed from Hawaaian volcanics. That means that (G) hasnt varied for at 4.5 Billion years and that sort of covers the period of time in which all life appears

You will, of course merely engage in childish epithet tossing and name calling, that will (in your mind) substitute for intelligent conversation and spirited debate. I have lots of time and patience and I have some experience with dealing with folks with "Special needs" so maybe I can help .

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 12:02 pm
I'm surprise that you even try to talk sense to anus. He isn't going to change his thinking no matter what evidence you present. His distorted mind is forever lost in la-la land, and it will never be recovered during his lifetime. That's a fact.

BTW, I view spendi the same way, and put him on Ignore.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 12:46 pm
@cicerone imposter,
ANUS is at least funny. Spendi is boring. DID you put spendi on ignore for your birthday?

It is so much more pleasant with him just disappearing into the ether. ANUS is good for a few laughs so Im a masochist I guess.

I want to use his line that the speed of light and time are conjoined.

(So is gas mileage on my car)
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:03 pm
I put spendi on Ignore last week; good riddence.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Trust me , you wont miss the hebetude.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:23 pm
I want to use his line that the speed of light and time are conjoined.

If time is money, then the value of "c" is determined, at least locally, by my local utility folks, no? What power they have.

Also proof that the physical universe is not homogenous.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:45 pm
Dimensionally that wopuld be (c) = $$$/t

L/T= L^3/T


Youve just proved that TIME is MONEY

CAll Helsinki
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 05:09 pm
Trust me , you wont miss the hebetude.

Not another assertion. It must be wonderful to live according to your own assertions. Nobody round here allows me such privileges.

Putting somebody on Ignore is the signification of defeat. It can't possibly signify victory or everybody would do it. It's a wimp's charter. Unmanly.

Exposing you as a bunch of wimps is definitly progress for A2K. You got out of the kitchen and stuck your own feathers in your cap. Congratulations.

And I understand your faint praise for Io. He's in favour of teaching evolution in schools. I've not decided yet whether, like you, he's only in favour of seeming to teach evolution by assertion and proving your point by elucidating the similarities of the flagella to the valve in a sludge pump.

Like Spengler said--evolution is a shallow idea and only embraced by mediocre minds.

When you have explained the natural mechanism by which lingerie stimulates males we might take you seriously. As it is you are floundering in narcissistic self approval.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 06:36 pm
y'know, this little conversation starting to reduce you guys to petty insults, that for most of you, is pretty low. why dont we all take a nice deep breath and calm down. i mean, come on. act civil.
Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 06:07 am
That way IDers lose. They were civil at Dover. Not that the anti-IDers were mind you. It was a bit insulting to God, to evolution, to everybody's intelligence and to the flagella to compare it to a bloody mechanical pump as a scientific proof (ahem) that it's complexity was reducible to simple words Judge Jones could comprehend.
Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 08:29 am
i meant you as well, you know...
Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 03:15 pm
One of the most outspoken critics of the Enlightenment in the 1770s was the Archbishop of Paris, Christophe de Beaumont. His sermons, writings and conversations were liberally supplied with forceful vituperation against "philosophers and libertines". Philosophers being those who probe into the secrets of Nature and eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

Incivility takes many forms but the most acute is that where a policy is sold by only mentioning one of its key components and which can easily be presented in a rose coloured light without mentioning its bedmate.

It is certainly a piece of crude sophistry to maintain that there is a scientific argument against libertinage. In fact the contrary is true. The only scientific arguments which address this matter cannot but be 100% in favour. Assuming one leaves out the sciences of sociology, psychology and organised government which anti-IDers routinely do.

So incivilty to those residents of Dover who lost money, many gained of course, by people who if they were educated were faking up that science comes without libertinage and if they were not educated were obviously undeserving of the astronomical fees they charge, goes well beyond the delicate incivilities we sometimes allow ourselves to indulge in on here.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2011 06:31 am
Poor Gomer the Turd.....just tell me what the time is on the other side of the Galaxy.... dont worry, you've been wrong many many many times before .

How do you think time is transmitted through the universe ? Rocks ?

Gomer the turd must seek help...for alcoholism, low self esteem, delusions of grandeur, and the use of a spell checker (but not bi-polar disorder) .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2011 07:02 am
How cute, a christian who thinks he knows anything about science.
Where ? Did you make a wrong assumption ?? Poor krumpled argument you have there . Perhaps you were thinking of yourself, a non-scientist who thinks they know everything about religion .

You assume that since we can't know if time is constant all over the universe then science is wrong in assuming that it is.
You think an assumption is right because a scientist made it ?

we have come to discover
WE ??? Who is we ? Do you mean Christian Astronomers or Atheists ? Or your local gang at the pub ?

We know that time is relative to the observer and not universal. So what?
So tell Gomer... he is the one arguing the opposite .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2011 07:21 am
However such things as the Bohr-deBroglie constant, the Gravitational constant, spectral absorption v "light distance' and the presence of heavy isotoeps in several areas of the universe all argue for a constant c.
How much do you have to love yourself to write dribble like that ? Don't you care if the layman understands or do you want them to think that sounds like gobbledygook so it must be right . I bet you havent a clue as to the deeper meaning of all that, you little geo you .

You will, of course merely engage in childish epithet tossing and name calling
Ha ! Poor Gomer thinks he is on a winner ! He has never called me a name... or indulged in "epithet tossing".... not our Gomer ! He is too righteous and pure !

Tell me how time moves across the galaxy.... tell me how space expanded faster than the speed of light during the Big Bang... tell me how time varies throughout the universe (you do know it varies, dont you ?) but most of all, just tell me the ******* time at the opposite edge of the galaxy...you do remember how to answer questions intelligently in a "spirited debate" dont you ?

I have lots of time and patience and I have some experience with dealing with folks with "Special needs" so maybe I can help .
You are in therapy ? Well done Gomer, and I mean that sincerely... get the help you so desperately need .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2011 07:22 am
@cicerone imposter,
I'm surprise that you even try to talk sense to anus. He isn't going to change his thinking no matter what evidence you present. His distorted mind is forever lost in la-la land, and it will never be recovered during his lifetime. That's a fact. BTW, I view spendi the same way, and put him on Ignore.
Yet another useless post .
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