This is one of the few occasions where I am going to be entirely serious. In my mind my accomplishments are considerable. Remaining alive in a cruel world, alone, for 50 years is quite a feat. I have remained kind and humane and filled with wonder at the world of wonders around me. Most importantly, and this has been the greatest achievement, is that I have had a serious problem with depression and agoraphobia for most of my life and I have remained alive and relatively unjaded. Meaning I see good and I see bad and I appreciate and wish to emulate the good. I remain almost without human contact (in the flesh) and I still have hope and wonder and love. I am a considerable achiever.
dov, I think you're the first person I have ever met that suffers from agoraphobia. Many in this world see it in the same you you do; it's a cruel world. I believe only a small minority survive with any semblance of good mental health. That you have overcome your phobia, and can remain unaded is indeed a great accomplishment. A positive mental state is required to survive - even for those of us that have no observable handicap. I wish you well, dov1953, and thank you for sharing. c.i.

My greatest achievment has been to remain humane for the 50 years I have been alive, while year after year, I've been cheated, robbed, hurt, fouled, lied to, betrayed and abandoned unloved. I still, in my heart, am humane. I am willing to love and be, and remain, good in all ways that I know are true. I now know that I can make it to the end of my life and manage to remain a good man.
Looks like we all have lots to be proud of. That's a good thing. Right now, my greatest achievement is quitting smoking. A pack a day for almost 30 years, I did it cold turkey and it wasn't nearly as hard as I feared.
eoe, Cold turkey on the first try? Hell, it took me three tries, but cold turkey is the best method. I just remember how difficult it was after a good meal and/or when having a drink or two.

I did it in honor of my mother who had recently passed away. That helped a great deal. Also, I had this idea in my head that it was going to be a horrible experience but it was no where near what I'd imagined. Ever see "Lady Sings the Blues" with Diana Ross? Remember the scene with her rolling around on the floor in a straight jacket, coming off of her heroin addiction? That's where my head was at, how I saw myself coming off of the nicotine, but the actual experience wasn't that difficult at all.
Mind over matter.
"Mind over matter" is always easier said than done for most of us mortals. c.i.
Believe it and you can achieve it.
I have done so many things and have been fortunate to have been successful in most of them. I really can't identify a greatest except, having remained ethical in my actions, having been true to my wife and, learning to hover a helicopter!
I'm gonna bring this forum up-front and center, because I think it's a good one! Some Newbies can contribute too.
I haven't accomplished anything much. I'd say the greatest accomplishment of mine was to quit smoking.
littlek wrote:I haven't accomplished anything much. I'd say the greatest accomplishment of mine was to quit smoking.
And that's one hell of an accomplishment, littlek. I consider it my greatest so far, altho' I've accomplished quite a few other things. But making the commitment to quit smoking and seeing it through is a biggie in my book.
Since you ladies are talking about helping your personal health, let me make a suggestion that will also be beneficial to good health. Walk at least three miles every day. I started doing just that, although very recent, and my blood pressure has improved to about 120/65 from 140/85. As a matter of fact, I'm going out after a few minutes (after my lunch) to go for another walk.
Getting up this morning - that is a compilation of a lot of things that makes it possible. The beauty of it is, it is repetitious
Achievement? My life... I suppose my one main greatest achievement - and I will have many more- is my writing. Writing books. But that, I don't think, compares to that of my pride of becoming the person I want to be, and still battling for it.
I am always striving for happiness, love and enlightenment. I haven't even hit my 20s as yet, and I feel like I've hit such a point in my life a lot of people on this wonderful Earth haven't even considered as comprehending for their own lifestyle. As down as I can get, and as hopeless as I feel sometimes it's that hopelessness that calls out to us and tells us we must face this and get through it so that we can have more. More love, more happiness, more prosperity. I've got the love of my life, because I've moved my way through that and have wanted this. I am beginning to love myself, truely, for the first time in my life. That is what I'm proud of. But I say writing first, because it's the love in my life that's solid, that I make for myself.
Scarlett, Very good! I didn't reach what you have at 20 until I was in my early thirties. But I can tell you that what I've accomplished is much more than I could have ever dreamed up in my youth. Always work towards achieving your goals, but make them realistic. It's when you exceed those goals that results in true happiness.