The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a featured called the "Vent." People call a message system and leave a short, terse message. A selection are then chosen for publication. The following "vent" appeared this morning;
"If you think the rich got that way because of hard work, then I guess you've never heard of trust funds, the good-ole boy network and old-fashioned corrupt business practices."
There are no guarantees, of course, but my guess is that the person who phoned in this particular "vent" would be considered by most to be a complete loser. Add the word "pathetic."
There is a strong psychological need for some people to denigrate those whom they consider to be rich. These people cannot admit to themselves that the rich actually got that way through hard work.
Maybe the best way to put this point across is to go behind the whines; to craw into the darker corners of the mind of the person who wrote that vent:
"I'm getting so tire of hearing these rich people complain about their taxes, and I'm really getting fed up with all of their complaining about how hard they worked to get their money. I work hard. I work just as hard as those rich bastards, and I'm not rich. They didn't work for that money, they inherited it. They're just lucky because they had rich parents., My parents were poor. They didn't leave me with a big fat trust account so I could buy fancy cars and lay around all day and complain about taxes.
"Oh, I know that all of these rich people don't have big fat trust accounts. Some of them just knew the right people. They were just in the right place at the right time. If I had known those people I would be rich too.
"And they're crooks too. If you got rich with hard work I would be rich. I work hard. They're just crooks. If they were honest they wouldn't have all that money. Then they complain when they have to pay taxes. They didn't complain when they were stealing that money. They're just pigs, and they deserve to lose everything they have."
It's all a form of psychological self-preservation. These people cannot accept the fact that hard work and good decision-making and some risk-taking could lead to the accumulation of wealth. If they believed that they would have to explain to themselves just how it is that they have reached this stage of life without getting rich themselves! Could it be they aren't rich because they have made some bad decisions, refused to take risks, or just haven't been working as hard as they would have you believe? No! That just can't be! "I'm a good person! I'm a noble human being! I work hard! My problem is that I'm too honest. I won't cheat and steal like those rich people will. That's why I'm not rich. But at least I work!"
The psychology of failure reject the reality that the fault lies with you, not with those who have realized their dreams.
Oh, by the way. For that person who wrote that vent
you can give up on this "trust fund" nonsense. Less than 1.5% of millionaires in this country inherited their wealth. The rest WORKED for it.