Yes, he's an extremely religious man. Prays every day.
He would never lie.
Not about WMDs, not about why HE really wanted to invade, and certainly not about going AWOL from the TANG.
He wouldn't do coke or drink, wouldn't have gotten a DUI, and certainly wouldn't have impregnated a 15-year-old in Houston and then arranged for her to get an abortion.
He wouldn't have mocked a woman on death row, wouldn't have set a record for executions in Texas without thoroughly examining the cases with data provided by Al Gonzales, and would never think of cutting veterans' benefits while sending soldiers off to fight and die in every Godforsaken hellhole on the planet.
He WOULD dress up and play Top Gun and declare 'Mission Accomplished' despite the fact that US soldiers are still being killed on a daily basis, and he would bark "Bring 'em on" like a 12-year old on the playground when the fallacy of his policy of constant global war begins to come home and roost.
What a fine Christian man he is.
Anyone who believes Bush is a 'fine Christian man' is more stupid than Bush.