Re: How come some days I can, and some days I almost can't?
dlowan wrote:Why oh why on some days can I herb along effortlessly (like last Thursday) and barely notice anything (until the last hill in the am) and other days feel like I am having to force myself to put one leg in front of the other, and am really tired when I get to work? Some variation I understand, or when I am ill, but this is nuts.
I experienced the same thing back when I was walking, and still now that I'm on the bike. Since the feeling sometimes changes in the middle of a session, I would like to put it down to attitude, but it may just be a bad program. You do need your rest days, as well as enough rest and sleep on a daily basis.
Actually, I thing you should ask ehBeth and Dagmaraka about this. They both helped when I posted a similar question, way back when, and they both got lot'sa smarts.
You might notice I make no comments about crampyness. That's because I'm clueless. I'm quite serious about who to ask, by the way.