Christain Ease...

Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 12:26 am
That's not crazy, that's reality. God is fair, everyone get's what they deserve in the hereafter. If he wasn't fair then we would all be destined to go to Hell for all of us are sinners.

If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the surface of the earth one single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated term: when their term expires, truly, (they will know that ) God has in His sight all His Servants. (Fatir, 45)

As for your other question about destiny. God created time, thus he is not bound by it like we are. He does not merely watch what is happening and wait to see their consequences, he makes it happen.

We have created all things according to a fixed decree. (Surat al-Qamar: 49)

And further from the Prophet (PBUH):

A servant of God can have no real faith unless he believes in fate with its good and evil sides and knows that he cannot prevent anything that befalls him (good or evil) and he cannot catch anything that escapes from him (good or evil).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 12:48 am
So, Raul, is there any chance you/we could stop with all this for a few minutes and just talk?

Where do you live (in general), how are you doing, what are your aggravations? What are the good things?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 12:56 am
I realize my question was off topic... but I'm trying to steer off of all of us thinking in stereotype and actually talking calmly as people who disagree.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 01:03 am
Mr. Green Osso.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 01:34 am
Re: Christain Ease...
real life wrote:
hephzibah wrote:

Why? You ask. Well let me tell ya. Smile

Because "christian beliefs" say that God only "protects" you and yours as long as you serve Him and do things His way. Otherwise the "enemy" has a "legal right" to do whatever he wants to us. Therefore, "logically" speaking (according to christian beliefs that is) it could be considered my fault both my fathers are going through this because I no longer serve God, therefore He is under no obligation to protect me or anyone in my family. Satan has taken over my family. Shocked


Is it just me or does that really sound as ridiculous as I think it does?

While you may find some Christians who hold this as their 'christian belief', you won't find it in the Bible.

If it were true, all non-Christians would be sick, in poverty, etc. As you know, they are not.

It is based on a misunderstanding of the Bible.

One cannot earn God's favor or protection ( for self or family or anyone else) by being good, no matter how good you are.

For instance, God hears and answers prayer. Not because we deserve it. We don't. But He does it because He is gracious and merciful.

If you pray and are expecting an answer based on what you've done, that's works, not faith based on grace.

Yup I know RL. There's a lot of misunderstanding in christianity I think. Pretty much anything that doesn't have to do with "faith" is misunderstood, and logic of any sort is well... just plain silly. Not trying to be sarcastic or rude here RL. Honest. I've been through the whole thing though. Nope, God doesn't bless based on works, however if you don't do what He wants you to do He won't bless you, or worse yet, He could curse you like He did in the OT.

real life wrote:
hephzibah wrote:
My my, I sure was laying on the sarcasm pretty thick this morning. Man I need to get more sleep. LOL

Alright, well you know, I know all belief systems don't teach this kind of stuff. Where I lived spiritually for 17 years did though. I don't know that anything I say will have an effect on anyone who still is totally engrossed in these kinds of beliefs. However, I've still got to say it. Even if it is out of sheer anger and disappointment. I don't care.

The anger and disappointment isn't based on my current circumstances though. It is the realization of how manipulated, lied to, and deceived I was. To realize how faith is really only used to mask things that either don't make sense logically, or that aren't understood and never could be. It's ridiculous and it makes me sad.

Is there a "God"? I don't know. I honestly don't. I can tell you this though, it is my opinion that if there is, He must be greatly disappointed in how He is being made out to be to people here.

Why should you be angry that some people you know and love still sometimes misunderstand God?

Don't you? Sometimes I do too.

They are as human as you are. Forgive them.

I'm not angry at anyone RL. I'm disappointed and angry that it all turned out to be a big joke. On me. *shakes her head* No one has done anything to make me angry at this exact moment. However, sometimes people grind my nerves. Like that friend that was condemning me to hell. If someone offends me I will forgive them. That's one good thing that has come out of all this actually. I learned how to forgive and let go. I don't mind letting people off the hook when they screw up because I know I screw up too sometimes and boy I'd sure like to be let off the hook once in a while too.

Raul-7 wrote:
That's not crazy, that's reality. God is fair, everyone get's what they deserve in the hereafter. If he wasn't fair then we would all be destined to go to Hell for all of us are sinners.

If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the surface of the earth one single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated term: when their term expires, truly, (they will know that ) God has in His sight all His Servants. (Fatir, 45)

As for your other question about destiny. God created time, thus he is not bound by it like we are. He does not merely watch what is happening and wait to see their consequences, he makes it happen.

We have created all things according to a fixed decree. (Surat al-Qamar: 49)

And further from the Prophet (PBUH):

A servant of God can have no real faith unless he believes in fate with its good and evil sides and knows that he cannot prevent anything that befalls him (good or evil) and he cannot catch anything that escapes from him (good or evil).

It's your reality Raul. Not mine. So take it. Run with it. But... PUULEEASE... don't beat me over the head with it. :wink: Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 02:24 am
Re: Christain Ease...
hephzibah wrote:
Nope, God doesn't bless based on works, however if you don't do what He wants you to do He won't bless you, or worse yet, He could curse you like He did in the OT.

What do you mean, he has already blessed you with a lot of things - like the ability to see, hear, breath, walk. However, mankind is always ungrateful and always wants more when in reality there are people much more worse off. Anyways, for those who are grateful God will increase them in their blessings.

I think you have lost your faith because you believe God isn't listening to your prayers? As I said this life isn't easy, we will all be tested whether in various ways you choose to accept it or not. This is the concept of this temporary life, and whoever remains steadfast and patient they will be among the winners.

hephzibah wrote:
It's your reality Raul. Not mine. So take it. Run with it. But... PUULEEASE... don't beat me over the head with it. :wink: Thanks.

It's everyones reality, denying the existence isn't going to make your life any easier. In fact, it's only going to get more stressful.

"But if anyone turns away from My reminder, his life will be a dark and narrow one…" (Qur'an, 20:124)

And don't worry, I'm not going to force you to believe. I'm just trying to help you get rid of these misconceptions you have. Turning away from God isn't the solution to your problems.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 02:37 am
Oh, well.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 02:52 am
Re: Christain Ease...
Raul-7 wrote:
hephzibah wrote:
Nope, God doesn't bless based on works, however if you don't do what He wants you to do He won't bless you, or worse yet, He could curse you like He did in the OT.

What do you mean, he has already blessed you with a lot of things - like the ability to see, hear, breath, walk. However, mankind is always ungrateful and always wants more when in reality there are people much more worse off. Anyways, for those who are grateful God will increase them in their blessings.

I think you have lost your faith because you believe God isn't listening to your prayers? As I said this life isn't easy, we will all be tested whether in various ways you choose to accept it or not. This is the concept of this temporary life, and whoever remains steadfast and patient they will be among the winners.

hephzibah wrote:
It's your reality Raul. Not mine. So take it. Run with it. But... PUULEEASE... don't beat me over the head with it. :wink: Thanks.

It's everyones reality, denying the existence isn't going to make your life any easier. In fact, it's only going to get more stressful.

"But if anyone turns away from My reminder, his life will be a dark and narrow one…" (Qur'an, 20:124)

And don't worry, I'm not going to force you to believe. I'm just trying to help you get rid of these misconceptions you have. Turning away from God isn't the solution to your problems.

So if I got in an accident and lose my sight would that then be God "unblessing" me? Why is it you all want to give God credit for all the good stuff but then deny Him any responsibility in anything looked at as "bad"?

I think you are thinking a bit to hard about why I lost my faith. But let me clarify just a bit. I didn't "lose" anything. I willingly gave it up. Not out of anger. Not out of spite. But simply because I finally got a chance to see this whole "God" concept outside of the perception of being in desperate need of a savior.

You know it's funny Raul that you should make that comment about me trying to make my life easier. My life is anything but easy right now. However I don't blame a "God" for that. I blame the fact that I'm alive, that life happens, and so does death. I blame the fact that no matter how hard we try we just can't control everything. I blame the fact that sometimes I make bad choices and end up paying a price for that for a while. It's all part of life Raul. I don't need a "God" to tell me that. It also strikes me as odd that you would even say that to ME. I'm not the one looking for a free ride through life here Raul. You are.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 06:43 am
hepzibah wrote:
You know it's funny Raul that you should make that comment about me trying to make my life easier. My life is anything but easy right now. However I don't blame a "God" for that. I blame the fact that I'm alive, that life happens, and so does death. I blame the fact that no matter how hard we try we just can't control everything. I blame the fact that sometimes I make bad choices and end up paying a price for that for a while. It's all part of life Raul. I don't need a "God" to tell me that. It also strikes me as odd that you would even say that to ME. I'm not the one looking for a free ride through life here Raul. You are.

Way to go, girl. In the time that I have known you, you have matured so much, that I think it is absolutely amazing. It is so much more difficult for a person to take the ultimately responsibility for what happens in his life on himself. It is so much easier to wish for, or pray for something, when the mature way for a person to accomplish something is to grapple with the problem, and solve it himself.

I think that you understand this now, and are on the right track! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 10:26 am
Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 01:12 pm
Re: Christain Ease...
hephzibah wrote:
So if I got in an accident and lose my sight would that then be God "unblessing" me? Why is it you all want to give God credit for all the good stuff but then deny Him any responsibility in anything looked at as "bad"?

No, everything is from God - good and bad. Did you not read the hadeeth I posted earlier? The good are blessings, the bad are to test your faith.

hephzibah wrote:

I think you are thinking a bit to hard about why I lost my faith. But let me clarify just a bit. I didn't "lose" anything. I willingly gave it up. Not out of anger. Not out of spite. But simply because I finally got a chance to see this whole "God" concept outside of the perception of being in desperate need of a savior.

So what are you saying, that you need a break from believeing in God?

hephzibah wrote:

You know it's funny Raul that you should make that comment about me trying to make my life easier. My life is anything but easy right now. However I don't blame a "God" for that. I blame the fact that I'm alive, that life happens, and so does death. I blame the fact that no matter how hard we try we just can't control everything. I blame the fact that sometimes I make bad choices and end up paying a price for that for a while. It's all part of life Raul. I don't need a "God" to tell me that. It also strikes me as odd that you would even say that to ME. I'm not the one looking for a free ride through life here Raul. You are.

True. But then again this is part of your decreed destiny. Often times things happen to you, not the other way around.

This being the case, a person of faith always shows deference to the events he encounters. Forgetting or ignoring the fact that all situations in life are ordained by God is the greatest harm one can ever do to oneself; bringing nothing but deep distress. Whether you acknowledges this fact or not, it does not change what is predestined for you; ultimately the course of all affairs is predetermined by fate.

Nothing occurs, either in the earth or in yourselves, without its being in a Book before We make it happen. That is something easy for Allah. (Surat al-Hadid: 22)

Like you said, **** happens!
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 01:34 pm
Re: Christain Ease...
hephzibah wrote:

You know it's funny Raul that you should make that comment about me trying to make my life easier. My life is anything but easy right now. However I don't blame a "God" for that. I blame the fact that I'm alive, that life happens, and so does death. I blame the fact that no matter how hard we try we just can't control everything. I blame the fact that sometimes I make bad choices and end up paying a price for that for a while. It's all part of life Raul. I don't need a "God" to tell me that. It also strikes me as odd that you would even say that to ME. I'm not the one looking for a free ride through life here Raul. You are.
brilliant hephz
thats the way it is...respect to you

I really think its time skeptics agnostics atheists and the vast majority of mankind started to stand up to these religious fanatics and bullies.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 03:08 pm
This is outrageous!

Last night I was thinking of starting just this type of thread. <Twilight Zone music fades in> Very Happy

I dearly love my mother and sister--but I find it almost impossible to bear when someone has been told they have cancer, or their child is strung out on drugs or any number of things that happen in this life to everyone eventually, and I hear the phrases: "Well, just pray really hard" or "Believe a miracle"...something similar.

It is a nice thought. I know they mean well and most of the people in the church seem to take it well, but I just grit my teeth. I've prayed for people before and I consider it a loving thing, but to me --telling someone to pray in response to things like illnesses and stuff pisses me off.

If they pray hard enough--will they be healed? (that would be a no)

Does this intimate that abused children didn't pray quite hard enough for God to stop daddy from beating them? ....Others who prayed to ward off a rape or cancer or the death of their child or for food if they were hungry--are they poor pray-ers? Does God just not love them as much? Are the ones who's lives seem to move forward with less family illnesses and the like--are they just not on God's Top Ten Most Favorite list or something.

The whole thing smacks of some really mean, unfair racket.

It is completely illogical.

BTW Heph. I've been a member at five or so churches as my family moved across a few states years ago--and they were all like you've said here. They DO think if something goes wrong in your life--it's because "you aren't under the protection of God.... " They say people experiencing problems should take an inventory of what they're doing or "what God is getting your attention for"... The worst thing about this is the people who are horrible, but don't experience much tragedy. They think God is rewarding them for being perfect. This is how hideous religious fanatics are spawned.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 03:11 pm
Lash, There's the other side to that claim; all my siblings, christians all, claim that our life has turned out well, because our mother prayed every day for it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 03:18 pm
Praying may or may not help with any particular situation. Usually, the prayer can find comfort or peace in the act of praying. Sometimes the prayer actually comes true. Sometimes it does not. Sometimes we pray for things that are totally reasonable to us, but are not what God had in mind.

I know people who could not have been more religious, righteous, faithful and full of good who have contracted terrible diseases and died. Why? We cannot know the answer. Was God punishing them? Not likely. Did God have a higher purpose for them? We don't know.

In some cases, the faith within the family has increased. In some cases it has waned. It is hard to blame God for things that we do not understand.

Do those of us who still possess a faith expect something different than someone who does not have faith? We shouldn't. For those of us who believe that God will once again send his son, we have a great expectation that we must await with patience. Are we ensured a place in eternity any more than those who we think may have less or little faith? The answer should be no.

Should God be blamed for a death or disease if we consume nothing but fast food and fatty things while smoking all our lives? We are still responsible for the things that we do. I know, I know, nobody wants to hear about free will. Much of what happens to us, however, is of our own doing.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 03:31 pm
Only god knows the answer; humans are too dumb to figure it out.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 04:00 pm
I was just curious if anyone would be able to give a convincing reason why people should pray--related to outcome.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 04:39 pm
Lash wrote:
I was just curious if anyone would be able to give a convincing reason why people should pray--related to outcome.

Guess who is going to answer this question? Me, who does not believe in a god. I think, that to a believer, prayer can be very valuable, but not for the reason that he thinks.

I am a big believer in the mind/body connection. I think that when people are in crisis, if they can get their emotions under control, they give their bodies a better chance at healing. It all has to do with maximizing the work of the immune system. For the faithful, prayer can do it; for others it is meditation and imagery, and for others, happy distractions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 04:41 pm
Hi, Phoenix!

Wouldn't it be healthier to just do the imagery or meditate--rather than beg some non-entity to perform a miracle for you, though? Aren't people sort of putting themselves in a position of believing something sort of self-defeating?


Nice to see you. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 04:41 pm
Lash wrote:
I was just curious if anyone would be able to give a convincing reason why people should pray--related to outcome.

Prayer is actually essential in all the three monotheistic religions.

- For Prophet Musa (Moses):

I am Allah. There is no god but Me, so worship Me and establish salat to remember Me. (Surah Ta Ha, 14)

-For Prophet Isa ( Jesus):

He said: "I am the servant of Allah, He has given me the Book and made me a prophet. He has made me blessed wherever I am and directed me to do salat and give the alms as long as I live." (Surah Maryam, 30-31)

- Maryam (Mary), depicted as a role model for all women, was also commanded to establish salat:

Maryam, obey your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow. (Surah al 'Imran, 43)

Prayer is essential to purify the soul and prevent from headlessness and sinning.

Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish salat. Salat precludes indecency and wrongdoing. And remembrance of Allah is greater still. Allah knows what you do. (Surat al-'Ankabut, 45)

And no doa' (asking God for something) is accepted without establishing regular prayers and it strengthens faith. However, prayers are also means of relieving ones sins, the Prophet (PBUH) said that praying every prayer will expell the believer of the sins he committed between each two prayers. For example, praying the Noon prayer and the Afternoon prayer will forgive him of all the minor sins he committed between those two prayers. Basically, you are constantly forgiven if you establish regular prayers.

Prayer is also considered to be the key to gates of Heaven.

"Surely, those who recite the book of God, observe the Contact Prayers and are charitable both discreetly and openly can hope for an investment that never loses. He will recompense them generously and will multiply His blessings upon them. He is Forgiving, Appreciative." (Quran 35:29-30)
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