Christain Ease...

Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 12:57 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Will somebody please inform Raul there are millions of innocent chlidren starving on this planet today - even some in the good 'ole US of A?

Whose to blame for that?

Life on earth (in this life) is what we make of it right?
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 01:15 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
So, Raul, is that god's answer to feed the starving? On which planet do you live?

The kind of planet that reflects the nature of it's inhabitants. Most inhabitants are not looking for God's answers then curse God for the world they are in.

see previous post.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:04 am
Bartikus wrote:
Raul-7 wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Will somebody please inform Raul there are millions of innocent chlidren starving on this planet today - even some in the good 'ole US of A?

Well why don't you pay zakat (charity) or convince everyone around the world who hasn't, to do so? If everyone paid just 2.5% of their income every year (which is obligitory on every Muslim) in the cause of charity then there would be no starving people. If you give in the way of God (which is to the needy, homeless, orphans, etc.) then he will increase his bounties upon you.

Reminds me of the story of a man who asked God why he won't send someone to help this world and those who suffer.

God says I did....I sent you.

You're right. This part of why we're on this Earth. Paying charity is very much loved and appreciated deed to God.

cicerone imposter, there is a verse where it says something to the effect of; you are not true believers untill you can donate what you love most, in the cause of Allah.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 04:01 am
Bartikus wrote:
flushd wrote:
Raul and Bart, you haven't even bothered to try and be relevent. Have a coffee or something. /Re-read the original post.

Heph is hurt and I understand. My mother died very young from M.S.

She is trying to make sense of it all.

I think we all do at times. I don't believe the trials in life are in vain. One only needs to look at the life of Christ to see this.

For those who prefer...Martin Luther King, Muhatmu Ghandi.....etc.

One might say.."what good can come of all this"?

My answer is that at one time i could not see any benefit from my sufferings as a child. Then I was blind but now I can see.


I can appreciate that post.

Sure, we all look to find meaning in life.

For some, meaning comes from a structured faith in Jesus, or Allah, or by looking up to some hero from the past.

It is all a personal choice. What meaning you take, or lack of meaning, you choose to take.

"I was blind but now I can see." Amazing Grace! lol. Smile That's a good song.

What I disagree with, in your posts and Raul's posts, is an insistence that lack of faith (of a particular type, of a particular diety) is the cause of unfortunate events.

AS though, lack of faith actually causes a family member to get sick. As though there were a personal responsibility for it.

Sometimes, 'bad' and unpleasant things happen. Death - we are mortal.
Sickness - we are mortal.

Must there be an answer? Must there be the question "why? Why me/him/her?"

People get sick all the time because humans are mortal. That seems answer enough to me why people die, and get ill.

Anyways, I may be talking to the wind right now, and that would be too bad. Because I don't necessarily think you are a bad person - you may very well be a very kind loving person - just because you believe differently than I.

I do think, that it is not fair nor right - it causes suffering - to put personal responsiblity where it does not belong.
Heph's lack of faith did not cause him to become ill. Being human is how it happened.

Charity is all good - especially when it starts with openly admiting a mistake that could cause harm to other human beings. It's not something 'out there' that you give - it is your very being that is charitible or not. REGARDLESS of what you gain, either from the world OR God.

peace out.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 05:40 am
flushd wrote:
What I disagree with, in your posts and Raul's posts, is an insistence that lack of faith (of a particular type, of a particular diety) is the cause of unfortunate events.

AS though, lack of faith actually causes a family member to get sick. As though there were a personal responsibility for it.

Where did I insist that lack of faith was the cause of unfortunate events or the cause of illness?

Some of the most faithful people I ever knew have suffered the most.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 07:18 am
Bartikus wrote:
flushd wrote:
Raul and Bart, you haven't even bothered to try and be relevent. Have a coffee or something. /Re-read the original post.

Heph is hurt and I understand. My mother died very young from M.S.

She is trying to make sense of it all.

I think we all do at times. I don't believe the trials in life are in vain. One only needs to look at the life of Christ to see this.

For those who prefer...Martin Luther King, Muhatmu Ghandi.....etc.

One might say.."what good can come of all this"?

My answer is that at one time i could not see any benefit from my sufferings as a child. Then I was blind but now I can see.

I am sorry you had to go through losing your mother Bartikus. It is difficult and I can sympathize with the pain you felt. However, I am so glad I did not see this last night.


You have no clue really how incredibly selfish and ignorant you sound right now.

Absolutely no clue, do you?

I know you want to help, and might even think you are, and I appreciate that. But you aren't helping. And here's why:

You truly are a perfect example of why I started this thread in the first place. You, in this response, have done the one thing in life that absolutely drives me nuts but runs RAMPANT among christianity. You've given a couple of "pat" answers:

"I don't believe the trials in life are in vain. One only needs to look at the life of Christ to see this."

"I was blind but now I see"

What kind of answer is that? Really, think about this. How is that suppose to help anyone but YOU?

I've finally figured it out. Christianity breeds complete and utter selfishness disguised as selflessness, because in the mind of the "believer" it's all about "Christ".

But in reality...

It's all about them.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 08:38 am
Noddy24 wrote:
Why would "God" reduce your father and stepfather to mere pawns in your personal redemption.

Don't they have life scripts of their own?

I was quite taken by Noddy's post on the first page of this thread. It suggests that "God" values one Christian/Muslim/Jew more than another.


I now believe that all we can do is live the best lives we can. Try not to harm anyone else, be loving, be kind to all other living species, take care of our own messes. There was a time I'd have said that meant I was telling people to live good Christian lives. I've dropped the Christian/religious label part of the equation.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 09:15 am
Great post Hep.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 11:03 am
What the christians are claiming is that god produces two headed children to test the parents.

Great logic.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 02:05 pm
flushd wrote:

What I disagree with, in your posts and Raul's posts, is an insistence that lack of faith (of a particular type, of a particular diety) is the cause of unfortunate events.

AS though, lack of faith actually causes a family member to get sick. As though there were a personal responsibility for it.

Sometimes, 'bad' and unpleasant things happen. Death - we are mortal.
Sickness - we are mortal.

People get sick all the time because humans are mortal. That seems answer enough to me why people die, and get ill.

Anyways, I may be talking to the wind right now, and that would be too bad. Because I don't necessarily think you are a bad person - you may very well be a very kind loving person - just because you believe differently than I.

I do think, that it is not fair nor right - it causes suffering - to put personal responsiblity where it does not belong.
Heph's lack of faith did not cause him to become ill. Being human is how it happened.

Charity is all good - especially when it starts with openly admiting a mistake that could cause harm to other human beings. It's not something 'out there' that you give - it is your very being that is charitible or not. REGARDLESS of what you gain, either from the world OR God.

A person's faith does not determine what's going to happen to them in the life either from bad or good. These matters are already decreed for them beforehand, God is not bound by time. Everyone will get what they deserve on the Day of Judgment, no soul will be wronged.

The only thing faith will change is the outcome of these events, for example if someone loses their job (decreed), yet remains steadfast and patient God will ease his path and he will find another job soon after, probably even better.

There are plenty of nonbelievers who have much better lives than believers (or so you may think), but what they won't have is a share of it
in the Hereafter.

Nothing occurs, either in the Earth or in yourselves, without its being in a Book before We make it happen. That is something easy for Allah. That is so that you will not be grieved about the things that pass you by or exult about the things that come to you. Allah does not love any vain or boastful man. (Surat al-Hadid, 22-23)
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 02:57 pm
Raul wrote: The only thing faith will change is the outcome of these events, for example if someone loses their job (decreed), yet remains steadfast and patient God will ease his path and he will find another job soon after, probably even better.

Prove this statement with facts and figures, not some mumbo jumbo.
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Doktor S
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 02:59 pm
Raul-7 wrote:
flushd wrote:

What I disagree with, in your posts and Raul's posts, is an insistence that lack of faith (of a particular type, of a particular diety) is the cause of unfortunate events.

AS though, lack of faith actually causes a family member to get sick. As though there were a personal responsibility for it.

Sometimes, 'bad' and unpleasant things happen. Death - we are mortal.
Sickness - we are mortal.

People get sick all the time because humans are mortal. That seems answer enough to me why people die, and get ill.

Anyways, I may be talking to the wind right now, and that would be too bad. Because I don't necessarily think you are a bad person - you may very well be a very kind loving person - just because you believe differently than I.

I do think, that it is not fair nor right - it causes suffering - to put personal responsiblity where it does not belong.
Heph's lack of faith did not cause him to become ill. Being human is how it happened.

Charity is all good - especially when it starts with openly admiting a mistake that could cause harm to other human beings. It's not something 'out there' that you give - it is your very being that is charitible or not. REGARDLESS of what you gain, either from the world OR God.

A person's faith does not determine what's going to happen to them in the life either from bad or good. These matters are already decreed for them beforehand, God is not bound by time. Everyone will get what they deserve on the Day of Judgment, no soul will be wronged.

The only thing faith will change is the outcome of these events, for example if someone loses their job (decreed), yet remains steadfast and patient God will ease his path and he will find another job soon after, probably even better.

There are plenty of nonbelievers who have much better lives than believers (or so you may think), but what they won't have is a share of it
in the Hereafter.

Nothing occurs, either in the Earth or in yourselves, without its being in a Book before We make it happen. That is something easy for Allah. That is so that you will not be grieved about the things that pass you by or exult about the things that come to you. Allah does not love any vain or boastful man. (Surat al-Hadid, 22-23)

Thank you for that 'matter of fact' bit of pure nonsense.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:02 pm
Doktor S wrote:

Thank you for that 'matter of fact' bit of pure nonsense.

Your the last person to comment when your busy following Satan.
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Doktor S
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:06 pm
Raul-7 wrote:
Doktor S wrote:

Thank you for that 'matter of fact' bit of pure nonsense.

Your the last person to comment when your busy following Satan.

Even if that were true(it is, as most of what you say, pure fantasy), and I did follow the dark pitchfork bearing prince of darkness, I would still be in a position to mock islam.

When is the last time a Satanist blew up a building in the name of Satan?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:08 pm
"...share of 'it' in the hereafter." is so much bullshet. 1. Prove there's a god, but especially "your" god. 2. Prove there's a hereafter with observable facts. 3. Show us where the bible is anything but a Jewish historical document. 4. Show us how many statements in the bible shows "god is love?" 5. Show us in the bible where god is merciful? 6. Prove to us the world flood. 7. Show us that this earth is only 7,000 years old based on the bible? 8. Show us how the scientists, both paleontologists and anthropologists are all wrong that man originated in Africa. 9. Study the six days of creation, and show us why there are so many errors and omissions. 10. Tell us why the US with over 80 percent christians is one of the most crime infested nations in the developed countries?
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:22 pm
1) There is only God, he is the God of the Gospel, Torah and Quran. Not Jesus (who is simply a messenger), but God.

2) There are many signs that will lead up to the Hour, the minor signs have already come upon us.

'Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "The Prophet said: 'If my Ummah bears fifteen
traits, tribulation will befall it.' Someone asked, 'What are they, O
Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor; when a trust becomes a means of making a profit; when paying Zakat becomes a burden; when a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly whilst shunning his father; when voices are raised in the mosques; when the leader of a people is the worst of them; when people treat a man with respect because they fear some evil he may do; when much wine is drunk; when men wear silk; when female singers and musical instruments become popular; when the last ones of this Ummah curse the first ones - then let them expect a red wind, or the earth to swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.'
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:30 pm
That's not proof in any sense of the word. PROOF - (evidence) demonstration, verification, case, reasons, exhibits, credentials, data, warrant, confirmation, substantiation....
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 03:55 pm
hephzibah wrote:

You have no clue really how incredibly selfish and ignorant you sound right now.

Absolutely no clue, do you?

I know you want to help, and might even think you are, and I appreciate that. But you aren't helping.

I've finally figured it out. Christianity breeds complete and utter selfishness disguised as selflessness, because in the mind of the "believer" it's all about "Christ".

But in reality...

It's all about them.

I sound incredibly selfish yet, you know I want to help.

Maybe I am ignorant Heph. Maybe what I'm saying to you is what I say to myself many a times.

I'm glad you have things figured out with Christianity and apparently me.

Truth is I don't even know you and do not know your situation. You don't know me Heph.

I'm sorry Heph. I would like to be helpful and as loving towards others as I can. I admit I'm not very good at it.

I try. That's all I was doing Heph. Just trying. That's all anyone can do.

I hope you will be well and wish you peace.

The same to you all. Everyone.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 04:28 pm
Bartikus. I'm sorry. I know you want to help and were trying to. I sincerely do. I wasn't out to hurt your feelings with that last post or to make you feel like a bad person. I don't think you are. I don't think you walk around intending for the things you say to be taken as selfish or ignorant, and by the way, I can be pretty darn selfish and ignorant myself sometimes, and thank you for not pointing that out.

I just want you to see christianity for what it is. I was so entrenched in it. So consumed by it for so long that sometimes when things pop out at me like that it still makes my heart skip a beat. Especially right now with the other things going on in my life. Bartikus we are all just people trying to find our way through this life. That much of my belief system hasn't changed. I don't hold what you believe against you personally, however, I won't keep my mouth closed anymore when something strikes me like that did.

I will try to be kinder though. I can give you and everyone else that much.
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Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2006 05:29 pm
There was a time when I lost someone close to me suddenly. I was just a kid then.

Family friend, a good guy who was/is a devout Catholic, turns to me after I have come out from seeing some really horrible **** which I will not name here, turns to me and puts his hand on my shoulder and says

"It is all part of God's plan. He is happy now. God only takes those he loves the best so soon."

Took more than the strength of a superwoman to hold myself back from punching that kind man right in the nose.

To him, sure, he may have thought he was doing a good thing. Comforting me, even. And I feel with all the fibres in my body that he believed those words.

To me, it was like slapping me in the face when I was down.

People want the truth, they need the truth, especially in times of hardship. What a condescending, injustice to a person to deny them their free right to grieve a human life for exactly for what it is worth. One person meaning something to another person, and to a world. That is enough.
More than enough.


Raul, threatening me or anyone else with not getting a share in some HereAfter is no threat at all. It's rather pathetic to live one's life with perpetual hopes of what happiness you can get once you are dead.

Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket.
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