Don't tell me there's no proof for evolution

Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 10:52 am
Ive accused Gungasnake of being a similar "Operative". Russia hasnt had a sufficient time to develop a full separation of Lysenkoist BS, so Subbing Evangelical Fundamental Christianity actually works.

Good Idea. I still think (as MJ and Q said,) CameronLeon is the Quahog dude (or dudette).

QUahog, would just scream like Frankie every time that Frank sounded like he was near a breakdown. This guy tries to add some "facts" but hes all fucked up with them , so I though he was reading AIG (Even the Discovery Institute doesnt sound as weird as he)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 05:49 pm
sez you. Youve been spouting bullshit and half awake crap since you started. As I said a few weeks ago,'"In order to learn, you must be able to formulate proper questions". You've done absotutely nothing in this end.

I've no idea where you get your crappy ideas but I know that they're not from evidence based science.

More like you're a believer of Ken Ham or Steve Austen, Mike Behe,"dr" Demski and their gang of science denying bullshit purveyors.

You can give names to others at your will, but this attitude of yours won't give you freedom to escape what you wrote about humans losing a muscle in the past and recovering later.

By your way of reacting in front of a simple question about what was the muscle in question, you are showing that you yourself don't know what are you talking about.

In your answer you must give an explanation of how the hell humans survived with the lack of such a "missing" muscle.
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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 05:57 pm

This dude Satan ta needs vodka...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 06:17 pm
Ive given several examples of atavistic traits that have reoccurred as acts of micro evolution. You seem to like to spread lies based upon your exceeding dimness and you love to alter whats been said by others so you wont look like the complete fool you are. You practice "Quote mining" nd "concept rejoggering".
Thats just crummy debate on your behalf .

Look, you are just making more and more propaganda about your belief called "evolution" but you are not identifying the first example given by you and less you are providing the correspondent explanation.

You are like a homeless woman I saw in the street a week ago, she carried a store cart used to bring all her belongings. She was sitting at the corner of a street, reading very focused in the newspaper ads: the real state section.

Yes, you talk greatness but your words are empty because you really have said nothing.

Explain what you exemplify as "degeneration" Einstein

Now, that... that... that was really an insult... You can't call me that name... that name equals of being a complete imbecile, a fraudulent person, an idiot, the stupid in progress, the worst sh*t ever imaginable...

Don't call me that name... otherwise you are gonna make me cry...

You must realize that evolution is NOT anagenic(or in youre case perhaps not since you probably consider Alley Oop to be a technical treatise). it merely renders the creature More fit to an environment

OK, enough crap from your part.

You have a person infected with bacteria. He receives a treatment with antibiotics for 10n days. After 3 days he left the treatment because he felt better, but a week later the symptoms came back but at this time the treatment with antibiotics won't work anymore.

You call it "bacteria resistance" to antibiotics. You called it bacteria more fit to the antibiotics presence in the environment.

Excuse me, no? but pardon me.

You are demonstrating to be Homo Ignoramus, you have no idea why the antibiotic is not working anymore to eliminate the bacteria in question.

If you do so, write here what happened with bacteria. What changed? What is going on?

For you to say "more fit to the environment" you are not giving the detailed information.

So, lets play with it.

Vomit your version of what is going on with such bacteria. Explain the process.

A theory is not just guessing and by lucky chance some phenomena happens, no, a theory must explain the process.

So, go ahead. Everyone reading this discussion will enjoy your contribution in defense of evolution.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 06:23 pm
Evolution is not propaganda. It’s based on science. Creationism and all its rationalizations are foolish attempts to justify the Bible.
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 06:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Evolution is not propaganda. It’s based on science. Creationism and all its rationalizations are foolish attempts to justify the Bible.

....and, Creationism are old stories told by fireside and have more added on each generation; ie, myths. Myths are a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events and believed to have really happened. It is not science.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 06:51 pm
first answer my question (you do seem to ignoreANY and ALL questions before going into one of your fact-free tirades-thats an example of an empty quiver on your behalf sport).
My latest question was "What do you mean by degeneration?"

Prior to that I asked you what you knew and thought of Lysenko's contributions?

nie płacz
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 07:02 pm
is your purpose just to antagonize? You really don't know about bacteria developing resistance? It's not a brand new revolutionary idea, this is well established old knowledge. Do you know how to look up information? Oh, that's right. you don't trust science so looking something up won't work for you...
So bacteria reproduce very quickly, a new generation in as little as 20 minutes under ideal conditions. When the bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they are killed. At least the vast majority of them are killed. The tiny fraction of one percent that do survive do so because they are naturally resistant to the anti biotic. This is a good example of genetic variation within a species. So the surviving bacteria (the resistant ones) are the only ones left. When they reproduce their offspring will be mostly resistant, thus building a resistant population of bacteria.
This is of course a simplified explanation. There are other factors involved.
Now you accepting this explanation will depend on whether or not you even believe there are such things as bacteria. I mean, I can't show you any. If I post a photo of bacteria you can simply claim that I am just repeating what I find on the internet and that bacteria are just a fantasy made up by that crackpot Antoni van Leeuwenhoek back in the 1600's.
You know, bacteria are so very small that they can't be seen by the unaided eye. You need to look through a microscope in order to see them. Now if you look into such a devise, how do you know you're looking at a real microorganism and that the microscope is not just a clever apparatus designed to fool you into believing in Leeuwenhoek's fantasy? Maybe it's a tiny projector and you're just seeing an animated drawing? Thoughts?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 08:41 pm
You really don't know about bacteria developing resistance?

We go through that about this time every year on flu shots. T Here's the info on flu shots. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm

My wife and I get the "high dose."
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 08:45 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Thanks Tom and ci, I keep forgetting I need to take my 2017 flu shot to help prevent cameronsysthitsis......
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 09:08 pm
Glad to hear you were able to benefit from our posts.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 11:11 pm
first answer my question (you do seem to ignoreANY and ALL questions before going into one of your fact-free tirades-thats an example of an empty quiver on your behalf sport).
My latest question was "What do you mean by degeneration?"

Prior to that I asked you what you knew and thought of Lysenko's contributions?

nie płacz

Degeneration is the rule and final out coming for species after changes forced by the environment.

Degeneration is observable with the horse, T-Rex, cells and any living organism.

Now, answer: what was the muscle you said didn't make "marks in the bones" in human ancestors because the muscle was lost, but later humans recovered the muscle in question.

Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2017 11:29 pm
is your purpose just to antagonize? You really don't know about bacteria developing resistance? It's not a brand new revolutionary idea, this is well established old knowledge. Do you know how to look up information? Oh, that's right. you don't trust science so looking something up won't work for you...
So bacteria reproduce very quickly, a new generation in as little as 20 minutes under ideal conditions. When the bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they are killed. At least the vast majority of them are killed. The tiny fraction of one percent that do survive do so because they are naturally resistant to the anti biotic. This is a good example of genetic variation within a species. So the surviving bacteria (the resistant ones) are the only ones left. When they reproduce their offspring will be mostly resistant, thus building a resistant population of bacteria.
This is of course a simplified explanation. There are other factors involved.

You have answered the question like if you were an elementary school student.

The process. Your famous theory of evolution can't explain the process.

Do you understand English?

The process.

This means, what causes your famous "resistance" to antibiotics.

What you have wrote implies "magic" if you can't explain the process.

What exactly happens to bacteria in order to survive without problems to the following treatment of antibiotics after the first treatment was suspended sooner than 10 days to kill all bacteria in the body? (As described in the example given by me in my former message)

So, don't be ridiculous with too much babbling, and explain the process.

You have the bacteria inside the human body. You use antibiotics to kill the bacteria, but the patient stops early the treatment and after a week he feels the same symptoms of the infection. A new treatment of antibiotics is given but at this time the bacteria is not affected by the antibiotics.

What happened to the bacteria? What changes occurred?

Come on. The process, step by step, what is going on?

Vomit, explain, expand your knowledge here, scientifically speaking: what the hell happened here?

Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 03:16 am
Smile Tom was indeed aiming at elementary school level, but that was obviously too high !
Of course, next time you are refused an antibiotic in order to help maintain its potency, you can always turn to the magic of prayer to help ease your suffering.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 03:49 am
Degeneration is observable with the horse, T-Rex, cells and any living organism
Really?, do we have a No bell Prize waiting for you? You seem to be getting a free education from the folks herein but its not" taking". I really should just dismiss you as ineducable.
Youre beliefs may be funny but theyre also sad because you have absolutely no idea about what your speaking and youre just "making believe" that you do. Who ya trying to impress with your crap?

Now, answer: what was the muscle you said didn't make "marks in the bones" in human ancestors because the muscle was lost, but later humans recovered the muscle in question.
Point and copy where exactly I said the above? How can we show muscle attachment nodes on any end of bones here no muscle even exists?? I said that wqe can trace where qwhere insertions and distal ends of muscles leave scars on bones (I asnsewered your question to how we knew where bones even attach, and I said that "its easy".
Now why you goin all changing what I said to suit your idiotic myth based bullshit. Many of us here are actually professionals in the areas in which you RE TRYING to sound like you know of what you speak when you expound with your bullshit worldviews, and I think qeve been pretty pTIENT WITH YOU. hOWEVER I think we take only so much of your Alley Oop crap when you dont have the basic knolge of things we can see in field specimens. In my career Ive used many examples of atavisms in molluscs and Athifagusleaves that changed through geologic time and re-exerted their original leaf style after having first been statistically over grown with other leaf styles in a cooling climate. It, just like the wings of the peppered moth or the primate muscles of the clavicle and collar bones, there was a statistically significant variation in the population that could re assert itself by selection as the environment changes. Your "degeneration" when genetics is considered shows that, a trait may be totally wiped out but the trait STILL REMAINS ON THE GENOME. Are you able to absorb that fact or do you deny genetics too??

Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 04:14 am
Degeneration is observable with the horse, T-Rex,
The hore had been incorrectly assigned a faulty cladistic bush back in the early 1900's when "anagenesis" was all the rage. Now with genetics from which we can compare living relatives and we now have better nd many more fossil species, the evolution of horses is really complex story.
T rex (as well as ALL the tyrannosaurid species (of which there were about 130 from early to late Cretaceous.JUST WENT EXTINCT,(of that we have no doubt ND THE ONLY argument that remains is how did it go xtinct).
So just ignorantly assrting that they "degenerated" I have ta smile mildly sweetheart. How and the hell did we get all those unique and separately adapted species of Tyrnnosaurids all from different parts of the plqnet that qere deposited as Pangea split
Tyrannosaurids diverged into many unique species that really blossomed as many new niches opened up as Pangea began to split up. Only one species of tyrannosaurid was even a decent swimmer ND HE RETAINED larger arms .HE showed up as a bunch of related species in Morocco and the Pampas o Argentina,
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 09:34 am
What happened to the bacteria? What changes occurred?

Come on. The process, step by step, what is going on?

I thought I had... There is variation within a species. Lots of variation. One of the many variations is resistance to the antibiotic. The antibiotic (a poison) kills the vast majority of the bacteria. They are dead. Gone. The ones that survived, the resistant ones, reproduce. The new population now has the resistance.
Can I be any more clear? Are there some words here you don't understand?
I have a feeling this explanation will NOT satisfy you.
I also have a feeling that NO explanation will satisfy you. You're not really engaging in debate, as your only trick is denying science. You're also not seeking knowledge as you reject everything out of hand without presenting an alternative.
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 09:37 am
Duh! It's a bot!!!!!
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 09:42 am
I don't think Cam is a bot. He's a living breathing person with an agenda that I simply don't understand.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2017 09:50 am
Im afraid that either he is

1. Hopelessly dumb and therefore ineducable or
2. Hopelessly committed to Fundamentalist thinking so, again, he is similarity ineducable

You can explain it so simply ND COMPLETELY that my mother would have understood, but the fact that he doesnt even "get " the details means his head is shut down.


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