Bartikus wrote:flushd wrote:Raul and Bart, you haven't even bothered to try and be relevent. Have a coffee or something. /Re-read the original post.
Heph is hurt and I understand. My mother died very young from M.S.
She is trying to make sense of it all.
I think we all do at times. I don't believe the trials in life are in vain. One only needs to look at the life of Christ to see this.
For those who prefer...Martin Luther King, Muhatmu Ghandi.....etc.
One might say.."what good can come of all this"?
My answer is that at one time i could not see any benefit from my sufferings as a child. Then I was blind but now I can see.
I can appreciate that post.
Sure, we all look to find meaning in life.
For some, meaning comes from a structured faith in Jesus, or Allah, or by looking up to some hero from the past.
It is all a personal choice. What meaning you take, or lack of meaning, you choose to take.
"I was blind but now I can see." Amazing Grace! lol.

That's a good song.
What I disagree with, in your posts and Raul's posts, is an insistence that lack of faith (of a particular type, of a particular diety) is the
cause of unfortunate events.
AS though, lack of faith actually causes a family member to get sick. As though there were a personal responsibility for it.
Sometimes, 'bad' and unpleasant things happen. Death - we are mortal.
Sickness - we are mortal.
Must there be an answer? Must there be the question "why? Why me/him/her?"
People get sick all the time because humans are mortal. That seems answer enough to me why people die, and get ill.
Anyways, I may be talking to the wind right now, and that would be too bad. Because I don't necessarily think you are a bad person - you may very well be a very kind loving person - just because you believe differently than I.
I do think, that it is not fair nor right - it causes suffering - to put personal responsiblity where it does not belong.
Heph's lack of faith did not cause him to become ill. Being human is how it happened.
Charity is all good - especially when it starts with openly admiting a mistake that could cause harm to other human beings. It's not something 'out there' that you give - it is your very being that is charitible or not. REGARDLESS of what you gain, either from the world OR God.
peace out.