Good morning everyone.

I finally found a few spare minutes to start this thread I've been thinking about the last few days. It's about "christian ease". What I mean specifically is the christian language. It's similar to english, however entangled with a few misconceptions I believe.
Here's the scenario:
My real father has been diagnoses as a level four cancer patient.
My step father was told yesterday that the 3 1/2 inch lump on his lung is probably cancer.
I was thinking about this and I suddenly began to feel guilty. Like this is my fault.
Why? You ask. Well let me tell ya.
Because "christian beliefs" say that God only "protects" you and yours as long as you serve Him and do things His way. Otherwise the "enemy" has a "legal right" to do whatever he wants to us. Therefore, "logically" speaking (according to christian beliefs that is) it could be considered my fault both my fathers are going through this because I no longer serve God, therefore He is under no obligation to protect me or anyone in my family. Satan has taken over my family.
Is it just me or does that really sound as ridiculous as I think it does?
So why then? Why should
I feel guilty? Why would this "God" even put me in a position to struggle with feeling guilty like this if He is all loving, all knowing, all whatever?
I thought His love was unconditional.
Looking at this sure does make His love look conditional to me though.
Ya'll have a nice day now... ya hear? :wink: