Re: Christain Ease...
Raul-7 wrote:hephzibah wrote:So if I got in an accident and lose my sight would that then be God "unblessing" me? Why is it you all want to give God credit for all the good stuff but then deny Him any responsibility in anything looked at as "bad"?
No, everything is from God - good and bad. Did you not read the hadeeth I posted earlier? The good are blessings, the bad are to test your faith.
hephzibah wrote:
I think you are thinking a bit to hard about why I lost my faith. But let me clarify just a bit. I didn't "lose" anything. I willingly gave it up. Not out of anger. Not out of spite. But simply because I finally got a chance to see this whole "God" concept outside of the perception of being in desperate need of a savior.
So what are you saying, that you need a break from believeing in God?
hephzibah wrote:
You know it's funny Raul that you should make that comment about me trying to make my life easier. My life is anything but easy right now. However I don't blame a "God" for that. I blame the fact that I'm alive, that life happens, and so does death. I blame the fact that no matter how hard we try we just can't control everything. I blame the fact that sometimes I make bad choices and end up paying a price for that for a while. It's all part of life Raul. I don't need a "God" to tell me that. It also strikes me as odd that you would even say that to ME. I'm not the one looking for a free ride through life here Raul. You are.
True. But then again this is part of your decreed destiny. Often times things happen to you, not the other way around.
This being the case, a person of faith always shows deference to the events he encounters. Forgetting or ignoring the fact that all situations in life are ordained by God is the greatest harm one can ever do to oneself; bringing nothing but deep distress. Whether you acknowledges this fact or not, it does not change what is predestined for you; ultimately the course of all affairs is predetermined by fate.
Nothing occurs, either in the earth or in yourselves, without its being in a Book before We make it happen. That is something easy for Allah. (Surat al-Hadid: 22)
Like you said, **** happens!
Man... you need an out of body experience dude. You really do. I so wish you could actually hear what you are saying.
Lash wrote:This is outrageous!
Last night I was thinking of starting just this type of thread. <Twilight>
I dearly love my mother and sister--but I find it almost impossible to bear when someone has been told they have cancer, or their child is strung out on drugs or any number of things that happen in this life to everyone eventually, and I hear the phrases: "Well, just pray really hard" or "Believe a miracle"...something similar.
It is a nice thought. I know they mean well and most of the people in the church seem to take it well, but I just grit my teeth. I've prayed for people before and I consider it a loving thing, but to me --telling someone to pray in response to things like illnesses and stuff pisses me off.
If they pray hard enough--will they be healed? (that would be a no)
Does this intimate that abused children didn't pray quite hard enough for God to stop daddy from beating them? ....Others who prayed to ward off a rape or cancer or the death of their child or for food if they were hungry--are they poor pray-ers? Does God just not love them as much? Are the ones who's lives seem to move forward with less family illnesses and the like--are they just not on God's Top Ten Most Favorite list or something.
The whole thing smacks of some really mean, unfair racket.
It is completely illogical.
BTW Heph. I've been a member at five or so churches as my family moved across a few states years ago--and they were all like you've said here. They DO think if something goes wrong in your life--it's because "you aren't under the protection of God.... " They say people experiencing problems should take an inventory of what they're doing or "what God is getting your attention for"... The worst thing about this is the people who are horrible, but don't experience much tragedy. They think God is rewarding them for being perfect.
This is how hideous religious fanatics are spawned.
Thanks Lash... now I'm going to go to bed with the twilight zone music running through my head! Hehehe...
As far as the rest of what you wrote. You are absolutely right Lash. It's funny how it makes no sense what so ever to the likes of us... but complete and perfect sense to the "believer". Of course the mind is a very powerful tool I think. I also think that believing for so many years actually strengthened my mind enough to be a free thinker now. But it makes me angry to see a lot of these things that christians say and do in the name of their "God". Of what they represent and how they represent it. Condescending, condemning comments meant to frighten others into believing in a loving God. Hum. Give me a break...
(heph excuses herself for a kit kat bar) Hehe...
Intrepid wrote:Praying may or may not help with any particular situation. Usually, the prayer can find comfort or peace in the act of praying. Sometimes the prayer actually comes true. Sometimes it does not. Sometimes we pray for things that are totally reasonable to us, but are not what God had in mind.
I know people who could not have been more religious, righteous, faithful and full of good who have contracted terrible diseases and died. Why? We cannot know the answer. Was God punishing them? Not likely. Did God have a higher purpose for them? We don't know.
In some cases, the faith within the family has increased. In some cases it has waned. It is hard to blame God for things that we do not understand.
Do those of us who still possess a faith expect something different than someone who does not have faith? We shouldn't. For those of us who believe that God will once again send his son, we have a great expectation that we must await with patience. Are we ensured a place in eternity any more than those who we think may have less or little faith? The answer should be no.
Should God be blamed for a death or disease if we consume nothing but fast food and fatty things while smoking all our lives? We are still responsible for the things that we do. I know, I know, nobody wants to hear about free will. Much of what happens to us, however, is of our own doing.
You know Intrepid you have changed a lot since I first came here.

I can agree that much of what happens to us is of our free will. I know I'm not trying to blame God for all the whoas in the world. But there are also many things we don't do, deserve, ask for, whatever that happen as well. It just seems to me that in all fairness a "loving God" would be loving enough to treat everyone the same.
Intrepid wrote:Raul-7 wrote:Yes, that inner strength is referred to as faith. I'm sure it's immature to rely on our Creator; after all he's the one who is keeping us alive.
It is faith that produces the inner strength. Hope is the foundation of faith and faith provides the strength that we seek. The creator created us, but it up to us to keep ourselves alive. Especially our spiritual life.
Interesting. I think that the reason prayer works for some people, not meaning in terms of whether or not they are answered prayers, is because for some it provides hope. I think that hope is a very important part of life. I don't think that hope has to be placed in a "God" necessarily, but it is still essential to keep moving.
Life experience offers hope in different forms. For me... I've been through a lot and I've actually learned that things don't always suck. They can get pretty darn crappy sometimes, but... it will get better eventually. That is my hope. That is what keeps me going. Knowing I'm not going to have to live in an endless mess for the rest of my life.
I think there is definitely a connection between the mental and physical. Prayer that is not centered on oneself is beneficial in getting someone's focus off of their problem. I think that can be good in some ways. To make yourself more aware of what's going on outside of your little bubble. Problem is, that I've seen at least, is most prayer can be self centered... bless me... prosper me... show me... give me... do for me... oh yeah... by the way... please heal john doe's cancer. In Jesus name... amen.
That kind of prayer only feeds the ego of the person praying. Sometimes even praying for others works out to feeding someone's ego. After all, many like to puff out their chests and say, "Hey look at me! I prayed for 12 sinners today!" *sigh* I'm rambling. Sorry. It's past my bed time. Catch ya'll later.