cjhsa wrote:Hmm, one of my high school teachers actually tought that calling someone a jackass was a perfectly acceptable form of debate.

I'm guessing that was your favorite teacher since he appears to have been your mentor as often as not... and for the record... I think you are a jackass.
Normally I think Snood is being oversensitive when he discusses racism... but on this thread, I think he's being under-sensitive... or perhaps overbroad in his assessment that we all have the potential to behave in the fashion Richards did. A saint, I am not. I laugh at racist jokes without remorse if they are funny, and no one who'd be offended is within earshot... and to the extent that makes me a racist; I am guilty.
However; I cannot fathom a circumstance of any amount of hardship where I'd respond with a hatred I've never felt. Were a black man beating me to death; I doubt the term "nigger" would come to mind... any more than if an Israeli man were beating me to death; "jew" would come to mind, etc... let alone if they were just heckling me. That kind of racism has to exist before you can let it out because you're angry. Two listens to Richards' rant were sufficient to demonstrate that he wasn't reaching for hurtful words, rather, he was angry enough for his thoughts to come out uncensored. His uncensored thoughts were overtly racist and I've little choice but to assume his apologists are trying to justify identifying with them. Religious folks can pity such fools... but most other decent folks have little choice but to view them with disdain.
C-word comparison... I personally find the C-word at least, if not more, offensive than the N-word. It should be noted for those residing outside the U.S. that the word is seldom, if ever, used in jest in this country. The same type of idiot seem to think it's OK (as is evidenced on this thread). A man from Bermuda, for instance, could use it as easily as "dumbass" and I wouldn't be terribly offended. If he's from Wisconsin, however, he'd better be ready for battle...
Lasting effects: I think Seinfeld was comedic brilliance... perhaps as good as it will ever get in a sitcom... and I doubt Richards' idiocy will change my opinion. I do remember not being able to find Jason Alexander's character (George) funny... for quite a while, because he struck Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman". Silly, I know... but then I still can't hardly stand to look at Glenn Close because of her brilliant performance in Fatal Attraction. I imagine it will take some time, but given time, the comedy of Kramer will override my disdain for Richards himself.