Wed 18 Jun, 2003 03:33 pm
Don't be shy; we're all family here - the human family. What do you consider your greatest achievement in life? What else would you like to achieve before you meet your 'maker?' Large or small, education or career, money or honors, invention or art, relationship or volunteerism, and/or good or bad. Let's hear from one and all! c.i.

I don't just have one. Within reason I am kind, generous, introspective and a good listener. I always dream of winning millions of dollars in the lottery, and if I did I would give a thousand dollars to my mother who struggles by on a fixed income. I am proud of who I am.
Keeping my marriage together, even through hard times (this was a while ago). Not taking the easy route, ever, despite temptation, in terms of career. Facing anxiety disorders and depression head on with therapy, rather than popping Zoloft or Prozac. Everything else is pretty much a work in progress, and irrelevant in terms of importance. I leave it to my future kids to write my legacy. I am far too young to be doing it for myself.
Two things ( I have a lot but these are a couple gems)
1. I got a murdered arrested, while using a creditcard.
2. the other was getting a jet pulled off the runway at SanDiego Airport to arrest a guy.
advocacy of disadvantaged people:
because I have the experience, education, personal resources of mental faculty, and the ability and desire to do this whenever I have the opportunity
The thing I consider my "greatest achievement" is hardly great -- but it is something that has brought me a huge amount of satisfaction.
I've gone from a guy who hated to write anything (almost never handed in homework in high school) to someone who can put together a fairly coherent and interesting batch of words.
I had an essay of mine selected for use as a MY TURN in Newsweek Magazine. (Newsweek got over a hundred response letters to the piece!) MY TURN's are not easy to come by!
I've had letters-to-the-editor published in newspapers throughout the country -- and over in England - which includes a long one in the mighty New York Times.
When Dan Quayle and Lloyd Bentsen squared off in their vice-presidential debate, I had letters published in both Newsweek and Time magazines on the encounter -- and since they both got upwards of 800 letters each from which to choose, that was a major accomplishment.
(The letters were pithy:)
Newsweek: Asking Quayle three times what he would do if suddenly thrust into the presidency was definitely a bit unfair. Bit if he couldn't handle the question any better than he did, how can we possibly expect him to handle the situation, should it arise.
Time: I can only suppose those people who saw Quayle's performance during the vice-presidential debate and who nonetheless plan to vote for the ticket that will put him a heartbeat away from the presidency must be absolutely convinced of George Bush's immortality.
I also had one published in a local newspaper: Quayle said that if suddenly thrust into the presidency, the first thing he would do is to say a prayer for the country. Hell, I'm an agnostic, but if he were suddenly thrust into the presidency, that's the first thing I would do too.
I later got to like Dan Quayle a lot. Frankly, I think he did a heck of a lot better job of campaigning than George Bush the elder in their battle with Bill Clinton.
I suspect this is what you were looking for, right, ci?
dov, Thank you for being the first one to post a response. I was afraid this forum was dead in the water, but some of my favorite A2Kers have also contributed. Thank you all!
dov, Your's is a great accomplishment; to be proud of who you are. I congratulate you; not many in this world are able to claim self worth.
husker, Your accomplishments are highly unusual, unless you work in the criminal justice system. That you prevented further crime from the two individuals you were able to incarcerate, our congratulations.
cav, Your's is a struggle most of us have experienced. Many end up in divorce, because at the time of crisis, it seems the easiest way out. I have found that my relationship with my wife is so much stronger today than it ever was during our 'younger' days. I treasure my wife for all she has tolerated from me during the past forty years.
cobalt, I have also worked with two agencies that provides services to developmentally disabled folks for almost half of my short career. It was a rewarding time for me, because I was able to strengthen the financial condition of both agencies while improving salary and benefits for the employees. It was a good way to end my work life.
Frank, What can I say about you? You and I agree on 99 percent of our philosophy of life, and how we interact on A2K. Your contributions to the major medias has a universal audiance, and I always appreciate your contributions to A2K. I will continue to read your posts, and hope our exchange of ideas will be of some value to all - not necessarily agree, but agree to disagree.
I did fraud investigation for the largest creditcard processor in the World at the time. My job was investigation and intervention.
It's in my nature to be very tenacious, sometimes you can see that in my nature In the working world some peers think of me as a pit-bull (I don't think that's always a good thing)
I can remember a recent incident that caused me a blush from that fault.
husker wrote:It's in my nature to be very tenacious, sometimes you can see that in my nature In the working world some peers think of me as a pit-bull (I don't think that's always a good thing)
I can remember a recent incident that caused me a blush from that fault.
I like "pit bull."
I have friends who refer to me that way -- but less from my argumentative style (which is not confined to A2K) but rather from the fact that at golf, I will not give up 'til the last dimple is worn off the ball.
Frank, It would seem your 'friends' would treat you to a new ball once in awhile. LOL c.i.
I have many things to be proud of.
None tops my children.
I would have to say my greatest personal achievement was as a record producer/recording engineer/recording studio manager. I've worked with or done business with Peter Wolf(formerly of J. Geils), Nuno Bettencourt(formerly of Extreme), Amy Mann(formerly of Til Tuesday), Duran Duran, etc..etc..
My second greatest personal achievement would've been going to college to earn a degree in Music despite not really having the support to do it.
My greatest overall achievement is my 3 year old daughter. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. I used to dislike kids, now I love them.
My greatest achievement was a rank of captain in the Soviet Army. If there was no shock wave injury in 1986, I could, maybe be now a colonel or general.
Where were you injured, steissd?

Your age should have told me. It must have been terrible.
Congratulations on having acheived the rank of Captain. Sorry you were injured -- and sorry you were not able to rise higher as a result.
steissd, Congratulations for making captain. How long does it usually take to make that rank in the Russian army? c.i.