candidone1 wrote:McGentrix wrote:
No one stepped forward with the information that WMD's were moved until Saddam was no longer in the picture. Prior to any invasion, no one knew that Saddam may have moved his existing WMD's. It was a secret, and unlike the US government, Saddam was able to actually keep secret things secret.
Is this really that hard an idea to grasp?
The date on my MSNBC link was January 2005.
There has been nothing that suggests that your thesis, vis a vis "secrets" and the moved WMD, is correct.
Is this really that hard an idea to grasp?
You can argue till you're blue in the face that Genoans in 1480 believed that the earth was flat, or that 16th century Greeks believed the planets orbited the earth, but we know better now than to argue these should you.
You realize that 2005 is after the invasion right?
I would argue that all paths to prove the world was not flat and that not all planets orbited the Earth was investigated proving beyond a doubt that the Earth was indeed not flat and that the planets orbited the sun.
I understand your need to try to sidestep the idea that WMD's may still exist through hyperbole and humor. You must find it very distatseful to believe that the WMD's may have been moved and thus proving the need to invade was true. But, until all avenues of investigation have been explored and evidence of the destruction of all of the WMD's that we
knew about are discovered, we must remain vigilant that they remain a threat.