kickycan wrote:
Your blindness to your own hypocrisy is astounding. You asked for ideas, and I gave you one. I didn't say whether I was for or against it, I was just answering your idiotic accusation that everyone is bashing poor little Georgie without bringing any other ideas to the table. Barak has brought one. You bashed it. And why? Because...hmmm...let me see...oh yeah, because he's a liberal.
What a dick.
Besides, I thought you conservatives liked it when people stick to their guns. The moron-in-chief hasn't changed his one-note symphony of stupidity in six years, and you seem to just love that. I guess you only like it when it suits your delusion du jour.
Have a lovely day, Ms. Coulter.
First order of response, KickyCan, is as long as you refer to me as Ms. Coulter, I'm telling everyone that behind your tough-looking avatar, this is your TRUE identity! Yes, folks KickyCan is actually...
Ethel Mertz!
All right. Down to business. Let's cut the B.S. and deal with Barak's speech.
Obama Barak is a smart enough guy who's definitely going places. He's a very likeable and charismatic candidate. As a matter of fact, his personality shines so much, his personality can overshadow what he is actually saying and doing. He is the consumate politician. This is that gift of gab that Bill Clinton has.
Let's look at the opening paragraph in the Chicago Tribune's article:
Quote:Amid intense speculation about whether he will run for president, Sen. Barack Obama on Monday used the spotlight to showcase his strategy for the war in Iraq, excoriating the Bush administration for its 'misguided' war and describing a solution that includes dialogue with hostile nations in the region.
As I read it Barak had two main points as the centerposts of his speech at the Hilton. One point is that we hold dialog with hostile countries. The other is that Syria, Iran & Iraq hold talks to hammer something out. There are a few other sidepoints, mainly that he disagrees with Biden's idea and doesn't support the draft.
On Barak's First Point:I disagree entirely. That's exactly what Bill Clinton did when he attempted to broker a peace acord between Israel and the PLO. I went into the results in detail in another post but after Israel offered Arafat everything that Arafat asked for, including unconditional withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza with a complete cease fire. Arafat laughed at Bill Clinton and walked out on the talks.
Carter went to North Korea to hold direct talks with Kim Jong-Il, for which Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize. While everyone was celebrating and patting themselves on the back, North Korea built nuclear weapons.
If I acted like a dick over this article, it's because Obama Barak brings up the U.S. talking with Syria and Iran, the exercise is useless because in that part of the world, force is the only thing that these governments understand. That too sounds pretty crass, but behind the conclusion is the long history of experience with mid-eastern countries. As long as the U.S. shows any support for Israel, we will be these Arab countries' enemies. There are some exceptions or semi-exceptions as in the case of the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Jordan and Pakistan to a very small extent. That makes Barak's rosy statements excellent campaign material but well naive or disingenuous, from a historic viewpoint.
Having "dialog with hostile nations" is what the toothless United Nations is all about. How effective was all the dialog with Saddam Hussein? How effective was all the dialog with Kim Jong-Il?
Funny enough, I heard this weekend that Iraq has been invited to share in summit talks with Iran and Syria. Here was the *one* specific that Obama Barak mentioned in the speech and I have no idea how that is going to turn out. If it turns out well, I may change my point of view about Barak and actually consider him usefully intelligent instead of just the same old left viewpoint in a slick package.
...and please don't forget to give Mr. Mertz my regards.