Thousands of people are dying of cancer etc, courtesy of trans fat. That upsets me, your heart bleeds for businesses that dispense diseases.
Today, however, the overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrates the human health hazards correlated with the consumption of hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids, which means there is no longer any reasonable justification for the use of this ingredient in foods, other than the profitability of the foods being marketed to consumers.
Using hydrogenated oils in foods is a strategy used by manufacturing companies to enhance the taste of their foods, add calories to their foods and extend the shelf life and shelf stability of those foods. This all adds up to higher profits for food companies. The real costs of using this ingredient, however, are shifted to consumers (a process called externalizing costs). Those include the starkly increased risk of a number of degenerative chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, birth defects, cancer, malabsorption of healthy oils and the universal breakdown of cell wall structures throughout all organs and tissues of the body, including nervous system tissues (eyes, brain, spinal cord, etc.).